
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Extremely critical mistake vs. "mistakes were made"

Maxim wrote

As for the "physiological pressures" Ben mentions, the SA team was running the pump in the washout circuit BEFORE venous access was made. You can see this on page 12 of SA's report where the funeral director gets spurted with blood and is told the pump was running. In other words, they were filling that patient full of fluid before the volume they were adding had anywhere to go; SA was blowing up CI-81's vascular system like a balloon. CI-81 had one stroke before his legal death, no telling how much additional brain injury he suffered when SA pressurized him with the ATP. There was nothing wrong with the pressure alarms; SA staff didn't know what they were doing. Period. As for Ben's previous comments regarding the merits of having SA involved in this case, I strongly disagree. "Something" is not always better than "nothing."

And FD wrote, in response

A partial response, and of course mistakes were made
August 20 2007, 3:08 PM . ...Obviously there were a lot of other problems, as you described. The patient probably did not get the best circulation done manually. The machine was misused. Are some of these problems mentioned in the latter 2/3 of SA's case report, where SA, admirably, discusses the faults of the case and recommends future corrective actions?

I want to point out how FD buries the significant point by recontextualizing it. This displays expert level writing and thinking skills. FD isn't just anyone-- FD is a skilled writer to be able to do that-- FD's omnicient presence on Cold Filter and his/her expert level tactical ability to redirect and steer attention makes Cold Filter hers/his. I hope Maxim points out FD's "evasion" soon on ColdFilter itself.

SA Inc-- C81-- 08-16-07-- Andy didn't talk C81 into it. (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- 08-16-07-- CI needs SA (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- 08-17-07-- Did Zawacki tell C81 it would be worth it? (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- 08-17-07-- Maxim points to SA abuse of ATP on C81 (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- 08-18-07-- Best fails to answer Maxim on brain blowout (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- 08-21-07-- critical mistake vs. mistakes were made (1)

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