
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Monday, August 13, 2007

Nursing homes don't monitor their residents.

A-1234 was dead for several hours before anyone found her.

Our only concern is that the time of death remains unknown, since nursing homes typically do not monitor patients constantly. It is possible that A-1234 arrested several hours before she was found at 7:02 AM. [+]

Don't die in a nursing home-- or if you're in a nursing home and you're going to die there-- and you're signed up with Alcor, wear a heart beat monitor. Alcor of the future would be sure that they capture their customer/member in time by aggressively seeking ways to moniter life signs in a pro-active way. If Alcor knew their customer was in a nursing home, typically, they would have insisted that that member wear a heart beat or life sign monitor.

2007 opens with SA Inc disgraced. (1)
Jonano-- Expert posting of blog re Ben Bests SA review to Google blogsearch (1)
latest post-- how to see (1)
Life expectancy vs. life extension (1)
Life extension-- vs. life expectancy (1)
lifesign monitors (1)
Living trusts-- current interest (1)
London vs. Lyndon (1)
Makow-- cause of WWI and II (1)
Marce Johnson 07-25-07-- no update. (1)

Newsweek-- Merkle listed both articles here (1)
Nextropy (1)
Nuclear war threats-- Not survivable. (1)
nursing homes-- no lifesign monitors (1)
Online communications-- CryoNet author archive + blog (1)
oxygen-- Newsweek article (1)
perfusion video-- Bowman monitor (1)

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