
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, August 17, 2007

Maxim on Alcor

[+] Maxim on Alcor. Here again we see the strange business of Saul Kent backing Cplatt over Maxim in areas of technical expertise and advice-- this is becoming a common theme with Maxim-- and should be carefully looked at. It's almost as if KEnt and cPlatt are in a secret alliance and stay with it no matter what.

Note also Maxim makes a point to say Alcor is underfuned-- in light of what they've accomplished, and we already know that CPlatt is overpaid and other SA people are overpaid. Harris's comments on this are 100% useless because he's paid by Kent too and has said Kent can do whatever he wants "with his money". Harris fails to understand the higher principel of common interests in cryonics-- which FD seems to understand-- FD being the de facto CF moderator. The icing on the cake is that Kent is an Alcor mewmber AND board member-- so in essense Kent put his money on CPlatt RATHER Than Alcor-- and someone should ask why THAT is so. Sure it's kent's money-- so what? The larger picture is that :"we're all in this together"-- so what personal interest does Kent have in CPlatt to the extent of pennypinching on Alcor's lab and spluring on SA's lab-- while ignoring Maxim's expert counsel and choosing CPlatt over and above not JUST Alcor, but over and above Maxim?

Is CPlatt Kent's pet project over and above cryonics? Hey-- someone's gotta ask real questions around here. The "end game" for a lot of first generation cryos is upon us-- and we haven't got time for bullshit anymore. As Larouche says about the synarchist bankers undercutting the USA-- expose expose expose. Well, let's expose the Kent/CPlatt game.

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