
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, September 14, 2007

SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Harris's attempted overview-- 02


Nobody is trying to assassinate anybody's reputation for the fun of it. All of this started with Melody Maxim criticizing the readiness and professionalism of people (starting with Charles Platt, but moving on to others) in a company she worked for. Most of them people in an impossible situation dealing with problems which nobody in cryonics has been able to fix in any organization, for 40 years (including Melody in her glorious 5 months). That's as much "assassination" as anything gets--- the insinuation that people dealing with a problem which nobody has satisfactorily solved, are somehow "incompetent," because they haven't solved it either. In other threads we've seen how Alcor handles similar situations. This is not to blast Alcor, but merely to note that problems with morticians and standbys in remote cases are a given, in cryonics. Given the situation they had, SA did remarkably well, and as well as any cryonics organization running a remote standby and washout, as I've ever seen in 20 years. (We'll be talking more about specifics in days to come).

Harris's second attempt to divert attention away from the idea that Maxim wasn't there for 5 months-- and George's "nobody gave a l---" comment-- which is pretty effective lingo to use when you're trying to keyword all this stuff-- everyone will recall George saying "nobody gave flying f---"-- about the 5 months Maxim wasn't there-- so Harris tries damage control and does the overview thing again....

Harris then tries to take the focus off the 5 months Maxim was NOT there-- and put it back on the 5 months Maxim WAS there-- as if Maxim's period was the time during which the problem with C81 evolved-- the absense of the correct cannulae-- but if the objective obeserver simply backs away and looks at it-- the 5 months precedeing C81 is the MORE important period pertaining to C81. Harris is ignorning the resistance maxim faced with CPlatt-- but if he's drawying attengint to those Maxim months-- I think its going to bite him back soon-- when maxim gets back.

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