
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Thursday, July 19, 2007

FD in Cryonet thread can't stand Maxim doing her own blog.

FD is going through conniptions in the face of Maxim doing her own blog. He doesn't want to see that happen-- becaues of course he wouldn't be as VISIBLE if he responded on her blog. FD is maligning the form factor of a blog-- falsely-- saying that there's no way to index it-- when in fact there is. Witness my alpha listing below. Here's his latest post to CF and my comments on his messages to Maxim.

Finance Department  (Login Finance_Department)
Veteran Member

Response to Forums, Blogs and Websites

FD--I agree a website with a front page that provides ease of finding topics, is much better than a blog.

>>>>ME>>> A blog like mine HAS an index for easily finding topics.

FD-- Posting here also is of value, as you get more participation in the discussion, and people are can be reminded of the more extensive writeups on the website.

>>>>ME>>>> “Participation” in FD’s discussion is what FD wants. A blog has plenty of space for feedback where the bloggers post can be discussed-- subsumed under the headline. A link to the blog can be posted on the forum to “remind” people of the blog-- if Hinek allows it. As a footnote, you can edit your own posts here if you have "Veteran member" status. By now I would think you qualify, but Jonathan Hinek of course decides and does it -

>>>>ME>>> No kidding.

FD---you could ask him.

>>>>ME>>>>Why pander? Just write your own blog.

FD-- I believe it is carefully considered as, IIRC, back when everyone could edit their own posts we had a fellow who liked to rewrite history by changing the substance of what he wrote after people had already commented on it; obvious abuse, not editing of typos. I believe he calls himself "Phil" these days.

>>>ME>>>> Typos are not the only reason to edit. I never rewrote history. I changed the tone of posts. Never the substance. It's not obvious abuse. FD is mischaractierizing the situation and deleting the CONTEXT.... and context was everything. FD is a reductionist statistician-- trying to measure the exact precise behaviors of me over time rather than try to ascertain my intentins and contextual situation.... and he imposed his will and desire on MY blog-forums numersous time
-- even ridiculing the concepts I was developing... instead of creating his own forum-- which anyone can do for free. He never did that. He prefers to malign others, and control the directoin of attention in others' forums-- like Hineks which is modeled after mine. He's not signed up for cryonics either... and watches EVERYHING on CF. He's upset that Maxim is about to move into her new blog as her sole vehicle for her powerful analsysi of SA, leaving FD on his own to create his own responses in CF by his lonesome sorry ass self.

I hope Maxim never posts anything to CF again-- although of course that's up to her. CF has become a FD ghetto-- and should now be avoided. Conversations can be started anywhere-- and can be saved by anyone-- The fact that Hinek doesn't comment on very much in his own forum attests to the notion that he's trying to archive these ideas himself as the most stable cryonics discussion on the net. Well-- that crown goes neither to him nor Brown. Both Hinek and Brown-- will become switchboard operators for blogs. The wind is in the air-- and that's the direction this is going.

Discussions are OVER, FD. In fact, why don't YOU do a blog? Let's see what you can come up with in ORIGINAL thought rather than redirecting and steering the audience of others? You've never really interviewed anyone on the forums-- you simply twist, neutralize, steer and smudge. And you do it with a friendly tone of voice, somewhat like the Nazis' must have executed their prisoners-- with a nice smile on their face saying "this won't hurt a bit". Friendly foes are worse than unfriendly ones. And you're one. Move on in life pal. The discussion forum is dead-- get blogging-- we'll all see what you're really made of.

You could call it "The Non-Signed Up Cryonics Mouthpiece".-- by FD. I'm sure you'll get some readers. Even me. And we'll ALL see your posts in Google blogsearch under keyword cryonics. And you could post a like to it from the switchboard operator's Browns cryonics newsgroup. You'll be HIGHLY visible... more than even now. Just walk away from CF.


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