
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Monday, August 20, 2007

Maxim expands on C81 perfusion mistake.

[+] I think Maxim is not fully comprehending the nature of the strategic silence in the cryonics community. She doesn't understand why nobody responds to her pointing out how C81 was damaged by SA perfusion. I know why. Because cryonics is full of crapheads who have interests other than the truth. That's why. The only way to steer cryonics in the right direction is to blog-- on her own blog-- and to post a link occaisionally to the suppressive cryonics media like Cryonet, ColdFilter, Cryonics magazine, email lists etc.-- so that the message will surface-- without acknowledgement... If she would install a counter from Bravenet on her own blog and publish her critical remarks there, along with alphabetical key words to pin down the cryonics "crimes" being committed, it would all be integrated in one place. But again, I think she's looking for response and "interaction" on ColdFilter from people like FD-- who in my book-- are not lined up exactly right either. FD very cleverly defends SA--

So-- advice to Maxim-- pubish your critiques in your blog, alphabetized-- and install a bravenet counter like i did here and watch your readership grow. Don't expect feedback. Simply expose what you know and what you see. Nature will take its course. Over the long run, Keynes said we're all dead. Well, maybe that's so. But over the long run, the truth emerges too. The truth about SA and C81 will emerge-- maybe not this quarter or next quarter-- look at the TW case-- years down the road-- or 9/11-- the truth movment there still hasn't fully surfaced-- The cryonics truth movement will simply be a long term affair and the battle to understand what's going on and to make it happen will be a lot more difficult and longer than we could imagine.

The ignoring by EVERYONE ON COLD FILTER of Maxim's point about C81-- is something I pointed out this morning-- and it's now going to be even MORE fun to watch others sidestep it. Currently I'm looking into all cryonics cases I can to examine exactly how the minutes after pronouncemnet were handled-- with a view in mind to understanding that link more fully. What I'm finding is that all the case studies are written in a way that makes it very difficult to penetrate to get a handle on the signficant features of a case-- with an overemphasis on "the facts"... all the facts-- which are NOT always the MOST significant facts.... It's like trying to find an ice cube in a mountain of snow. In this case, SA's snowjob with C81 is effectively consealing the disaster that occurred.

As I predicted, FD is spinning and obfuscating-- mischaracterizing. Watch this thread carefully.

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