
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, August 17, 2007

Money spent on SA is money NOT spent on Alcor

Saul Kent is on the Alcor board. He's a bona fide member of Alcor. Alcor members donate to Alcor for research. What problem does Alcor have that SA is intended to solve? The exposure by Maxim that deals with the inept management of CPlatt fails to turn the turrets of critique on the guy who writes the cheques. Harris says Kent can spend Kent's money the way he wants but the higher orders of principle involving the community affairs of the cryonics community say otherwise. Ultimately, Kent is to blame for the inept management and project assignments at SA. With power-- comes responsibility. Kent has demonstrated irresponsibility in the past and he's doing it.... again. Unless the problem is viewed in this way, and understood this way, then there is no solution and the problem that Kent represents will become worse. That's my opinion.

There are a lot of angles on this but consider the fact that 6 million bucks avaiable ostensibly for cryonics-- granted through Kent-- was spent on SA under Cplatts direction. That's 6 million NOT invested at Alcor of which Saul is a member and board director. Members should be asking-- WTF? Is Saul Kent a bona fide member of Alcor or not? Alcor has program to take care of Florida cases-- as well as any case in the country-- pretty good-- and if it's not good enough, then a substation can be created under Alcor's auspices as in LA and few places.

And this takes us back to Florida Cryonics Society which Maxim has never looked at. The history of cryonics in Florida is what SA is a part of which must include Rudell, Tuplers, Flordia Cryonics Society and the rest of it. KEnt and FAlloon have always had a touch and go relationship with Alcor-- I've heard Alcor member "tolerate" Kent-- The basis for this antagonism of this member-- Saul Kent-- the way I figure it-- dates back to Chamberlains and their intitialization of Alcor which somehow beat out KEnt's CSNY. Saul Kent wants not JUST good cryonics-- he wants cryonics controlled and dominated by him. And I think that that's where the answer to the questions about SA are found. And if you look further, you simply cannot ignore the rediculous Timeship project which seems to be like a zombie-- it's not really alive-- but it gets strutted occasionally-- like a cryonics monster.

The new points here-- a) money that Kent sinks into SA and CPlatts project direction is money NOT going into the much more legit efforts of Alcor which Kent is a member of and b) It's KENT himself-- not CPlatt-- who is responsible for CPlatt's rediculous mismanagement of SA-- something Maxim hasn't gone so far as to say. And finally-- point c) THERE ARE HIGHER PRINCIPLES OF ORDER in the cryonics effort that DICATE what makes sense and what is acceptable or not. There is a point at which narrow self interest IMPINGES on the community in a way that makes things impossible to ignore. Saul may have just successed again in stepping on the toes of the cryonics community at large with SA-- and that's the way I see it.

WE've talked before, in cryonics, about the dangers of a cult taking over CI or Alocr-- and how the board and voting etc. is set up to prevent that. But have we considered the possibility of a member and board member "taking over cryonics"? ...and the dangers associated with that? I think that danger exists in Saul Kent and Bill Falloon. They're good at what they do-- but that doesn't excuse actions that affect cryonics as a whole for which they're directly responsible for and yet are not answering for. Saul Kent wrote the big piece "The failure of cryonics" a few years back-- maybe it's time for him to pen a few more immortal words for the cryonics community at large and explain what his plans are and what's been going on. Cryonet hasn't banned him like it has me-- so he might start there.

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