
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Alcor conference features Harris on critical care cryonics.

an excerpt from the confernce promo reads...

" Many of his recent studies have focused on very rapid cooling of the brain in large animals in order to model brain cooling as part of the post-resuscitation treatment process. By injecting cold fluorocarbon liquids into the lungs, it is possible to use the lungs as heat exchangers to cool the brain without significant damage. Extremely rapid brain cooling from only a few degrees up to deep cooling near the temperature of ice has applications from resuscitation treatment to medical "suspended animation." Dr. Harris will describe his studies and how theoretical models of brain oxygen needs at different temperatures applies to cryonics."

>>>The post-resuscintation treatment involves rapid brain cooling? Huh? That doesn't even make sense. "post-resuscitation" meanst the patiend is resuscitated. Why would you cool the brain at that point?

Extremely rapid brain cooling from only a few degrees up to deep cooling near the temperature of ice has applications from resuscitation treatment to medical "suspended animation."

>>>that's low temperature medicine-- which is being done now-- but I'm not sure its cryonics. Isn't Harris going to tell us howt hat stuff realtes to cryonics per se? and isn't really rapid cooling debatable.? [+]

>>> furthermore, the medical industry's use of the term suspended animation meanst that SA Inc is going to have to change their name

Dr. Harris will describe his studies and how theoretical models of brain oxygen needs at different temperatures applies to cryonics."

>>>yeah, without referring to that newsweek article and the UC study? it just seems to me that this is not an Alcor cryonics conference-- that Harris's talk doesnt' tie in tightly enough with cryonics per se. It's another conference put together with the regular crew-- in order to satisfy some other requirements-- but it just doesnt' strike me as of interest to cryonicists. By now, we should be seeing DEMONSTRATIONS of how equipment works at these conferences, and meet the people who actually do the preservations... Maybe even do a demo preservation. It's all surface stuff at these conferences... Harris is dealing with resusciation-- fine-- but that's not cryonics. So... yeeech.

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