
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cryonics Messenger-- Sat., Sept. 27, 2008


The existence of the USA is at stake

Someone asked me who to vote for, last night. I paused and looked thoughtful-- and the person said "that deep eh?". Nothing could be more true. The existence of the USA is being threated with ecnoomic disaster today-- but not disaster if no bailout occurs-- rather distaster if it does. [+] I'm not going to write about anytthing else today because I want all hands on deck-- like McCain argued for-- and that means cryonicists should read the up to date Larouche page here. [+]

There is a plan B to the bailout. [+].
Why doesn't ORights move now to near CI?
Ventureville on google pic search [+]
Cold Filter observer [+]
Youtube cryonics videos [+]
Has anyone tried growing new neurons with n-pep-12? search [+]
Do penis vacuum pumps work? [search
Manhood cover might repair some skin on glans of circumised penis better than other device. [+]
Search google for manhood circumcision device. [+]
Circumcisiion study [+]
Russian Kriorus is a transhumanist group-- but we need Christian-based cryonics [+]
Paulson called mcCain to help get Repubs on board to pass 700B bailout. [+]
Shelby is now the leader stopping the bailout.
ACORN has started false opposing to covery Barky.
If McCain does not oppose the bill strongly immediately, we're heading into fascism.
Obama used psyops attacking tv audience [+.
I noticed Obama looking at me on the tv-- and it pretty much was spooky.
Here's Cherry Lane's analysis--
"The look" is a dominant or challenging stance. For those familiar with canines they produce this look in pecking order. Cats will do the same crouch before they spring. On the streets, if Barack Obama was giving "the look" to Hispanics, Skin Heads, Blacks or Asians he would be challenging them to what usually involved knives and guns in a fight.
That is how serious what Barack Obama was up to at the debate.

Why the rush on the bailout? [+]
Maybe theres' more to it than we're being told.
The real reason for urgencyis the FED is bankrupt.
The Fed is very close to being illiquid. That is the fear factor we are seeing at work, and the reason no one will discuss why the bailout is needed - only emphasise the urgency.
Congressman given USintel says Georgia started war [+]
Cavuto had Sakashvilli on today-- and was polite to him-- joking around.
Paul Newman dies prematurely in his 80s-- human lifespan 120-- not apparently frozen.
Richard Shelby leading republican resistance to bailout but no plan B [+]
It's the physical economy that's in trouble [+]
Larouche on the blowout [+]

[+] Latest updates on Cryonics messenger here.

Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index