
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cryonics Messenger-- Fri. Sept. 26, 2008

[Latest Cryonics Messenger with back issues here]

Where have all the flowers gone?

Fri. Sept. 26, 2008
Kingston Trio-- [+]

Where have all the cryos gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the cryos gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the cryos gone?
Underground to hide away
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Lunar module is tracked instantly as it blasts off

Fri. Sept. 26, 2008
Here we see the lunar module of Apollo 17 blast off from the moon's surface and something very peculiar is noted by the moon-hoax people that you can see here--- the camera that is observing this actually moves upward and tracks the blast off PRECISELY in synch. [+] The remote control of the camera would have had to have been handled by NASA on earth and the guy at the remote control button would have to have pushed the signal at T minus 3 seconds for the signal to get to the moon ontime-- and then the camera would have had to have moved up on a mechanical contraption-- precisely by about 30 degrees-- and stop-- at precesily the speed needed to keep the module in the center of the camera at precisely the rate needed.... all highly unlikely. No blueprints for the special tripod are available today. Blueprints for the lunar lander are no longer in existence. Some say the whole thing was a hoax. But I don't think so. I think that back in 1972, this sort of tripod and coordination could very well have existed. Don't you? Steve harris of SA Inc has expressed affinity with the moon hoax people-- email him and find out what he thinks.

Here's the Apollo 16 version which looks strikingly different! The LEM is gold. And the debris is far more noticable. The-- the astronaut IN the capsule who is experiencing high g force says in an unexcited almost cynical voice-- "what a ride what a ride". HA! This is so realiistic, I could set a version up in my back yard! What a ride what a ride!! You gotta see it to believe it. [+]

Here's Apollo 15. It's funny because when you look at these things from the point of view of a hoax-- it becomes obvious that the guys running the show-- based on Stanely Kubicks' movie techniques are going through a learning curve. On 15, they didn't have the tracking device-- so the camera stays positioned in one place-- but note how on 15, the stupid contraption LEM takes off at a fucking angle. [+] I was waiting for the thing to shoot straight up, as in 16 and 17, but watch what happens. It's pretty funny. The movie The Three Stooges Go to the Moon was actually done better than the Apollo 15 LEM take off.
moon hoax

4 hour erections with Cialis? Cripes. Sheer idiocy

Everyone has seen those really idiotic ads for erections. Who would have thought these would be on tv? Every time they come on, I have to turn the channel. God help us. Here's a spoof on Cialis. [+] Who wants 4 hour erections? And the side effects are truly insane. Someone posted a comment in yesterdays Cryonics MEssenger calling me a lunatic. Oh really? ME? I'm the lunatic huh? What about the people behind Cialiis pushind 4 hour erections with side effects. THAT is NOT lunacy? Man-- someone is not from Earth. And it' ain't me.

Suspended Animation Inc in the google blogs covered by... me?

Apparently, I'm one about 3 people covering the machinations of SA Inc for Google blogsearch under that keyword. [+] The last newsletter was issued Oct, 12, 2007-- about a year ago!! [+] SA Inc had a general manager called "Rose Strain" in newsletter #1-- I missed that!! [+] Rose Strain? Here is the current staff. [+] Where is Harris? I thought he was on board there now. His CCR website has disappeared. Look>>>[+] I looked it up on wayback but can't seem to get it. What happend to wayback? [+] Seems broken.
Suspended Animation, Inc

Unperson promotes cryogospel-- good idea

Unperson's angle on cryonics includes turning cryonics into a religion-- which I wholeheartedly agree needs to be done. His view is rejected, however, by cryonicists in general. My own angle is to look at the cryonics hints that AstroJesus gives us-- having been preserved for 3 days in the cave before being reanimated by a repair beam. Taking the New Testament literally is loads of fun-- I don't do it lately but I cycle into it every few yearsd again and uncover a treasure trove of biblical references to physical immortality, referred to by Jesus. Here's the Cold Filter discussion on that. Sign up to join it. [+]
ancient astronauts

Mark Plus posts daily to Cold Filter-- why not blog?

Mark removed his blog recently. It looks like he deleted it without saving it. People have accused me falsely of the same thing. It's not true. I have all my forums intact-- I just closed them due to harrasment. There was one forum out of a hundred that was deleted but there was nothing on it. The links to my forums that were good are still on Cryonet and none of those were deleted. That proves it. Marks' deletion is mysterious. He said he was going to spend his time on survivalist ideas-- but he could have blogged on those. He lives at Creekside which was supposed to be Ventureville-- and has not commented on Dave Pizer shelving that project. Nobody in CF asks him about it. He's now talking about his 81 year old father-- as if to share this with us-- which is understandable. I would ask Mark how his father is paying for the services of the care home. I was blocked from CF for talking about larouche and cryozombies-- so please ask for me. [+]
mark plus

Why did Alcor really move to Scottsale?

There was a lot of contention in 1994 when Alcor moved to Arizona from California. HEre we see a discussion of the weather in Scottsdale. [+] the problem with this angle is that it doesn't cover the half of it-- because cryonics is done state by state-- with various laws. So the move to the state of AZ from CA was more significant than the weather factor. Steve Bridge and Dave Pizer were instrumental in getting the move done-- and Mark Voelker ran what I consider a cover operation justifying the move with an earthquake argument which was a fake argument-- it was realisitic and valid to a high enough degree to make it credible-- but there is another deeper hidden reason for the move having taken place-- that Dave Pizer knows about-- that is secret to this day-- as far as I can surmise. Your mission-- if you want-- investigate that.
Alcor move 1994

Jews reject Zionism-- Cryonics Jews embrace it or don't discuss it

I really feel as though I'm part of the Great Cryonics Conversation again with this blog method. We have Unperson and Mark Plus-- sort of cryonics "enemy-buddies"-- posting routinely to Cold Filter (my creation actually)-- tossing ideas around that sort of reflect my own ruminations from time to tim in my blogs. This is "how it is".

So this morning, we see Unperson raise the issue of cryoreligion... and that gets tossed around-- but the more important religious element of cryonics right now is not an artificial religion or astrojesus (my favorite) -- but rather what Jews think and what Zionism is-- and how all of that infects cryonics. Dave Pizer is a Jew. So is Saul and Bob Ettinger-- or so they claim. CADC gets really angry with me-- when I discuss this calling me hatefull and anti-semitic. So there is a REAL religious discussion going on in cryonics that THOSE guys just simply refuse to "touch". Mark won't touch it. Nobody wants to touch. Well-- when I see an idea nobody wants to touch, what do I do? Like an idiot, I walk right up to it and say "hello".

So here we have a REAL issue with religion in cryonics. Wired magazine writers and National Enquirer are my favorite mass media publishing outlets who might be interested in this at some point-- the Jews of Cryonics. Heh heh. I'm not saying it hatefully-- I don't hate Jews-- I just don't trust em!!! Heh heh. Hey, I like Seinfeld though. Hey, what's with George? Do you think George was Jewish? Or Kramer? It's hard to say-- but with and, we can begin to see the outline of the Jewish State of Mind-- it's really like something out of the Twilight Zone-- if you're wired up as Christian like me. Mark Plus bashes Christianity all the time-- and nobody calls him hateful... but oh-- just bash Jews once-- and man on oh man-- the blowback! Oy! The jews have a self-protective "meme" and 'action" plan-- better believe it. Like a baby who doens't like mushed peas, it's throw the food back at ya and cry and scream. Christians like me just turn the other cheek or walk away.

Yeah, so we have a lot of hypocrites in cryonics-- talking about religion... like Unperson and mark. They can talk about religion from a certain SAFE position but talk about Jews or Zionists-- and you're finished man. It's all over for YOU. In my case, I'm completley ostracized. And yet, I feel a kinship. I feel forgiving for their "sins". Because I know that they're just huma beings-- and that the Christian view CAN accomodate the Jews. I want all jews to consider Chrisitianty. The most dangerous missionary work today is doing the mission of Jesus among Jews. And to be a CryoJesus missionary among CryoJews is even worse!

Ok-- so here's Rense's featured picture on Jews against Zionism this morning. [+] Explore for more about Jews-- a lot of them have inculcated a sort of superiority to others-- idea in themselves. They've misunderstood the meaning of Isreal. I'm not saying Isreal ought to be wiped out-- but rather we need to consdier the real history of Isreal and "bring up to date"-- count the nuclear bomb rockets it has-- and bring it into the fold of Christianity-- where we give it a constitution where all men are created equal-- and where they stop with the harrassment of the Palestinians. You don't want them hitting Iran-- so this is tricky stuff and it has implications fort he whole world. They need water-- fresh water-- and larouche has a good plan. Let's all read larouche? I'm a Larouche missionary to the cryonicists.

Cryonicists are Libertarian so listen to Ron Paul lately about the bailout

Fri., Sept. 25 ,2008
I haven't been watching ron paul on the bailout isseu but FD, mark, and Unperson should be looking at him from a cryonics piont of view in Cold Filter-- because most cryonicsts-- like mark voelker-- are libertarians. Isn't Ron Paul libertarain basically? Here's pointing to Ron Paul's observations and deliniateing the Zionist bailout plan of the Rothechilds. [+] LADY Rockeefller was on Cavuto yesterday and Cavuto KEPT trying to joke about Lady -- which means she's kNighted-- and that implieds something that is TRULY not american-- yet Lady rock was backing Hillary before-- now switched to McCane-- sugar cane. Anyone who claims conspiracies do not exist are dupes of the conspriacy. There is is-- CAVUTO calling her LADY and joking about it to the pint of awkwardness that I couldn't bear... she took it in stride laughing but man-- there are limits to all jokes... and CAvuto seemed to want to DRILL the point in... over and over and over and over and over... .sheesh. So take alook at realjewnews.... [+]

Note a few key phrases Nathan Kapner uses==

Christian sensibilities--- I like that phrase-- sensibility-- this is crucial-- that's what I have even though I left the formal Catholic chruch for it's mundane stupid masses and mind numbing brainwashing-- inside the church at its core its' trying to push the sensibility forward. When I grow up, I'll try to change the Catholics and update them but for now, we go with sensibility. The Jews in control do NOT have THAT sensibility!!! -- there is NO SUCH THING as JudeoChristian-- the Jews in power think DIFFERENT-- about what they and other humans are-- to SOLVE the world's problems we MUST take that into acouunt-- that's not HATE-- it's REAL-- Let's figure this out!!

McCAIN effectively STOPPED the bailout RAILROADING going on yesterday!!! Barney Frank last night in an extended congress session made a FOOL out of himself apparently... What do PAULSON and Bernanke WANT????

We are now under economic martial law. Paulson & the Jew, Bernanke, want free reign without any oversight and controls on their bailout of the criminal Jewish bankers and their bosses, Jacob & Nathaniel Rothschild.

FREE RIEGN!! This is where there SENSIBILITY goes!! and finally it's pissing enough of us CHRISTIAN sensiblity people OFF-- that we're WAKING UP to this shit... but of COURSE, cryonicists are OUT OF IT... and Unperson and mark pretend this shit ain't goin on. Course Pizer is silent still raising moeny for the orights guy who STAYS in Maine rather than move to near CI where 85 year old father of cryonics Ettinger lives near the lab in a siatutiojn ready to freeze him... but the ANTI chrisitan mentality is funny if it were not so pathetic and sad-- Neither Jew Pizer nor Jew Ettinger has INVITED orights to stay at Ettingers house while he goes down. Why not? Becuase these gusy are not WIRED up like the Crhsitians! Pizer is worth 10 million plus and trying to get moeny out of poor cryos for orgiths-- who is anoymous by the way -- and who none of us poor cryos can VERIFY Is even REAL!! Cripes.

Here's my religion in cryonics argument for Plus and Unperson in CF today-- Jew Pizer and jew Ettinger and Jew KENT-- must become Christian. That would change cryonics for the better. [read this on that. THAT constitutes REAL cryonics religion debate. What's going on with Plus and Unperson is fake-- a false religion argument. Dave Pizer HATES the Catholic church-- but this is from misunderstanding the history of waht happened... which we can DEAL with-- and which we can honestly talkb about-- but more deep than the Catholics is the Christian SENSibility... the notion of all men as equal in potential of creative reason... ALL transhumans are ANTI-CHRISTIAN-- "WE" humans are-- one species-- and we are reflections of one another and OF a CREATOR-- which is a strange concept but made easier to understand by thinking in terms of UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES first-- and of PLATO and of the essence of EPISTEMOLOGY-- and going to the quetsion of HOW WOULD WE KNOW if GOD existed-- if he did??? THAT is the question. WE can toss that around... but essentially the HUMAN is the topic of Christianty as equal to each other and ABOVE all animals. The JEWS FAILED to update themselves to CHRISTIANTIY in terms of what they believe a HUMAN is..... and this is DEEPLY connected with physical immortlaity and cryonics and general cultural immortality. THAT is the essence of why I'm banned from all cryonics dicussions beucase I'm the CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY to CRYONICS!!

Will McCain stop the bailout or is he "one of THEM" too?

Fri. Sept. 26, 2008
I've been watching the week's EVENT with the Fed and treasury on this $700B bailout-- and watching larouche on this-- and there is FINANCIAL WaR going on-- and it's about to explode-- and cryonicits are so fucking dumb stupid that they can't bring themselves to blog or talk on forums about it. The basement dungeon of their lack of regard for the future of cryonics is plain assinine. The EVENT in cryonics that was the BIGGEST even of the MONTH-- was the wealthy cryos in Vegas-- an under reported basically secret meeting-- where these idiotic cryonics millionanries are planing perpetual trusts to store their money while they're frozen so that they can be multimulti trillionanires when they're reanimated. And yet, they can't affort to spend 30K on saving Orights who lives in Maine in the FUCKING WOODS and is dying. This represents a NEW level or NEW QUALITY of dumb ass stupid that gives stupid a new meaning-- sort of multiplied or exponetiated stupidity-- to the 5th power, say. (stupid)5 . And I actually like some of these people in some ways. How? It's beyond me to understand.
Anway... McCain stoped the bailout but MIGHT give in on a deal. Larouche says NO DEAL-- and NOW WE CHRISTIANS are taking it to the next level in case McCain farts out on us-- here it is... [+] The zionist jews in the FEd are going to have to suck eggs. You gotta be a cryochristian like me to come up with phrases like that. Hey are there any cryogirls out there interested in a guy boosting his testosterone at age 51? Come on baby, light my fire. [+] that's me at the keyboard-- vicariously of course. Alcor's board chairman wrote Simultaneou orgasm-- I think we should start with that-- and see if we can make that happen. Spread the word I'm looking to do riskin's guided SO with a cryowoman. Any takers? No guys wanted-- I'm hetero. I realize cryonics is full of gays but please-- stay away other than topics online. For the gay cryos, I need to know some things-- from a technical standpoint-- like are you all doing prostate massage? How is that working for ya? Where was I? Oh yeah-- the bailiout, McCain-- new bretton woods. Forget that sex stuff-- that's trouble.
New Bretton Woods

This prints out nice

Sept. 26, 2008
Print this out-- 5 or 6 pages-- without the index-- and you'll have nice paper based reading material for the day. P{ost a link to this blog from Cold Filter and Cryonet for me. And Alcor United or wherever you want. It's called Cryonics Messenger. It's still experimental. And Drive a Ford.

The Singularity Summit?? Oh no.

[+] Mark plus needs to give us the history of the term singularity again in Cold Filter-- because when you use the word by itself, it refers to a mathematics term-- if you want it to apply to what Mark coined, it has to be coined TECHNOsingularity. Not just singularity.

Larouche show-= with Jeff Steinburg and John Hoeffle

[+] Good commentary.

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Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index