
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Blog method includes spin-offs-->bridge collapse.

This blog, The Frozen Files, is both a cryonics oriented blog for the Classical Humanist (true Christian) point of view-- hopefully anyway-- as far as I can represent it that way-- AND a "lesson" in how to write on the net. In keeping with that mission, I now demonstrate, again, how you can use a blog to "spin-off" another blog.

It turns out that the Minnesota bridge collapse has been displaced in the Corporate-Controlled-Media-- which is actually becoming less and less mainstream-- and more and more plainly rediculous. Major networks keep all eyes focused on the mine collpase lately. Well, the mine collapse is certainly a tragedy-- but we're not done with the bridge collapse. Larouche indicates it was simply poor infrastructure maintenance-- and it was certainly that. However, I think it was MORE than that. The poorly maintained bridge was a good target for a new form of destructive secret ray gun-- straight out of science fiction-- a ray gun so advanced that nobody in the public can even concieve of it. It's a super ultra low frequency electromagnetic pulse beam. You have to konw some physics to understand how it works.

In any case, this new weapon will be used in the future-- again and again-- by the corporate-financial complex-- "Faction One"-- at their convenience and at the expense of the lives of ordinary people-- to slowly but surely destroy the underpinnings of the Westphalian World we've known for 600 years built on sovereign nation states. In effect, WW IV is underway-- WW III having been the Cold War.

There is too much to look at on the bridge collapse for this cryonics blog however-- so I've spun off a new blog where these ideas will be advanced-- The constraint is my time-- of which there is a shrinking amount. I don't have the time to look more deeply at the physics of ray guns that use ULF EM-- but if I did-- that blog is where I would encyclopedize my analysis. "They" win by default because NONE of use has the time to peel back the layers of deception they throw out at us. The 200 ft column of smoke before the collapse is a tell-tale sign of secret demolition-- "sacrifcing" the ordinary people in another Satanic ritual, just as in 9/11.

The world is in the grip of a evil doers and what we think of as the "future" cannot occur-- as long as they're in place. It's a "conspiracy" of the highest order. Makow does a good job of looking at it. [+]. Most cryonicists are dupes of it. Larouche represents a counter-strategy to it. [+]


Worldview-- bridge collapse in minn-- infrastructure (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse inside job 8/1 (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse-- new blog (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse-- ULF EM weapon (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse-- update 08-04-07 (1)

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