
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Venturists complete NO AUTOPSY religious belief cards.

It's going to be interesting to see how anti-religion cryonicists like Mark Plus deal with the Venturist quasi-religion-- which just completed a new NO AUTOPSY religious objection card-- with Mike Perry as lead developer. I'm not seeing anything on this other than a short message on the Venturist forum from Dave Pizer.

More context should be forthcoming from Mike Perry who doesn't have a blog-- on this. It's hard to say where Mike Perry publishes these days. If you know, please respond to the comment area on this blog. The N54 forums are down this morning.

Tiffany Summers-- a pseudonymn for a male cryonicist-- recently created a Christian Cryonics website. Someone in England posts a message to Cryonet saying that that made him sick. Well, my question is this-- If you're going to have religious objection to cryonics-- then how are you going to have it both ways? Is cryonics going to be religion or not? My position is that it's okay-- it's a belief and it involves a leap of faith-- rational and reasonable faith-- given what we know-- not silly faith.

The Venturists-- once a religion-- are just a society now-- but they're still claiming religious objection to autopsy. Maybe it's NOT religions objection however. Maybe it's just objection-- and it's meant to "look official" and put legal fear into paramedics and medical workers-- rather than the respect for a religious belief. Only an open blog by Mike Perry can solve these problems.


Tiffany said...

tiffany is no man, baby. I am ALL woman. Want me to prove it to you?????
Tiffany Summers

Rick Potvin said...

Uh... that sounds like a threat. Keep your knockers strapped in there, "baby". You don't have to prove anything to me-- prove to the rest of the cryonics community.

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