
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cryonics will fail if civilization fails.

Cryonics invovles the expectation that future technologists-- and the governing elements surrounding that-- will make their best attempts to reanimate us. It doesn't look as though reanimation will occur in the "near future"-- say the next 50 years. It could be more like the next 100 to 600 years at minimum. We're giving ourselves a chance to submit to future technologies.

All of this assumes that the future will be a progressive continuation of the present. That assumption isn't neccessarily going to hold however-- and we're seeing major problems with this civilization right now. It's uncumbant therefore upon cryonicists to take a deeper interest in world affairs than has been demonstrated in the past. Most cryonisists lean toward Libertarianism (minimal statism) and "anti-statism"-- but these political philosophies turn out to be real problems. It's not "the state" that is the problem but rather "bad statecraft."

I've discovered that the political philosophy that best accomodates cryonics is Classical Humanism-- not secular humanism. Secular humanism assumes there are no higher orders of organizing principle in the universe that we can discover and know. The principle of human cognition, for example, if considered as a distinct "phase space" in the universe, puts humankind in a unique position with respect to all other life. It turns out that that's a pretty good thing to do-- if you look at case studies. The demoralization of mankind always leads to simply awful things.

Without expanding on the details here-- suffice it to say that Cheney's imperial doctrine of PNAC-- should be discontinued. Putin is making over offers to the traditional American political element and this line of thought should be watched carefully. Larouche describes the process in EIR. The neocons are a threat to civilization and therefore to cryonics. The current financial collapse has to be considered in light of the disastrous elimination of fixed exchange rates in 1971 as well. The increasing money supply is really out of control-- the latest injection (creation out of thin air)-- has to be considered. [+] The US dollar is still the world's reserve currency-- M3 is not published anymore-- the GDP isn't growing as fast as the money supply-- This is not THAT hard to understand.

None of us will survive economic collapse-- the "survivalists" are the state-crafters who undestand how to deal with this situation-- namely Larouche. [+] Here, Larouche points out that the bankers are running scared. [+]. If THEY are scared, then cryonics millionnaires should be too. Yet NONE of them blogs-- I consider them ALL irresponsible. All of em. "Every man for himself" ain't gonna work guys. Better "get with the program"-- the "Classical Humanist" program. THAT is your lifeboat. Fat chance you'll listen to me. Fine-- your future as a cryonaut, then, is likely to be limited. No civilization-- no cryonics. It's that simple. What part of that equation do you guys NOT "get"? Hmm? [Expletive.]

Cryonics is one venture that definitely DOES require a large political philosophical context-- and it's important that we cryos get that right-- for the future of cryonics and for our potential reanimation.


[+] The attack on Iraq in March 2003 that continues to this day was unwarrented. Period. A million Iraqis have been killed. Larouche is saying Kuwait was agreed to allow troops to leave through that country-- and he's calling for an immediate ceasefire and standdown. The Bush people-- Cheney etc-- are claiming IRAN is sponsoring attacks against the US in Iraq-- this is a pretext for coming Iran attack with nukes-- which will make THE ENTIRE SITUATION WORSE. Cryonics is not ONLY about vitrification, it's ALSO about designing a world in which we have stabilized political economy... at least is SHOULD be that way. Cryonicists are mostly ostriches however, as it turns out. Watch Kucinich's call for Cheney impeachment and promote and support that before its too late.

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