
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cryonics Messenger-- Sat., Sept. 27, 2008


The existence of the USA is at stake

Someone asked me who to vote for, last night. I paused and looked thoughtful-- and the person said "that deep eh?". Nothing could be more true. The existence of the USA is being threated with ecnoomic disaster today-- but not disaster if no bailout occurs-- rather distaster if it does. [+] I'm not going to write about anytthing else today because I want all hands on deck-- like McCain argued for-- and that means cryonicists should read the up to date Larouche page here. [+]

There is a plan B to the bailout. [+].
Why doesn't ORights move now to near CI?
Ventureville on google pic search [+]
Cold Filter observer [+]
Youtube cryonics videos [+]
Has anyone tried growing new neurons with n-pep-12? search [+]
Do penis vacuum pumps work? [search
Manhood cover might repair some skin on glans of circumised penis better than other device. [+]
Search google for manhood circumcision device. [+]
Circumcisiion study [+]
Russian Kriorus is a transhumanist group-- but we need Christian-based cryonics [+]
Paulson called mcCain to help get Repubs on board to pass 700B bailout. [+]
Shelby is now the leader stopping the bailout.
ACORN has started false opposing to covery Barky.
If McCain does not oppose the bill strongly immediately, we're heading into fascism.
Obama used psyops attacking tv audience [+.
I noticed Obama looking at me on the tv-- and it pretty much was spooky.
Here's Cherry Lane's analysis--
"The look" is a dominant or challenging stance. For those familiar with canines they produce this look in pecking order. Cats will do the same crouch before they spring. On the streets, if Barack Obama was giving "the look" to Hispanics, Skin Heads, Blacks or Asians he would be challenging them to what usually involved knives and guns in a fight.
That is how serious what Barack Obama was up to at the debate.

Why the rush on the bailout? [+]
Maybe theres' more to it than we're being told.
The real reason for urgencyis the FED is bankrupt.
The Fed is very close to being illiquid. That is the fear factor we are seeing at work, and the reason no one will discuss why the bailout is needed - only emphasise the urgency.
Congressman given USintel says Georgia started war [+]
Cavuto had Sakashvilli on today-- and was polite to him-- joking around.
Paul Newman dies prematurely in his 80s-- human lifespan 120-- not apparently frozen.
Richard Shelby leading republican resistance to bailout but no plan B [+]
It's the physical economy that's in trouble [+]
Larouche on the blowout [+]

[+] Latest updates on Cryonics messenger here.


Anonymous said...

Before anybody "reads the up to date LaRouche page" they should first read up on LaRouche. Here is a good place to start:

Philossifur is just another unfortunate brainwashed LaRouche cult member.

Rick Potvin said...

The post by anonymous above is merely psyops by agents and dupes of the British Empire-- and it's operatives-- which seek to destroy the nation-state system.

Cryonics is infected with this.

Simply read Larouche without reading the Larouche-hate sites which are the true brainwashing sites.

There are two big ideas on political philosophy-- republicanism and oligarchism. Larouche represents the thread of thought going back to solon of athens in terms of republicanism-- and which represents the carry forward of the Golden Renaissnace.

Anonymosu above and the British agents created the Enlightenment to try to reverse the Renaissance. That in itself is a startling idea-- when you compare it to what you've been taught in psyop controlled schools.

I'm not unfortunate-- quite the contrary. I'm not brainwashed either. The way you tell is by considering the semantic frame that Larouche uses compared to the semantic frame of the British-empire influeced transhumanist cult which seeks to contextualize cryonics--

Any decent thinker will be able to follow what I just said. By the say, anon, Larouche's site has specific counter-intel operations with respect to the slander you point to.

At this time, the reader should focus on Larouches' solution for the finanical crisis--
bankruptcy, 2 tier credit, new bretton woods, write off bad investmen bank derivative contracts, maintiain US dollar value--

Bon said...

You know, you really are a retarded human being. it's very hard for me to not use expletives in insulting you but I'll try.

let's see-- spooky and spook-- so you're telling me that the use of the word spooky evokes in YOUR mind the epithet spook-- which if I dig deep I guess I've seen used in relation to blacks although i've never used that...

But the effect here is that you're now going to link those two separate terms and assinge hate speech to it-- and of course we must keep in mind that the whole hate speech thing is bogus-- but it's winding its way into the martial law component of the us and canada anyway...

Yeah, you're "there' alright-- the New World Order... you guys are a gas.

Oops, are insults hate? hey what about that Dean Martin Roast. That was hate wasn't it? Or the Pollock jokes. hate again?

If you were the judge in a New World ORder court-- and you accused me of hate for using spooky the way I did-- I would point to google pictures for spooky--->[+]

and then for spook [+]

You see there is just one picture that referes to a black person. [+] That's Herbie Hancock whose music I like.

So we're not getting too far with your "accusation". I would have to be judged "not guilty".

now given the reference you made-- I might use the word "disconcerting"-- or what? did YOU see how he looked at the camera? Do you agree is was psyop??? I heard it talked about on AirAmerica again yesterday-- It ain't normal and it was disconcerting... especially when he looks DOWN with his eyeballs up. Anyone, even non-black, who does that, is disconcerting. Body language I can't explain but is there.

Anonymous said...

You should write for politicians, Rick. You are as good as any of them at talking your way out of a slip of the tongue. Those slips, though, tell us all what you really are - a RACIST. You, and Rense that you read, and LaRouche that you worship. If you ever started thinking for yourself there might be hope for you, but I doubt it.

BTW, mark your calendar - the End Of The World is today - the bailout bill gets passed. None of the rest of us will pay much attention to it and life will go on, but you certainly should pay attention, so we will stop hearing from you that the End Of The World is imminent - it already happened in your world, Rick, you will be able to stop worrying about it.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps the lunatic fringe in the House of Representatives, mostly Republicans, are listening to him. Sad.

Bon said...

Washingon will have to call Larouche in for help now-- as I've been trying to tell you and cryonicists for years.

It's not the dow that is our focus at this point-- it is banks and foreclosures.

To that end, to see the future of your country, watch the Larouche site here []

You'll see that "we" (meaning Larouche and me) have a Plan B-- involving something called HBPA.

Say goodnite Gracie.

Anonymous said...

RP, you actually said! --

"The existence of the USA is at stake"

Well isn't that special. Let's all go to Canada then. Especially you, Rick! Or don't they want you back there?

Meanwhile, nothing has changed back at the ranch. Still no way for Rick Potvin to slip quietly back across the border undetected. But still, there is always the faint glimmer of hope in the far horizon.



Anonymous said...

HeWhoShallNotBeNamed wrote:
"There are two big ideas on political philosophy-- republicanism and oligarchism. "

What about the western european system of parliamentarian demoracy?

Also, You said that Obama was LOOKING at YOU??? Whoa, dude, that is pure-dee paranoia on a clinical level! You are lucky you are not living in the USA of decades past, else you would be 'committed'....


Rick Potvin said...

Obama was looking at all of us watching tv-- his new technique in the debate was even talked about on a radio talk show. It hasn't been normanl for debaters to look at the tv camera lens-- like a news caster. Now apparently, everyone is doing it- - Biden and Palin for example-- were often looking right AT the camera lens during the debate.

Parliamentary democracy is a vestiage of feudalism according to Larouche. A presidential republic has far more leverage. In the case of the current example of the USA, we're under economic attack-- one that has been ongoing since the death of FDR... so therefore we're having problems. Europe is in worse shape, however-- as they came very close to disappearing under the Lisbon treaty stopped only by Ireland.

The USA... and the WORLD are at stake here-- which includes Canada-- Canada is under attack ecnomically too-- and has been since its inception, from the Larouche perspective-- with only Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier being able to counter the British control. Moving to Canada would do nothing to solve any problem at all-- the Canadian dollar uses the the US dollar as a reserve currency too-- so that's that.

Fd's use of a real name continues to be vicious internet assault that's unspeakable. No self-resepcting "real immortalist" would do that to another immortalist. It's a terrible breach of civility. But we have worse problems to worry about right now.

Let me say this to both of you. We see in the Larouche movement-- a counterweight to everything both of you put forth-- and it's a significant counterweight-- wheter you admit it or like it or not. It's simply a reality. Now-- with that reality in the world at large, I represent the personification of that philosophy embedded to some degree in cryonics and immortalism in general as a counterweight to transhumanism and secularism.

To some degree, however, I'm a strange hybrid. I don't understand why Larouche falls for the moon hoax or why he ridicules masturbation for example. I don't understand why Chiina and India are the most populous countries and not the countries where the Industrial Revoluion first took off. But right now-- I see exactly why we're being destroyed--- and what's required to sustain the world's population. I understand power density and I understand overland vs. sea transport.

You two boneheads are merely victims of the same thing we're all victims of-- an assault on our education system, which successfully detached us from historical context. I tolerate you because I still think Larouche did not write off cryonics and life extension-- and in fact pro-longevity is a fundamental characteristic of Larouchian progress... by definition-- and cryonics is an extension of that.

More than likely we're all dead in the long and I'm of the opinion that cryonics is possible but that the odds of it working for me are slim to none... and that therefore Larouchian immortality must be taken into account in terms of inter-generational transfer of the unique traits of human cognition-- which sets man apart from animal-- the ability to rediscover and discover principles and apply them to increase man's longevity and potential population density.

The Larouche perspective is quite deep, and substantial-- and it's a position you both should at least be respectful of and consider as a triangulating point of referrnce in your works. The preamble for the constitution, for example, DOES include the General Welfare-- and this is unique among constitutions of the world. And the US money system IS a credit system-- unique again. But you flathead reductionist morons are beyond hope in directing your attention to anything I say-- so...

.. So we'll just watch the republic either unwind in the next month-- or we'll see some changes and when you get fearful enough, I'll still be willing to help you understand how your miserable little lives got fucked up... if I survive the coming chaos.

We'll see you on the other side of hell. It's going to take at least 50 years to repair the damage done to the USA and the world by Globalism. But we ARE going back to Bretton Woods-- and YOU two will be sent back to the world of baboons and monkeys where you might be more comfortable throwing your feces around at each other.

Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index