
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Maxim minimizes SA attack with alphabetical rags sidelined.

In my view, Maxim has chosen to minimize her SA attack-- starting today. I think somebody got to her. I can't prove it. But I can use heuristic reasoning to detect it and show how it's CONSISTENT an operation theory of conspiracy to allow herself to be coopted and subsumed and quieted.

The central key to my theory is her failure to tag her blog entries with meaningul keywords and sub-phrases as I've demonstrated. No set of articles is going to maximize it's power of cognitive conversion without such an index. Such an index isn't just my "thing"-- it's central to writing. And Maxim has effectively dropped the ball after having started her blog.

The absence of an alphabetical attack on SA Inc serves to allow SA Inc to escape-- through the haystack effect. I just made that up now-- it's a pretty good idea. The Haystack Effect. Basically my notion is that finding a little piece of information is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. If you're interested in NOT having the public find out more about a situation, you build a bigger haysack of informaiton. And you do not allow needles to be found in that haystack.

An alphabetical index is a list of needles in the haystack. Maxim created a blog with a needle-finder-- and stopped just short of using it. That's a tell.... a "tell" in poker is "give away". It's body language. The body lanaguage of the internet is detecatable and interpretable. He he. The reader might think I'm crazy-- but that's my theory on this-- and it's consistent with my NEXT observation, which is....

Which is this--> Maxim is now attempting to be helpful to SA. Here latest blog posts indicate that. Her central thesis is not that SA has failed or that SA is a sham-- although she has indicated that-- but rather the central thesis she presents is that CPlatt has mismanaged SA. So her attacks are not centrally aimed at SA per se-- see-- in my view (I always have to say in my view because some dummmies like FD will try to make it seem like I'm saying something that's true rather than hueristically postulated as consistent with my frame of reference-- what a waste of time-- but that's FD for you).

My view is that Maxim is pulling punches now-- by failing to create a way to find needles in the haystack-- needles which could effectively end the SA Inc charade. The political and financial sensitities are very high since KFC (Kent Falloon Cryonics) is pretty much hardwired into the entire industry right now-- and a lot money changes hands. For awhile, I thought Maxim was going to bring the SA Inc situation to an end-- but now it appears to me that that won't occur.

CPlatt has disappeared, totally discredited. Kent has not appeared. SA confeerence goeers have not appeared. Ben Best held a position that gave SA a continuance-- basically-- Matt has not appeared. Faloon of course, no appearance. Tuplers nowhere. The entire cryoncis community is somewhat standing back... FD-- who seemed to be blunting MAxim's attacks in CF has initiated a new overview SA attack-- which is interestign-- I can't understand that-- although we have the effect where Maxim is willing to talk to FD... .The entire situation is in the air in my mind right now.

Alcor-- standing on the sidelines-- not acknowledging any of this-- none of the advisors, directors etc. are commenting... the proverbial pink elephant effect. What elephant? Pink you say? [+]

SA Inc COULD be completely and totally discredited with further investigation leading to a moderating (turning down) of the undue OVER influence of KFC-- but there appears to be no willingness to do that from anywhere-- and although it appeared for awhile that MM might be the key to restraining the undue over influence of KFC in cryonics as a whole-- and although there still might be some of that effect in terms of raising questions-- the key item in my view-- Maxim's willingness to go ahead with developing reasonably lengthed (not too long) posts in a blog with alpha keys (needles)-- has been forfeited. This indicates a sea change where we will see the CONTINUED undue over influence of KFC on cryonics.

The continued silence of the really deep pockets in cryonics is also an indication that this thing has been moderated from the inside.

Ideally, Maxim would assign herself the task of using her SA experience to catapult Alcor to higher levels of expertise. Ideallly, Alcor's deep pockets would simply hire her as a consultant on some basis-- to review Alcor's precedures. Making Maxim happy enough with Alcor to sign up with Alcor would be the gold standard. If Alcor could make HER happy with the process, imagine what that could do for the standing of cryonics in general and Alcor in particular. AT the same time, SA Inc would be discredited-- as it should be-- not just CPlatt-- but the entire situation. Any Florida based cryonics ought to involve an ALCOR substation responsible to ALCOR. Renegade Alcor members like KFC ought not be allowed to try to usurp the memebership of Alcor. KFC tried that in 1994 with disastrous results, leading to the Marcie Johnson predicament-- still unsolved.

I consider Maxim's writing important nevertheless-- it's just that it's not going to be the foot in the door to post KFC cryonics that I thought it was going to be. The political-financial tangle of connections almost got revealed on a deeper level than before-- but we've now stopped short. The needles (tagged index) would have been the next step along with a fuller enjoinment with Alcor's processes. Someone in my view has influenced Maxim to stop short--

This officially ends the SA Inc conference of 2007-- and the fallout from the conference. From here on, we're now engaged in a process where the revelations have been squelched, toned down and haystacked-- to disappear into history. It's now onward.... and we'll see what new developments occur.

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Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index