
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cryonics Messenger-- Thurs. Sept. 25, 2008

Before you read yesterday's Cryonics messenger-- consider reading today's first-- [+] As I do this more, I get better at it, and today's is better than yesterdays.

Good morning fellow cryonicists. Looks like I'm one of the most prominent publshers on the most advanced and republic publishing machine in the world today-- google blogsearch on keywword 'cryonics'. Let's see-- let's visit Cold filter first and see what's going on there.

[+] FD involves herself in every thread-- and here she answers Basie, an occasional visitor from England I think. Not a lot of activity on CF today-- EVEN with the collapse of the monetary system worldwide-- typical.

[+] Bill O Rights hasn't eaten for 21 days-- !!!? ... yet apparently is living in northern Maine-- while Venturists try to raise money for his CI preservation. ORights manages to post this to Cryonet. This is getting weird...

I'm paying attention to the banking crisis this week taking my cues from Larouche, of course, who says there should be NO bailout-- not a dime-- and that the strategy HAS to be bankruptcy protection of the FED, firewall the chartered banks, freeze foreclosures, create a two teir credit system-- let the fake derivatives of a quadrillion vaporize-- and protect what needs to be protected that is real...

Without Larouche's solution, we're going to see a police state descend on us rapidly-- and cryonics will effectively be over-- because the police state will be linked to the depopulation plans of the genocidal maniacs controlling the central bank system in the City of London, otherwise labelled the British Empire. It's not possible to understand American history and the history of republic vs. oligarchy without reading all back issues of EIR by Larouche.

Alcor publishes a blog-- and they have an index-- but I just noticed now that there is no finance in that index...

Guest Editorial
News Events
Patient Care
Regional News
Research and Development

I don't see where you go for issues involving finance, do you?

After watching McCain suspend his campaign yesterday, i thought he would go to Washington and call for a new approach-- no bailout, but rather a larouche strategy as above-- but it appears he's towing the Bush line. [+]

Those pushing for the bailout are trying to project disaster if we don't, including McCain-- although McCain did point out that it'll cost everyone 10K... that could be better spent on roads and bridges and other infrastructure. He's calling for 45 nuclear power plants by 2030-- Larouche is calling for 600.

I don't like Gingrich-- neither does Larouche-- but Gingrich is one who is saying "no bailout"-- which is interesting.

As a Christian-- which is apparently what I am despite having rejected organized religion-- since Christianity is culturally wired into us from an early age-- and is a way of considering all human beings as essentially equal in their potential to creatively reason-- without distinction between race-- and considers humans as a species above any of the animals-- in that context-- I'm always interested in what's up with the Jews. Lately, I've been reading and this morning, they deal with "Judeo-Christianity" which they point out is an oxymoron. [+]

I think cryonicists should be made aware of what's up with the Jews because it's complicated-- and there is deep psychology involved in the upbringing of SOME Jews that makes some of them think they're a higher form of human-- in some sense-- either becasuse they think of themselves as the chosen people-- which is a mistranslation of Isreal in the bible-- or because of other reasons-- It's pretty bizaree when you get going on this topic-- but it's easily refuted as nonsense with one stroke of the pen-- which is what Christianity really it-- it's a cancellation of the Jewish "system" of thought-- And so what I try to do is convert Jews to Christianity, especially in cryonics. I don't think most Jews even understand their own claim to be Jews. And the funny thing is, they never want to talk about it.

Back to the bank crisis-- looks like Congressmen are terrified. [+] Turns out that a lot more revolves around Congressen and Senators than I thought-- so to affect politics in the future, cryonicsts should get to know their congressmen-- and how to elect congressmen. I'm surprised that the Treasury and Fed had to go through this with congress to create money. I was under the impression they can create it if they want it. Congress still has a say, despite 1913 takeover.

There's a lot more to this bailiout than they're reporting on tv or even a lot of interenet articles. [+] I'm seeing responses even on TV, however, where people liek Lou Dobss are highly suspicious of the 'urgency' of the bailout scheme. They smell something fishy, and indeed there IS!

Here's an interesting site pointed to by Rense where you can protest the bailout and learn who your congressman is by zipcode. [+]

Here's a new phrase-- gangster capitalism- [+] Warrne Buffet is already postiioned to profit from the bailout-- amazing. The only way ordinary people can stop this is by getting together in the Larouche PAC-- to REFRESH our cultural memory-- to study history is to repair the amnesia-- because the historical monster is the oligarchy-- the one eyed monster-- dictatorship-- and the suppression of the Larouche view by cryonics people and other anti- American history and classical history agents is really destroying things--- To this day, larouche is ignored on mainstream tv-- even though his homeowner bank protection act is quickly being adopted all over the country-- we are in a psyop war beyond all belief right now...

Here's Webster Tarpley-- on Rense this morning-- he's a larouche fan-- [+] He hit the nail on the head with this piece-- tell Mccain to stop the bailout-- or go home-- I agree. McCain lives near where I live in Phoenix and his church is down the street-- I've attended it for fun a few times. I could easily make a sign with a stick on it that says McCAIN-- STOP the bailout, and get media coverage-- I would insert "Larouche cryonics" on the other side of the sign and flip it around as traffic passes by-- just to give cryonics more publicity.

As a Larouche cryonicist, and an avid reader from a long way back-- who visited plenty of used bookstores in Niagara Falls, New York-- those were the days-- I have a special ability that I don't find in many others-- that is the abiity to distinguish important featureas of something-- essential features-- the essence of something. The essense of a woman for example is whether she is capable of getting pregnant or not. On this bailout, Rense poins to this articel [+] The 700B is just teh BEGINNING!!!

There is a multi-trillion dollar derivatives bailout next [+]

Here's a fax list-- [+] Stop the scam.

I sure would like alcor, and the money men in cryonics who recently met in Vegas to comment on all of this.... you can see that cryonics millionaaires are not really all too bright after all. They'll take care of their money but they don't understand what money really is. Nobody can tell you what's going on-- other than me.

of course, the paradox is -- if I'm so smart, why am I not rich? good question. Makes me drink beer for breakfast.

Leaving you on a good note-- let's look at what Larouche is saying will create the next 50-100 years of civilizaiton-- a new bretton woods !!!- [+]

This is real-- any nanotech or transhuman stuff is all going to be subject to the new finanical architeccture based on FDR's anti-colonial ideas-- it's either that-- or you're facting a worldwide dictatorship-- if for no other reason-- study this article and learn what the opposing forces are in the world today.... especially the deep pockets and heavy hitters in cryonics-- [+]

All the wealthy people in the world will be subject to this new architecture... it's kind of ironic and funny that I'm pointing multimillionnaires who should know more about money than me but don't. The fallacy of being good at accumulating money-- like Pizer, through this poperty flipping-- or Laughline trhough gambling or Miller through electronic parts importation-- or kent through his fake magazine which is a catalog-- which was removed from Barnes and noble for that reason-- (I personally saw the originla magazine-catalog that saul liked and imitated-- based in florida)-- the fallacy of money accumulation is that you become a sort of money-holic and money-centric-- everything gets viewed in terms of mony-- and that's the mistake.

It's like if you get good with a tool-- a hammer, say-- everything gets viewed with a hammer in mind. Instead of looking at what can be done with a hammer, you look at everything from the point of view of what can be done to something with a hammer.

Money is a tool and so the money-accumulators look at everything from that money-centric view-- and this BECOMES a philosophy-- nothign less-- a money philosophy called MONETARISM-- and there are historically famous people who pump it up-- like Adam smith-- who writes of so called free trade-- which is a misnomer-- it's really about seeking the lowest price and selling for the highest price-- in pursuit of MONEY-- without regard for anything else. Like the hammer business-- everything is looked at from the point of vewi of what can I do to use my hammer? It's not like-- is a hammer NEEDED. Similarly, in the money situation-- it's not even "business" in a normal sense.

We've all been taught to regard MONEY MAKING as business. But is it? Business involves finding a need and filling it. Money making however doesnt care about need-- it simply finds a way to make money. It's like virus gone out of control. Like Pizer-- who bought Ventureville property for the purpose of a cryonics community-- but since he programmed himself to flip properties to make money, he can't help but think about flipping creekside-- and already started that process by selling th land next door-- because he's not in the business of cryonics-- but in the bussiness of making money.

The business of making money is what the buzzards are doing to the auto indstury -- like Rohatyn sellling of machine tools in detroit. Or the buyouts of banks. Turning money making itself into a business is like a cancer diseases or AIDS where the immunce system destroys itself. Money making is a tool-- not an end in and of itself.

Now we see the entire FED and Treasury-- where they're at-- after the investment banks-- in the business of money making and nothing else, have bankrupted themselves in a bubble that we're supposed to bailout-- which if we try-- will kill us. Larouche is saying get back to REAL business-- making things. And use money as a tool again... as iBretton Woods an fixes changage rates allow. For cryonics millionnaires to NOT support Larouches' proposal is NOTHING LESS THAN TREASON against the United States.... and an abrogation of responsibility as human beings.

For Pizer and the others to remain silent on this is TANAMOUNT to treason and i'll NEVER forget it. Pizer and the Vegas cryonics meeting people-- are ALL treasonous throught silence and HISTORY in cryonics will NEVER forgive them. THEy are doing nothing LESS the defining themselves-- as this crisis goes on.

I find it rather ironic and funny in a way.

Pass the popcorn. I'm watching.

Here's Trump's blog. [+] He was saying real estate is a god buy right now-- Pizer should have a blog and be telling cryos the same thing-- or at least commenting on Trump. I have a theory about most money-centric people like pzier and kent-- is that they consider sharing ideas worthless to them... therefore they won't blog. I don't know what's wrong with the thousnad other cryos-- probably no time to blog-- too busy making money to make ends meet.

Here's a very weird peice by Cherry Land [+] AFter you read it, let me know what you think about the DNA of people who understand the potential of cryonics. I think we're a genetic race now-- we cryonicists-- there are not many of us because the DNA is unique-- mine being a hybrid with genetic memory of the Celts-- against oligarchs as well as something that goes back to a tribe of Judah in contact with an ancient astronaut-- the LORD-- so immortality comes naturally to us. Other cryos must have genetic memory in synch with oligarchs.. like Goths... I think Pizer is Goth DNA.

Celts are trying to tell Goths-- to stop trying to dominate the planet-- through force and come to an agreement on a set of rules-- that allow nationstates to have sovereignty... and recognize our dna is talking-- at least in this scenario-- and that we have genetic memory... we all want the power to exist.. which doesnt' require the power to dominate-- as much as the power to influence-- and opening up the book on genetic memory is going to be a powerful influcence-- on the educated of course-- not the ignorant--


[+] STop the bailout-- it's a cliff over which IF WE JUMP-- we're dead!!!

It's a hoax!!!!

BANKRUPTCY-- not bailout!!!

Laoruche is calling for using legal bankruptcy for all entities affected by the situation-- bankruptcy proceedings will sort out what should be saved or vaporized-- absolutley NO BAILING-- NONE whatsover... now we hear that there has been a call for bankruptcy and Obama and the investment bankers are saying no way to bankruptcy becauset THEY KNOW THAT THAT IS THe REAL altervnative.... spread this word through cryonics and life extension communities and your congressment etc. BANKRUPTCY... is so simple!!! Maybe Alcor's funds can be saved through such a move. Alcor hasn't told us what the statuts is of the PCT etc. Demand it from them!! Silence is treason at this point.

[+] google blogserach on "bankruptcy not bailout"

[no bailout blogsearch

[+] John Galbraith's son also an economist says no bailout needed

[bankruptcy on google blogsearch

[+] Why did Pizer sell the property next to creekside? Does this mean ventureville is not merely shelved-- but CANCELLED? Why isn't William ORights living at near CI? The most important thing for cyronics to do is have a living situation near the labs... why hasn't this happened? Cryonics millionnaires met in vegas this past few weeks to figure out how to preserve their wealth post mortem-- but they don't have residences near the labs. This priority is backwards.

McCain will DESTROY the Dodd compromise-- and propose bankruptcy over the weekend

here's a piece that leads me to think that [+] McCain the fighter pilot is going in to kill the economic warfare BOMB being set by the British central banks-- the bailout will kill the US dolalr and McCain is there to defuse the bomb and save the dollar, the US and the world.




What nobody in the corporate media is mentioning amid all the blather about the $700-billion Paulson bailout proposal is the impact it will have on the US dollar.

But besides the direct bill handed to taxpayers for this gigantic con, there is the fact that adding that much to the national debt is also going to drive the dollar down precipitously against foreign currencies. We're already seeing that happen, even while they're just talking about the bailout. The dollar is falling against all major currencies--the Euro, the Yen, the Renminbi and the British pound. And it will continue to fall as the details of the bailout come out.

Facts for the dummy who posts comments here

You want facts? Look at the dollar index [+] [+]

Larouche's latest-- Americans rising up with KILLER INSTINCT

[+] and Italy is introducing a New Bretton Woods by Larouche [+]


[+] Cryonics will not survive a dark age. Larouche's new bretton woods will prevent it. Cryonics will owe its future to Larouche. I was right.

MCCAIN MEETING with Bush, Obama

[+] McCain called the meeing. [+]

Baynor says there is no agreement in principle as Dodd says

[+] Baynor is furious and saying there is no deal-- theres's an agreement in pricnipel [+]-- Watch the dollar move--s eee link above--

FDIC now in trouble!!!


Stop bailout--it's treason


McCain's office

[+] I left a message with mccain about stopping the bailout.

[+] mccain bush obama meeting

[+] Leiberman's blog on this-- saying that there will be a compromise-- but daily koz is saying McCain will DESTROY the compromise...

[+] Huffington post reporst on Mccains plan to destroy the compromise-- this goes a step fruther than the daily koz report.

[+] forum-- new bretton woods and no bailout-- but bankruptcy.

[money supply]

[Richard Shelby says this is a bad deal.

[Stop the bailout]


Anonymous said...

Nobody listens to your fanaticism.

Somebody might accidentally listen if you were to give proof that larouche ideas will save the world economy and the current ones being put in place will not. But you have no proof. Only the random musings of a pedantic, senile ex-con.

Rick Potvin said...

You want proof do you? Hmmm... let's see.

Try checking into history and how FDR pulled the country out of depression with Bretton Woods.

Oh wait! You don't read history. Hmmm... then we have a problem.

You appear to me to be somewhat of a joke of a human being. What happened to is common to reductionists going back to aristotle. See-- we call it reductionism-- which is related to empiricism. What you call proof is of the senses. You want sensory proof-- something you can see, taste or hear. But the proof lies in the mind, which you either fail to recongnice in yourself-- or intentiaonlly are attempting to pretend we do not have.

You're challange means nothing to me. My posts are excellent overviews of my morning coffee routine and any reader can scan it quickly picking out keywords to look at what interests them.

Proof. Yu're funny. I gotta hand you that.

Besides... you don't even have to read ME to figure out what's going on with the bailout hoax-- read larouche at

There's proof there.

Rick Potvin said...

proof of fixed exchange rate works--
compare post 1971 to pre 1971.

Rick Potvin said...


What is fanaticism? Taking a position. Like that the USA's US Dollar is stil the worlds' reserve currency and the bailout will destroy it opening the gates of hell to quadrillions in fake deriviatives. No. I'm not fanatical-- as that implies irrational. I'm rational and pointing it out-- and YOU are a traitor because you're not dealing with the isse of today-- You're nothing but a british agent-- you don't study history-- you basically have no mind. What are going to preserve throught the cryonics process if you have not mind?

Fanatic. You're an idiot. How about that?

Anonymous said...

You're a lunatic, Ric. Nothing you said makes any sense or proves anything.


Plus you're a Jew-hater, and ought to be in jail for hate speech. Why don't you go back to Canada where you came from, and they would put you in jail.

Rick Potvin said...

No-- I'm not a lunatic. It might SEEM like that occasionally but no-- I'm not a loony.

I'm merely trying to position myself for physical immortality. And that requires that we take some things seriously.

Like genetic memory as a distinct possibility. Or epistemology. Or understand what some Jews are up to-- which is not hate. You're just saying it's hate because you're likely thinking of yourself as a Jew too.

You don't run a blog. You offer no views of your own. All you do is try to smash my offerings and my various writing experiments.

You're very likely a very different DNA species than me-- in terms of race. You do not understand me. YOu don't understand my motives. YOu have no inkling. You've never read EIR. You're a Larouche hater-- what about that?

So here's what's rather funny-- you're the only one commenting here. Where are the other 1000 cryonicists or at least a few of them? Nobody is writing a cryonics blog other than for a handful of us. Yet it's a powerful tool! Explain THAT to me.

What are YOU not writing your own blog?

I chalk it up to different DNA human species. Maybe Larouche is wrong about ONE human species... or maybe human racial differences are very seriously different! You and I are very likely different races.

I don't hold you in contempt. I just fail to understand how you can be so... basically stupid to fail to understand the angles I'm covering out here in cyberspace. I regard you as stupid not in a hateful way but I really do feel pity for you and other cryos. I might feel that all day long if you all were not so dangerous as a result of your own self induced stupidity.

Well, good luck as a human being. Lunatic, my eye. It's very possible you're simply so stupid as to not recognize genius when it happens right in fron t of you.

Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index