
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Attacked again-- 11.-- Thought control-- nanotech- immortality- Larouche

It seems to me that if there is a band of cryos who are willing to issue threats against free-association with the word ccryonics on the net-- and experimental context development-- as I do with Classical Humanism and ccryonics-- cryonicsx, then this is thought control in 2007. These people do not OWN cryonicsx, nor do they OWN the context for cryonicX. They have no right in what I thought American to threaten me in the way they have for suggesting a Larouche-oriented context for cryonicx.

They say they want to protect cryonicx from "fanaticism"-- well isn't cryonicx fanatical to begin with? and what about immortality? That was associated with cryonicx from the very start with Prospect of Immortlity by Ettinger-- a book introducting cryonicx!! And what about nanotech-- or is that fanatical thought to be banned from association with cryonicx on the net too?

Where do these attackers draw the line? Or is it JUST Larouche? Actually my respect for intact penis in association with cryonicx was attacked as fanatical. Well, I think circumcision itself-- not resistance to it-- is the fanatical crazy idea. I'm interested in how many cryonicists are circumcised as way to possibly determine something about cryoncists-- purely out of interest in psychological damage to people as a result of screwing up their ability to screw with full lubrication. So it's not just Larouche. The attackers support Larouche-bashing AND circumucision apparently.

The entire thing is pure thought control-- and it won't work-- It might work temporarily with me-- but the truth is out there-- and the truth will surface. There is one universe. Everything is interconnected and must be consistent with everything else. We have minds that resovle paradoxes and we need to create new hypothesis to accomodate the paradoxes. That's how we progress. To STOP me fro epxloring paradoxes-- is to stop my thinking. These attakcers are thought killers-- And my history of cryonicx will reflect that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, and also - Your Bon Homee post to the CryoNet blog did not go unnoticed. We will be watching the future activity. As long as you stick to cryonics on it, and your posts to the CryoNet archive that you reference on it, stick to cryonics as well, you will have no problem from us.

But if we see fanaticism being directly or indirectly referenced on search results that get picked up from either place, you will have a real problem. We can easily be on CryoNet posting stuff about Rick Potvin to the archives, right along with you. In fact, there's a whole list of posts there we can reference already, under Rick Potvin. And of course Rick's own personal blog will also be back to explain what Bon Homme is doing. Your business wouldn't want that to happen, now would it?

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