
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Brainwave Church is a possibility.

I think we're all familiar with the fact that brainwaves exist. The general understanding, however, of the way we feel and think-- as it relates to the brainwave situation is pretty poorly understood. I surmised that the potential for understanding ourselves is potentially huge in this regard some time ago and I've been toying with brainwave modulation-- induced by "binaural beats" and "Isochronic tones". I still don't know if I'm getting any results, but something DOES seem to be going on.

I'm a traditional Sunday power-downer-- meaning that I've always tried to de-commercialize and unplug on Sundays somewhat. Yeah, I've done business on Sundays-- contrary to this idea but even in my business dealings, I power down and ease up. You kind of have to because it just seems like most people still use Sundays to power down, ease up, re-evaluate, re-calibrate etc. What's really going on, then, on Sunday's? I was raised as a kid to go to so-called "church" on Sundays-- so the idea probably stems from that-- the old notion of "rest on the 7th day"-- funny how some biblibcal edicts actually have some functional worth isn't it? But that's for another post. All I'm interested in today-- is brainwaves.

Altering your brainwaves to accomodate a more wholistic and creative mode is tricky business-- the most highly regarded brainwave states these days reside in the upper frequencies of course-- and you can actually measure this. That's the hallmark of so-called science isn't it? Measurement? The scientific approach would therefore validate things like 24-36-24, since that's a measurement that can be tested and verified. The beta brainwaves of 20-50 hz yield very peculiar and definable behaviors, especially when compared to overall brainwave states of 3 hz.

In light of the effect of brainwaves on human life, it's incumbent upon us to study that further. I would propose that a common bond exists among all mankind, including the cryonicists, in terms of brainwave states and the effecsts we get from entrainment of brainwaves into certain bandwidths. To this end I would say that a Brainwave Church (church is nothing more than community) would be in order. The only qualification you need for being a participant in Brainwave Church is curiosity about the effect of brainwaves. We'll try to "modulate out" the other topics as we see fit. This post can be considered as a recruitment and invitation to Brainwave Church.

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