
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Maxim-- C81-- how would CI have handled it?

NORMANFELL: "You don't want to answer the quesion what would have happened to CI-81 without stabilization."

I think I've made my opinions on SA's treatment of CI-81 quite clear, in my review of the SA case report. In case Norm missed it, it is my opinion that CI-81 did not receive "stabilization." Instead, I believe SA's improper use of the perfusion equipment most likely caused great injury to CI-81's vasculature, brain and other organs. He would probably have been preserved in better physical condition, if he had simply been packed in ice and immediately transported to CI. (Just my opinion, Norm.)

This is interesting-- because I left my own train of thought a week ago before these threats started hitting my email box-- threats ostensibly tied to my creating wild ideas in association with cryonics-- but MAYBE they are NOT realted to the crazy ideas but rather to my ability to index excellent technical points. Here for example, Maxim shows how C81 might have been made WORSE off with SA's participation over what CI would have done. Excellent point.

I haven't indexed this train of thought consistently but I'll try to clean it up a bit.

ColdFilter thread where Maxim makes this fine point-- [+]

I also note that Maxim sees through the attempted "distraction" method. In studying books on how to avoid being lied to, distraction is very powerful. Distraction is used in simple day to day conversation. It's very tough to get people to zero in on your intented targeted idea.... Cryonicists are-- it seems-- "misundereducated"-- I think of it as a lack of whole-brain thinking-- the latest threats against me were published in CF-- and they ALL tolerated my being attacked and villified-- even unperson asked me to desist and did NOT publish his remarks in the continueing thread on me started by maxim-- which he ought to have done rather that start a new re: thread-- Maxim-- a noncryo defends my right to free association of ideas--

I'm off topic now-- any Maxim-- I think you're the only one reading right now. it looks like cryonics as an entire industry has been muzzled-- that the processing of "dead people" -- is a very dicey concern-- and that true believers in cryonics (which is me actually-- but I'm whole-brain true believing)-- are desperate-- on an individual basis to maneuvre-- the way they want. The fact that they consider my free association of cryonics with other strange and (to me) interesting ideas-- is VERY telling-- It's going to lead to trouble for cryonics in my view-- so I'm creating a new idea called "ccryonics"-- or "classical cryonics"-- which is ccryonics associated with "classical humanism" that doesn't get picked up by the search engines... just "yet". In ccryonics blogs, I'll expose the scryonicists (secularcryonicsists)-- as cultists who, like Jeff Warren, suppressed all dissent in his polygamous community-- terrifying members into silence.

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