
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, September 14, 2007

SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Harris's overview-- 03-- prisons

Now, some people never learn from getting a dose of their own medicine. Prisons are full of them. When they set out to hurt others, they just feel it's justified, because others don't count, and deserve what they get. Lack of empathy rules. When scrutiny is turned back at THEM, these people do not have a moment of realization about what they are doing, but instead merely feel specially sought out and attacked and persecuted by malicious people. They react with outrage. That is because these people feel the rules they apply to other should not apply to themselves, and even if they did, they feel that their own performance is always perfect. If they're being criticized because they failed to do something, it's somebody else's fault. [+]

My comment-- harris takes this to a new level mentioning prisons. He's framing Maxim psychologically. "These people" he says of Maxim. Again he refers to maxim's 5 months during which she worked under CPlatt. In a way this is a defense of CPlatt's management. So Harris is binding himself to Cplatt-- and hasn't taken any points Maxim has raised about Cplatt seriously. He has upped the stakes here-- and as dicey as that is, it's also increasingly risky for him. I think he's crossing the rubicon here. Here's a blog where I alphabetized Maxim's valid critiques. [+]. The cannulea problem was one of many compounded effects of the series of problems in the mismanagement of CA by CPlatt-- that eventually led to the C81 debacle-- which Harris is trying to amend in the report. As far as damage control, he's doing his best-- we can see that-- but the essense of the situation-- C81-- is larger than even that-- it goes back to this list of problems I started to list on a separate blog-- and more listed in this blog.

Notice that Harris is not attempting to deal with the complaints anymore-- but is supersizing the ad hominem attacks-- characterizing Maxim as a narccissist, the kind who eventually goes to prison. Harris's pschologizing is at a new level here-- and as always in debates, we see that the last line of defense is to attack the mental and cognitive integrity of the whistleblower-- Harris characterized me as mentally incompetent awhile ago as well-- so this isn't surprising. The problem for Harris is that the points Maxim made are still outstanding unpaid "bills" so to speak-- and others are watching to see how they're explained... the most interesting one being the C81 improper ATP use.

To pick up on that point-- we recall that Aschwin recommended against the use of the ATP-- and the consulting MD-- Harris pushed to use it-- despite untrained personnel. Maxim characterized that as bad advice on Harris's part-- siding with Aschwin-- who was employed by SA at the time-- and who subsequently left SA and went to Alcor to marry Chana-- who both run a technical blog now-- findable in this blog's index. Aschwin isn't engaging in the debate on ColdFilter-- but if he were to do so, then readers would clearly see that he and Harris differed in how C81 should have been handled-- so for Harris to steer readers to the mental competence of Maxim is really obviously a nasty debating technique that Harris likely learned how to do a long time ago-- in how to win arguments. He's using all the tactics I read about in that book.

Here's the Maxim post on that bad advice that Harris gave SA. [+].

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