
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Maxim-- C81-- perfusion error critical

[+] Maxim continues to remind CF readers of the critical mistake by SA. In terms of publishing, it will be interested to see how often she can remind readres of this-- before being jackhammered into submission by distractors and Hinek's IP banning etc.... I predict she'll soon be accused of spam. The definition of spam keeps widening until they "get you".... I was banned from all cryonics discussion forums-- as I experimented with various techniques--- that were NOT spam-- but the definition eventually incrased until they roped and speared me.

In terms of publishing "tricks of the trade", Maxim is getting better and better. Note here that she published an excerpt from her blog-- where posts can't be edited or removed by Hinek or others that Hinek appointed as CF editors, like CPlatt. She posted a link to her blog-- seomthing that Hinek will likely see, today, as trying to "steal eyeballs"-- a simple and pefectly reasonable technique-- that hinek and others PREVENTED from from doing out of fear of stealing readers... which is a stupid fear-- but that's Hinek-- who I personally got going on the threaded form. I was forced to shut down my previous Cryonics Cafe-- due to TW controversies-- and forever accused of deleting threads-- that I was asked to delete by unperson and Alcor's president-- at the time-- The POINT is that when publishing ccryonics ideas-- the ideas themslelves and the techniques are being attacked and expunged one way or another.

Maxim's blog is probably the most powerful ccryonics publication -- and topical-- on the net now.

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