
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Unfinished Business"-- will look at some paradoxes from previous years.

It's amazing how some things just get buried and lost in time. Dave Pizer [+], for example, indicated on CryoNet last quarter 2007-- that he was selling a piece of property right next to the property he calls Creekside Preserve-- where there is a dry creekbed for most of the year. He didn't update Cryonet readers on that topic.

Dave isn't a journalist, but I call that kind of a loose end "journalist irreponsibility". You shouldn't start a topic if you're not going to even attempt to finish it. Dave owes Cryonet readers a follow up post on this. The "common interests of cryonicists" is a "reality"-- and the typical empiricist reductionist approach is blind to that... but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Universal principles exist despite the denial of formal logic fans like Dave too. [+] So on my "idea accounting statement", [+] Dave is in debt. His update is overdue. And I'm the debt collector. How far am I going to have to go to get my payment in the form of an update? We'll see.

Cryonet doesn't lend itself well to follow up of topics-- you need an alphabetical blog like this one to do that-- however-- Cryonet does have a semblance of blog via the author index. The sale of the property adjacent to Creekside-- being a public cryonics-related matter-- since Dave indicated he "hoped" a cryonicist would buy it-- should by rights-- in terms of the common interests of cryonicists-- be updated-- either by Dave or Mark or someone in the know.

I'm not going to hunt down every bit of data in my blog here that is outstanding-- but I will POINT to where the map of cryonics seems to me to drop off the face of the Earth. I call this section "Unfinished Business". You can post an update to my particular query here-- with no log in. I remind you that this blog is a superior form of media to the threaded forum. Also just a reminder that Creekside is in fact the continuation of the public idea of Ventureville-- a cryonics community. I don't think the project has come anywhere near where my own expectation and vision would have gone. Fifty miles north of the Alcor lab isn't exactly a location that makes it easy for a retired or dying cryonics member of Alcor to hang out and enjoy movies and popcorn while deanimating. Call me 'old fashioned" but I still like the idea of Hotel BioStasis where check out time will be sometime over the next thousand years.

[+] Bar
[+] Creekside Preserve website
[+] Heartshaped tubs
[+] Helipad
[+] Hookers
[+] Nuclear attack planning map
[+] Steak
[+] Telescope
[+] 3 min review of 9/11 by CBC where Bush calls it an APPARENT terrorist attack. I hadn't noticed that before. Just before a picture of a banner saying "The Bush Regime engineered 9/11, Bush says "Make no mistake about it, America's resolve is being tested. We will show the world that we will pass this test". In hindsight, I see that statement as having a dual meaning. Larouche points to the financial globalists and rogue insiders in the Pentagon-- not Islamo-fascists with boxcutters-- and speaking of boxcutters-- I still haven't seen any renderings of how several cockpits could have been overtaken with guys with boxcutters.


Anonymous said...

You have the gall to accuse others of "loose ends" after all the information you destroyed by taking down/severely editing previous discussion forums of your own, which should have served as historical records to tie up those loose ends? You're a hypocrite, Mr. P.

Rick Potvin said...

No I'm not. You're assuming a lot that isn't true. I named all discussion forums. Do you recall the name of a forum that you liked and that I closed? Name just one. Was it Cryonics Cafe. That was the main one. And it's open right now-- listed in Frozen Files under Cryonics Cafe. All the other except one still exist but got closed becuase of harrassment of one sort or another. Your misreprestentaion here is a continuation of that type of mischaracterization and harassment. I accidently deleted one forum but there was nothing on it. I was asked by Alcor's pres to delete certain threads. I was advised by other cryos to remove threads. I complied in the larger interests of cyronics at the height of the TW mess.

Rick Potvin said...

To anonymous poster--

Your attitude reminds me of the original onslaught of bad feedback I had when I was running those forums. There is now a continuing simmering background of mischaracterization of me and my management of those forums-- consistent with your disinformation-- an attempt to rewrite history-- which is par for the course with your "type".

I'm going to do two things in response to your very bad attitude.

1. I've just closed Cryonics Cafe and TWTalk-- the two primary popular discussion forums at the time-- for good this time. I'll use them for my own reference only. Everyone had computers while I was using a webtv box-- and they could easily have saved threads they found interesting-- I could not. There was no promise made that those forums were public property-- that I was OBLIGATED to make them accessible to the likes of people like you for all time. They were up for long periods-- completley open-- And after thinking about it-- due to your smug screwed up attitude-- it occurred to me that all those forums had my real world name in them. I've since decided that that was a mistake. By virtue of that element alone, and the neccessity for me to conduct my normal life and normal business affairs, I close those forums forever and for good with absolutely no obligation to YOUR historical need for referencing them. Conversations in life are like that-- and nobody made any promise that those would be accessible. I was experimenting with forums for a long time-- LOTS of cryos had PLENTY of opprotunity to think about archiving. Archinving management is very difficult at some point-- and in this case, it gets tricky from several angles.

Your complete pigheaded ignorance with respect to my situation-- your total lack of empathy shows you to be devoid of humanity. Your equating the difficult situation I faced-- and that forums represent-- with Dave Pizer's advertisement to SELL PROPERTY NEXT TO CREEKSIDE-- (and the subsequent removal apparently of that post from Cryonet-- REMOVAL!!-- ???-- which takes some doing with Brown-- is lame and invalid.

Whover you are-- don't bother posting here. You're not welcome.

I now have my forums for MY historical reference. Having been subject to various kinds of attacks that went over the line as far as I'm concerned, I see anti-intellectualism in cryonics as an inherent property of the mind of cryonicists. If YOU were interested in truth in cryonics-- you'd have a blog. But you don't. So-- take a walk pal. A looong walk. In a direction away from me-- my blogs, my forums, my email addresses--

The history of the universe will treat your output as garbage.

Rick Potvin said...

I forgot the second point-- what I'll do-- as a result of your stupid comment--

I'll re-double my efforst to find out WTF is going with the sale of the property. Thanks to you, I'll treat it as a prioity. I was going to let it simmer in the background and wait-- but stupid people like you sometimes motivate me to retarget problem areas in life. I see the sale of property next to Creekside as a serious reference point-- troublesome-- and I'd like the truth about this exposed. I'll be sure to credit you for my results.

Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index