
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Terminology-- "Hypothermic vitrification" is proper.

Here are the google hits for "hypothermic vitrification". [+]. The cryonics student needs to understand that vitrification can take place at higher temps. There's nothing inherent in vitrification that requires cold temperatures. Vitrification merely refers to the way a liquid solidifies without crystal formation-- like a glass-- it's really "glassification"-- and yes, a window in your house is vitrified. So is waste material these days. So in cryonics, using the word 'vitrification' isn't going to be enough. In cryonics, we use temperature reduction as well to preserve the organic composition of the brian. So the proper terminology is "hypothermic vitrification". Alternatively, I suppose we could use "organic vitrification" since application of vitrification heat to organic matter would destroy it.

The advantage of qualifying vitrification in this way is that the distinction is used over and over and the reader becomes more aware of the larger idea of vitrification in general. It's worth studying the process of vitrification in other industries-- to gain an appreciation of what vitrification is to cryonics. The physics of the reduction of heat-- molecular motion-- isn't even appreciated by denigrators of cryonics. In theory, the ceasing of motion of molecules in organic matter should lead to complete capture of the structures that cause human cognition and awareness.

The rabbit kidney that was vitrified by Fahy at 21CM in 2005 and brought back should be tried on the brain of lower organism-- beginning with the ganglia of very much lower creatures. Either that-- or larger groups of brain cells of larger mammals. We need to see prospective experiments listed by various cryonicists and cryobiologists. I'd like someone to post a link here to a document that gives us some perspective on the meaning of that 2005 success. I think Wowk discussed it extensively. Links to anything by him on that would be appreciated.

Readers of this blog can help me think my self-assigned problems through like this-- something that never occurred on "discussion forums"-- an obsolete form of interent interaction. The blog allows the writer, in this case me, to direct the attention unwaveringly in the direction of that writers (in this case, my) interests. Too often in forums, others usurp the control of the direction of attention and the entire conversation runs amuck. FD is an example in Cold Filter of someone who consistently derails a thread-starter's main point. He's currently attempting to dissuade Maxim from using her blog as her only vehicle of output, falsely saying that blog doesn't allow for feedback and exchange of ideas. Nothing could be further from the truth. FD is a kind of "gatekeeper", in the parlance of mind control. He's not signed up for cryonics, yet took over Cold filter.

See how FD "softens' the attacks on CPlatt by Maxim [+]. The SA situation is a DISASTER-- a huge mess-- and costly in terms of the money that has crossed the table in the larger cryonics picture-- and FD writes that "SA should do better", with no reference to CPlatt himself. Maybe FD IS CPlatt after all-- because this type of softening of the blow is indicative that FD should BE AVOIDED along with Cold Filter avoidance for several days if not weeks at a time-- while a blog idea takes shape. FD is an EXPERT at taking a DEVASTATING attack and blunting it's PIERCING POWER. FD is like a PILLOW-- You can land a direct blow and the blow is diffused in every which direction.

Note that FD re-introduces Larouche OUT OF NOWHERE-- in another thread-- [+], a direct reference to me-- in an attempt to discredit even my pseudonymn. Clearly FD is afraid Maxim will only blog and not "visit" him in CF-- I obviously have nothing to say on the matter-- Maxim's her own agency-- but I hope she considers abandoning FD and CF-- because full concentration on her blog is now, in my view, needed-- to set the record straighter than ever on SA-- and maybe further up the line.

The deceptions given to the cryonics community by SA are really unforgivable-- in my view-- and FD's softening of the blows tha Maxim is landing has the effect of neutralizing the attack-- and the truth. Maxim can do just fine on her blog with blog managed feedback there.

Here's my post to CryoNet queue today where I link this blog. [+] Any blogger can do the same and get wide circulation in the midns of cryoniicsts. The threaded forum isn't all that its made out to be if you have counter-control agents around. It's good only if you have cooperative conversation-- but not under a circumstance where there are agents representing interests that come in at angles different from your own. The indexed blog is the solution-- linked to Cryonet-- with Author index--. Cut CF out of the piccture entirely. CF has nearly died before due to lack of new ideas and interests-- My advice is to let it go next time. Threaded forums cannot work in hostile environments. Blogs solve all the problems I encountered with forums. Witness this blog. Indexed. Findable. Link published to Cryonet. Findable on google blog search under keyword cryonics. That's all you need. Feedback with or without approval and or log in. All off the shelf and free. Easy.

[+] wiki article on vitrificaiton
[+] google search on vitn

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