
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, July 20, 2007

Maxim's choice of media will determine truth-outing of SA Inc.

From my point of view as an Alcor member and "cryoneer" (advocate of cryonics by personal choice, not imposition-- an important distinction)-- the element of the entire cryonics scene that seems to be the most prominent to me today, Fri July 20, 2007-- is cryonics media-- in a general sense-- and Maxim in particular.

There are 4 boxes that are referred to by USA patriots. The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the ammunition box. What we're dealing with here is the cryonics soapbox. The net is useful (but then again-- some say that there are computers in the hands of the anti-patriot government factions that can instantly scan anyone's hardrive... that these supercomputers have your computer data on file and mine. ) To the extent that cryonics is an effort to free us from physical death-- or at least to free us from the 100% assurance of total peraonal annihalation, the net is a soapbox that we need to argue about which way is the truthful way ahead.

This blog is my cryonics soapbox. I'm not involved in the conduct of affairs in any cryonics org but I did become interested in the late 1970s, followed cryonics in the 80's, 90's and now 2000's. One thing is fer sure-- cryonics has become an insular industry with cliques, insiders and money-- as well as operating philosophies-- that are somewhat impenetrable and impossible to discuss openly. From my own point of view, this is not the way forward. The absense of blogs by cryonicists is my point of reference. And over the past day, the mischaracterization of blogs by FD in CF is my particular point of reference.

At this point, Melody Maxim has exposed the fabric and internal machinations going on at what was sold to the cryonics community as an advanced cryonics rescue operation for cryonicists in general. It was denied that SA Inc competed with Alcor and yet we found out a few weeks ago that a serious pitch was made to offer SA Inc services to Alcor members-- turned down by SVS. It seems to me that people who have had the acumen to command significant money-- in this case, Saul and Bill-- can simply "do as they please"-- without consequences-- since "it's their money". In the larger scheme of things-- where philosophers reside, I think the cryonics community not to mention Saul and Bill, are going to find out that truth is more powerful than money. Money can win battles, but truth wins wars.

Melody Maxim is exposing elements of truth about SA Inc. She chose to use the media that I set the new standard for in cryonics-- currently Cold Filter-- a threaded forum where the operational disadvantage at this time is that there is no possibility for indexing. I'm not claiming to have invented N54, the internet or blogs-- however I AM claiming to have directed the attention of somewhat idiot-savant reductionist cryonicists-- to better media for parsing the truth. My latest theory on internet based truth determination is that a blog is the central utility for the sovereign cognitive awareness of one human person who has something to say.

The tension in the struggle such as it is-- to make sure that Maxim establishes a voice in cryonics that is UNASSAILABLE-- either by technical means or by psychological manipulative means-- so that she can establish her primary points-- the first one being that there's something hugely wrong with CPlatt's management of SA Inc. that puts SA's self-promo in total contradiction to reality-- and is therefore a signal to stop everything-- and look more carefully-- is very HIGH today-- July 20, 2007. The point of tension revolves around-- as it turns out-- between my advice to Maxim and FD's advice to Maxim.

Without going into the background of FD and me-- suffice it to say that I DIRECT THE READER'S ATTENTION to the Maxim's forum and to CF. To the extent that Maxim begins to label her thoughts with regard to SA Inc and CPlatt-- in her own blog-- is the degree to which she will become a powerful voice in cryonics. And to the degree that she posts ANYTHING other than a link to her blog in CF-- is the degree, in my view, to which she will DISAPPATE unwittingly her POWER to expose apparent serious corruption-- that could go further in cryonics.

The reason that the gauntlet has been thrown down in this manner is that I firmly believe that FD is some sort of gatekeeper at CF. CF has been perverted as an "open discussion" as has AU and Imminst and Cryonet. The entire fabric of the existence of a "forum" is CONTOLLED by the so-called moderator who can determine the directional flow of AWARENESS and ATTENTION of readers-- even in their absence-- It's actually an advantage to the psycnological setup of one's own mind-- to AVOID forums for periods of time in order that one's own subconcious mind may surface. That cannot happen easily without self-examination. In fact, I'm writing this piece this morning FIRST, before looking at any cryonics media.

One's thoughts and awarenesws can EASILY be redirected and manipuated by observing the output of others. To truly understand the world, it's as imporatnt to examine one's own mind FIRST before going to the world at large-- so that there is a point of reference for the shift in awareness that will take place once exposed to the larger world news events in cryonics or anything else. What we think beforehand-- compared to what we think after exposure-- is the crticial phase of learning and news-- it's a triangulation that serves to form a NEW personal view. But you can't do that without establishing the first primary place of personal position. That's where the blog comes in.

Once engaged in a forum-- especially where FD is-- the shift in awareness becomes one in which the triangulation involves tempering HIS view-- with the original attack. FD has been blunting Maxim's SA attacks... and so must be regarded as wotth avoiding while the case against SA builds. This is NOT to say that Maxim should not engage the attempting moderation-- disguises as "reasonablness"-- of FD-- but rather that the FD output should be framed, and then responded to in the blog.

What we're facing in cryonics at large is a form of psycho-warfare-- and the tactics and media that are used are just as imporatant as the points being made. For example, when I repeated points on Cryonet or CF, I was accused of spam. The defintion of spam got wider and wider until I was banned from those forums. "They" froze me-- froze me OUT of the pscyho-warfare they "they" are conducting-- probably at the request of higher cryonics powers. The blog freed me from that vcontrol. To this day, despite my advanced media method and cryonics commentary, nobody in those other forums has referred to me-- save Maxim in CF.

This in itself is astonishing. So too, the lack of blogs by cryonicists. Teenagers with NOTHING to say are blogging at all time high rates-- making blogging the primary method of soap boxing these days-- cryonicists say they want to increase the number of cryonicists-- yet they have failed to blog their way into the minds of others. Why is that? To the extent we do NOT see cryos blogging is the extent, in my view, that cryonics has become an insular cult-ish industry. For example, everyone accepts the name Alcor "life extension foundation" when in fact, there's nothing life-extening at all about the cryonics process. It's a very depressing and practically hopeless effort, in fact-- but one some true cryonicists like me understand in context. Nobody questions a lot of things in cryonics-- and yet the blogs should be full of truth seekers, because there IS an optimistic truth about cryonics.

So today, watch for Melody Maxim's approach to the media she employs to implore attention direction to CPlatt's management of SA. And be aware of gatekeeper FD's anti-blogging nonsense-- a psychological warfare tactic to prevent the focus of Maxim's energy on tagging her powerful points in the way that I've demonstrated here-- see my index below.

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