
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cryonics Classroom will attempt to create discrete courses.

In conversing with people over the years of my own life-- both on and off the net over the past 10 years especially-- it's become more and more obvious that 99% of all so called conversation is pretty useless and even counter productive. Why is this? Obviously no blog paragraph can cover all the reasons but if I were to take a hint from a conversation with an old buddy last night from a previous job it's this-- in a nutshell--> No common reference points.

And what is the process that establishes common reference points? It used to be so-called "education".... the kind you get formally in a "classroom". Classroooms for me are in the distant past-- foggy memories of rows and so-called "teachers" and "students'... cultish in a way-- a bizarre "meeting" of bodies but not really a meeting of minds. Hopeless, really. A pretense to some sort of mental upgrade-- which turned out to have been nothing but a wild goose chase-- And obviously this is true for everyone in the USA since the 1950's since-- we can all see where our so-called "education" has led us-- to a future in 2007 where "free trade", "globalism" (world imperialism) and Larouche-bashing are accepted.

Some "education". Harumph. Brainwashing for neo-nazi subhumanism is more like it.

So what does this portend for cryonics? For the world context that cryonics sits in, it portends disaster of course-- since cryonics can't succeed in an imperial world order based on Luciferian doctrine that there is no "God"-- or cognitively higher orders of principle that are discoverable by mankind and applicable in a way that can make life better for everyone, one sovereign nation-state at a time-- the "Classical Humanist" way. If you can't stomach "God"-- then simply consider "HOP" (higher orders of principle). The Luciferians have succeeded in setting God up as a strawman, by the way. More on that in this blog soon.

What does this protend for cryonics-- itself? The entire so-called 'education system" is having to be rethunk. Rethunk? -- sounds like a word, so I'll use it. Obviously given the net, we're well into that process. Rethunking. To have rethunk something is to have educated one's self-- Cryonics is in need of a educational process-- and delineation. I would have thought that by now the AHEM "millionnaires" would have "done something" but I don't think I've ever witnessed as useless a category of people as "the financially successful". Something akin to the "Shroedinger effect" happens to people once they accumulate large sums of dough-- they change in ways I don't understand-- in a way where the money is more important than the thing the money is being applied to. It might be a universal principle-- a HOP.

Back to the original idea now-- reference points. An educational process-- whether it's in a classroom or a conversation-- must establish reference points. The process of a cryonics classroom or college must establish reference points as well, obviously. Which reference points should we choose? In the day to day bashing of ideas and people that goes on on the net, in cryonics-- we lose sight of the fresh new perspectives that established the basis for cryonics in the first place. To fix that, a logical order of development of reference points should be re-established so that new people can get up to speed quickly.

For example, if I were to establish the basis for a course, I would start with the idea of what cold is, and examine the history of "cold" and "hot" in history. A thorough understanding of what cold and hot really is is LOST on most people so that any discussion of cryonics becomes impossible from the get go. The mainstream media is an enemy in this regard. They never couch their sideways critiques of cryonics in a full acceptance and acknowlegement of the idea of "cold" and "hot"... and so they become "anti-educational" in their effect. I thought TV was bad-=- over the past 50 years-- but all public oriented media has been terrible in this way. The printing press-- Caxton-- the first mechanical force for spreading intellectual freedom-- was usurped by anti-education forces from the beginning.

Where on the Alcor or CI etc websites do we see WELCOME NEW PERSON!!! Have you ever thought about COLD and what COLD IS? Where is the Google Video intro for the new person on those sites? We can all see that it's VERY POSSIBLE that today's cryonics orgs are "fronts" for something other than cryonics in this regard. All we have to do is compare what SHOULD be going on with what IS going on-- and if what SHOULD be going on is NOT going on, then I can only conclude that what they SAY is going on is NOT the truth.

I'm beginning to think that a real cryonics industry has yet to emerge-- that the current situation-- EVERYONE and everyhing involved-- are faking it to a large degree-- that there are vested interests that have hijacked what would be the true direction and overall look and feel of cryonics for their own ends. A cryonics classroom and a cryonics college would ultimately expose that and re-orient the new person's approach. To this end, I'll think about a cryonics classroom where I can begin to establish points of agreement beginning with the definition of cold-- and then proceed from there.... in a what if sort of way-- taking new people through a series of steps where we can see where they "get off the bus".

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