Is cryonics "just" cryonics-- or is cryonics more that "just" cryonics? Discuss that at Cold Filter. [+]
The Frozen Files--
A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]
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Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index
- . (1)
- 000-- 08-21-07-- Aerogel and world situation (1)
- 21CM (1)
- 21CM-- finance-- follow the money starting at 21CM-- cryonics (1)
- 21CM-- formulas-- 4 (1)
- 21cm-- New building. (1)
- 21CM-- patents-- numerous patents filed. (1)
- 21CM-- rabbit kidney 2005-- vitrification formula-- Alcor formula (1)
- 21CM-- rabbit kidney transplant 2005-- overlooked (1)
- 21CM-- Saul Kent-- kingpin (1)
- A-- C81-- personnel-- one anonymous made everyone anonymous (1)
- Alcor billing screw-up-- continues. (1)
- Alcor billing-- 02-- Steve Jackson goes public (1)
- Alcor Blog-- Chana deWolf-- interesting blog post-- 08-31-07 (1)
- Alcor blog-- Chana deWolf-- post gone (1)
- Alcor blog-- Chapman points to Newsweek article (1)
- Alcor blog-- Extensive reporting-- board meeting (1)
- Alcor conference-- blogs-- speakers should have blogs (1)
- Alcor conference-- Harris's topic not tight enough (1)
- Alcor Conference-- Oct. conf. features Bridge-- (1)
- Alcor conference-- promo not academic (1)
- Alcor conference-- speakers vs. blogging (1)
- Alcor- homepage (1)
- Alcor- Why have a conference Nov 2007? (1)
- Alcor-- 08-23-08-- renumbered conferences (1)
- Alcor-- billing bungling (1)
- Alcor-- blog-- chapman conference notice (1)
- Alcor-- board meeting June 30 (1)
- Alcor-- Canadian case-- funding problem-- (1)
- Alcor-- conference-- renumbered? (1)
- Alcor-- end of life optin-- not life extension (1)
- Alcor-- heart lung machine vs. Alcor perfusion equip (1)
- Alcor-- last online case report 2004 (1)
- Alcor-- Paid speaker program mistake. (1)
- Alcor-- Pancake disappears into black box (1)
- Alcor-- prepare for conference in Oct. (1)
- Alcor-- preparedness 08-31-07 (1)
- Alcor-- procedures (1)
- Alcor-- readiness personnel in question (1)
- Alcor-- renumbered conferences? (1)
- Alcor-- rescue team personnel (1)
- Alcor-- team members (1)
- Alcor-- threat of cancelled membership or non-rescue (1)
- Alcor-- weather in Scottsale (1)
- Alcorx-- Stumpx 2003-- Rediculous conversation (1)
- artifact storage (1)
- Ashes in space (1)
- atp use (1)
- attacked again 18-- mistake oops (1)
- Attacked again-- 05-- Nature of attack (1)
- Attacked again-- 06-- Classical SuperHumanism is unassailable. (1)
- Attacked again-- 07-- Practicality vs. Principle (1)
- Attacked again-- 08-- No joke (1)
- Attacked again-- 09-02-07-- Close blog to public (1)
- Attacked again-- 09-03-07-- end of frozen files (1)
- Attacked again-- 10-- test (1)
- Attacked again-- 11-- Issue becomes forced censorship (1)
- Attacked again-- 11.-- Thought control-- nanotech- immortality- Larouche (1)
- Attacked again-- 12-- final warning (1)
- Attacked again-- 14-- Psychological battle (1)
- Attacked again-- 14-- YouSendIt-- why did attacker use this? (1)
- Attacked again-- 15-- Attacker most upset with blog alerts (1)
- Attacked again-- 15-- ccryonics (1)
- Attacked again-- 17-- Might be enough to leave world affairs etc out of this (1)
- Attacked again-- 19-- I'm called a martyr for using cryonicsx. (1)
- Attacked again-- 20-- cryos remain out of touch (1)
- Attacked again-- 21-- Under seige (1)
- Attacked again-- 22-- Now the entire ColdFilter forum under threat by Matt (1)
- Attacked again-- closed blog-- good thing (1)
- Attacked again-- martyr (1)
- Attacked again-- renewed vigor on closed forum (1)
- Attacked again-- start over. 09-01-07 (1)
- Attacked again--13 -- one reader? (1)
- Attacked again--16-- Completion of the quarter (1)
- Attention direction-- blogs (1)
- Attention Steering-- Cold Filter and FD (1)
- Attention Steering-- Psychocybernetics (1)
- Audrey Smith-- cryopreservation pioneer didn't preserver herself (1)
- Australia-- Phil Rhoades-- 01-- reason for being in rural area (1)
- Autopsy-- Venturist religious objection (1)
- autopsy-- Venturist- card complete-- online? (1)
- Bacteria (1)
- Banned-- Flogging-- I even got banned for flogging (1)
- Ben Best-- contempt (1)
- Blog Design 07-14-07-- Newest design higlites alpha index. (1)
- blog mechanics-- 08-20-07-- returning visitors (1)
- BLOG MECHANICS-- Alphabetical index-- Ettinger used keywords from the beginning. (1)
- Blog mechanics-- click on month for daily digest. (1)
- Blog mechanics-- connected forum. (1)
- Blog mechanics-- counter (1)
- Blog mechanics-- counter-- 100 hits day 2 (1)
- Blog mechanics-- counter-- tiny counter one count per ip (1)
- Blog mechanics-- counters (1)
- blog mechanics-- counters all crappy (1)
- Blog mechanics-- Countesr-- first day35 (1)
- Blog mechanics-- FeedBlitz (1)
- Blog mechanics-- Google blogsearch lists BonHomme's Quarterly (1)
- Blog mechanics-- latest post viewing (1)
- BLOG MECHANICS-- Network54 to change-- Abandon it. (1)
- blog mechanics-- pdf (1)
- Blog mechanics-- pdf download (1)
- Blog mechanics-- podcast of this blog (1)
- blog mechanics-- returning visitors (1)
- blog mechanics-- returning visitors-- 4.5 (1)
- Blog mechanics-- returning visitors-- Bravenet graphs (1)
- Blog mechanics-- returning visitors-- hostile (1)
- Blog mechanics-- returning visitors-- hostile-- no truth (1)
- Blog mechanics-- threaded forum linked discussion (1)
- Blog mechanics-- work area (1)
- Blog writing-- Indexing-- How to use date stamps to log a story line. (1)
- Blog-- Contribute to this blog. (1)
- Bloggers amenable to cryonics-- Matus1976-- hypothermic medicine 08-31-07 (1)
- Bloggers amenable to cryonics-- Teri (1)
- blogging-- bigwheels who should blog (1)
- Blogging-- philosophy-- discussion is a distraction (1)
- blogology (1)
- blogs 07-14-07-- CI head cooling box. (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists- anonymous (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Aschwin and Chana-- technical cryoncis blog (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Mark Plus (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Mark Plus-- Atheism (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Mark Plus-- Comment on Zionism please. (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Melody Maxim (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Robert Ettinger. (1)
- Blogs by cryonicists-- Steven B. Harris (1)
- Blogs by pro-cryonics people-- Christian cryonics (1)
- Blogs by pro-cryonics people-- Unsane-- fear life (1)
- Blogs that mention cryonics cynically-- in strict literal God context (1)
- blogs that mention cryonics favorabley-- Malanie Swan (1)
- Blogs that mention cryonics favorably-- GoodLifeGifts (1)
- Blogs that mention cryonics favorably-- Joreth (1)
- Blogs that mention cryonics favorably-- quistian zaine (1)
- Blogs that mention cryonics favorably-- V.R. Manoj (1)
- Blogs the mention cryonics favorably-- Melina Chok (1)
- Blogs-- attention direction (1)
- Blogs-- Frozen Files-- Spring 2007 (1)
- blogs-- google blogsearch under 'cryonics' (1)
- blogs-- primary source of sovereign mind thought (1)
- Blood subsitutes-- Biotime-- whatever happened to... (1)
- Blood substitutes-- plastic blood (1)
- Bob nelson-- update please. (1)
- brain damage-- Ben Best article (1)
- brainwave church-- 1.-- Invitation (1)
- brainwave control-- anna wise-- mind mirror (1)
- C81 (1)
- C81-- visualization of the brain-- Harris-- Zewacki (1)
- CADC (1)
- Cancer-- suppressed cure (1)
- cannulae issue-- see SA-- cannulae (1)
- Case reporting (1)
- case studies (1)
- Cases-- 2007 (1)
- Catholic church-- cryonics takeover (1)
- Center of cryonics-- where is it? (1)
- CF-- 01-- Ads (1)
- CF-- Ads (1)
- CF-- George-- oversight (1)
- CF--01-- Latest rounds by Maxim (1)
- chemrails (1)
- Christian cryonics-- blogger (1)
- Christian cryonics-- Jesus would have supported cryonics (1)
- CI-- Ben Best's article for local gropus (1)
- CI-- C81 critique and response (1)
- CI-- case 83 (1)
- CI-- field washout (1)
- CI-- mortician based program destroyed. (1)
- CI-- needs SA (1)
- CI-- playing catch up with SA (1)
- Classical FutureHumanism-- 00. Intro. (2)
- Classical Humanism-- cryonics (1)
- Classical Immortality-- physical AND Classical immortality go hand in hand. (1)
- Classical SuperHumanism-- a new context for cryonics (1)
- Classical Superhumanism-- CPlatt on Superhumanism (1)
- Classical SuperHumanism-- Google search (1)
- classroom-- cryonics education process-- cold (1)
- Cold Filter-- 000-- ENTER (1)
- Cold Filter-- 01-- Forum under legal threat by Matt Sullivan (1)
- Cold Filter-- cryonics discussion forum observations (1)
- Cold Filter-- FD-- Overview of Alcor-SA-NOT Ci (1)
- Cold Filter-- Hinek-- Mark Plus-- deletes link to MP blog-- 01-- what gives (1)
- Cold Filter-- Maxim-- SA site needs updating (1)
- Cold Filter-- messy-- alphablog organize-- Network54 (1)
- Cold Filter-- not a general discussion but rather FD controlled space (1)
- Comedy-- Lewis Black (1)
- computerized perfusion-- Maxim vs. FPatrol-- 7-10-07 (1)
- Context for Cryonics1-- A Universal History of Mankind and Radical Prolongevity (1)
- Context-- 01-- impossible to look at cryonicsx without context (1)
- Context-- Political philosophy for cryonics. (1)
- CPB bypass-- video (1)
- Critical Care Phase-- oxygen (1)
- Critical Care Reearch-- nothing on homepage (1)
- Cryonet Blog Lessons-- 1. Google blogsearch under keyword cryonics by date. (1)
- Cryonet Blog Lessons--2.-- Gina Miller posts her blog link to Cryonet (1)
- Cryonet blog lessons--3.-- Link to my blog (1)
- CryoNet-- Alpha-blog attack link post (1)
- CryoNet-- as blog (1)
- CryoNet-- latest archive page-- Google blogsearch on cryonics (1)
- CryoNet-- obsolete-- vacant (1)
- CryoNet-- PhilOssifur posts from 2006 still useful. (1)
- Cryonicists are not Anti-Zionist. (1)
- Cryonics Industry Moniter 07-14-07-- Alcor Conference Nov. (1)
- Cryonics Institute-- John Bull-- Cryonet (1)
- cryonics messenger (1)
- cryonics worldview (1)
- crystal coffins-- Mao and Brezhnev (1)
- Dave Pizer-- Property sale next to Creekside (1)
- Dave Pizer-- Stupid questions (1)
- death orientiation-- cryonics not death-oriented enough (1)
- death-- peaceful death scenes (1)
- Disappearing cryos-- Bill Voice- Michelle Fry (1)
- drop SA (1)
- Economics-- Larouche-- Will cryonics survive the coming crash? (1)
- Editorial-- 07-23-07 (1)
- END OF FROZEN FILES-- This is the last post. (1)
- End-of-life issues-- cryonics as (1)
- End-of-Life Planning-- 1.-- Truthful perspective of cryonics requires deathist thinking. (1)
- Engineering-- Ancient Engineers- L.Sprague de Camp (1)
- Ettinger-- CF post-- 8-31-07 (1)
- Ettinger-- fraudulent comment on pricing (1)
- example (1)
- EXERCISE-- Powerpulse self-experimen (1)
- Fahy (1)
- FD-- Alcor focus misdirection (1)
- FD-- Alcor SA and Kent - 08-31-07 (1)
- FD-- control agent should be avoided (1)
- FD-- debate ender-- who appointed him/her? (1)
- FD-- gatekeeper (1)
- FD-- git er done-- debate ender (1)
- FD-- look after myself only (1)
- FD-- malignment of blogs (1)
- FD-- nobody reads Frozen Files (1)
- FD-- Save the data-- drop the ideas (1)
- FD-- sharper attack roundup. (1)
- FD-- upset over blogs (1)
- feedblitz-- registered readers still getting this (1)
- Fellow Cryonicist-- harm-- Larouche (1)
- Females-- alien lifeform detected (1)
- FINAL POST-- New idea. (1)
- Finance-- World situation is OMINOUS-- THE END IS NEAR (1)
- Fitness-- abdominal muscles-- situps? thebean? (1)
- Flavinoid-- refers to Phil's Classical Future Humanism. (1)
- Flouridation-- What is LEF/KFC position?-- cryonicists? (1)
- Frozen Files-- Winter 2007 (1)
- fully funded-- definition (1)
- Futureneer 07-14-07-- Lobster Summit (1)
- Gatekeeper-- twisted-- calls my blog twisted and pleads for me to stop (1)
- Google blogsearch under keyword 'cryonics' (1)
- Google blogsearch-- cryonics 8-8-07 (1)
- Google blogserach-- cryonics-- reminder (1)
- Harris etc hard to track. (1)
- Harris-- 01-- C81 revelationst to come (1)
- harris-- 02-- supplied SA cannulae?? (1)
- harris-- 03-- thought SA had a perfusionist-- but after Maxim left?? (1)
- harris-- 04-- laying foundation for his defense (1)
- harris-- 05-- wasn't asked vs. worry (1)
- harris-- 06-- pins cannulae problem on maxim (1)
- harris-- 07-- nobody allowed to open kits ex. kelly (1)
- harris-- 08-- Maxim banded proper cannulae to put in kits (1)
- harris-- 09-- maxim points to cannulae in other cases (1)
- harris-- 10-- tried to trip Maxim up by naming surgeons in a cryo forum (1)
- harris-- 11-- Amazing round in CF (1)
- Harris-- 12-- Accuses Maxim merely of trying to damage SA as ex-employee (1)
- Harris-- 13-- cannulae-- maxim's responsibility despite being gone 5 mos. (1)
- Harris-- 14-- Answering tech questions with fewer insults (1)
- Harris-- 15-- In contempt of reason (1)
- Harris-- alphabetical order (1)
- Harris-- being played by Cplatt (1)
- Harris-- C81-- ATP abuse-- pressure-- damaged brain (1)
- Harris-- C81-- burrhole (1)
- Harris-- C81-- handover (1)
- Harris-- C81-- on services not contracted for (1)
- Harris-- C81-- still trying to figure out what happened. (1)
- Harris-- casts Maxim as childish-- needs alpha blog (1)
- Harris-- CCR homepage-- nothing there. (1)
- Harris-- confidentiality (1)
- Harris-- CryoNet blog (1)
- Harris-- LEBuyersClub-- assays (1)
- Harris-- nepotism (1)
- Harris-- practical cryonics (1)
- Harris-- spin control for Kent. (1)
- Harris-- temp gradients (1)
- Harris-- temp gradients-- 2 (1)
- Harris-- truth (1)
- heart lung machine (1)
- Heatlh-- cell phones might trigger cell division (1)
- hinek 01-- joker lists cryonics blogs but not mine (1)
- hinek 01-- locked threads-- it's okay now? (1)
- hinek 03-- ads-- pays for forum to NOT put ad on (1)
- Hinek-- 04-- why can't we all be nice? (1)
- Hinek-- 05-- locked thread-- something I was attacked for (1)
- Hinek-- 06-- Maxim sets him straight (1)
- Hinek-- 07-- attempted moderation (1)
- How things go wrong (1)
- Human uniqueness-- unique human gene (1)
- hypothermic lung lavage (1)
- Hypothermic Medicine-- 225 hospitals have hypothermic machinery. (1)
- Identity-- Penfield-- Larouche (1)
- Idiot savant-- calculator (1)
- Industry Diary-- 07-08-07-- Summer 2007 opens with SA Inc disgraced. (1)
- joe 01-- C81-- Joe knew C81 (1)
- Jon HInek-- Just for you (1)
- Jonano-- Expert posting of blog re Ben Bests SA review to Google blogsearch (1)
- just (1)
- Kent (1)
- Larouche- microbiology (1)
- Larouche-- Latest issue of EIR is out (1)
- Larouche-- moonwalk hoax-- why is he supporting it? (1)
- Larouche-- slander piece (1)
- Larouche-- suspended animation (1)
- latest post-- how to see (1)
- Life expectancy vs. life extension (1)
- life extension-- bogus (1)
- Life extension-- vs. life expectancy (1)
- lifesign monitors (1)
- Living trusts-- current interest (1)
- London vs. Lyndon (1)
- M+ -- money philosohpy of Tom Leye (1)
- M+-- physical principles-- cryonics might violate... (1)
- Makow-- cause of WWI and II (1)
- Makow-- feminism is a NWO strategum (1)
- Marce Johnson 07-25-07-- no update. (1)
- Marce Johnson-- no autopsy card (1)
- Marce Johnson-- SA price break (1)
- Mark Plus-- Albert Ellis (1)
- Mark Plus-- blog-- transurvivalist (1)
- Mark Plus-- How did you find Dvorsky's peiece on Jones? (1)
- Mark Plus-- idiot savant-- opinion (1)
- Mark Plus-- Peak Oil-- $77 pbarrel (1)
- Master narrative-- change the master-- 01 (1)
- Maxim (1)
- Maxim alpha-attack blog (1)
- Maxim etc. (1)
- Maxim vs. Harris on SA-- Surf's up dude (1)
- Maxim-- 01-- Away for the weekend 09-15-07 (1)
- Maxim-- 02-- Bits and pieces (1)
- maxim-- 04-- post to cryonet on CPlatt (1)
- Maxim-- 05-- Verificaiton-- CPlatt's desire to have Maxim manage (1)
- Maxim-- C81-- Cryonet post (1)
- Maxim-- C81-- how would CI have handled it? (1)
- Maxim-- C81-- perfusion error critical (1)
- Maxim-- CF-- 01-- Bad Advice from SA's consulting MD (1)
- Maxim-- CF-- 02-- Critical perfusion info from SA case report (1)
- Maxim-- cf-- 03-- heparin and straight freeze (1)
- Maxim-- comments section open and valuable. (1)
- Maxim-- Harris-- non-disclosure (1)
- Maxim-- heart lung machine safer than Alcor's perfusion system (1)
- Maxim-- SA-- fees not clear (1)
- Maxim-- SA-- reports-- anomalies (1)
- Maxim-- SA-- reports-- missing (1)
- Maxim-- SA-- reports-- trite details (1)
- Maxim-- saddest part of this whole thing (1)
- Maxim-- silly SA perfusion training videos (1)
- Maxim-- Truth and Bigger Pictures (1)
- Maxim-- Truth in advertising-- CI-- 8-29-07 (1)
- Maximum Life Foundation (1)
- media-- not news (1)
- Media-- Swindle magazine-- Journalist interviews Ettinger and Best (1)
- Meetup-- JChapman (1)
- Melody Maxim 07-14-07-- Her own blog has begun (1)
- Melody Maxim-- blog (1)
- Melody Maxim-- SA Inc attack level increases. (1)
- Merkle (1)
- messenger (4)
- Microbiology-- Larouche references. (1)
- moonhoax-- buzz aldrin (1)
- mortuary refrigerators (1)
- Movies-- Frozen Alive-- on Google video. (1)
- Music-- Khachaturian-- Sabre Dance. (1)
- Music-- Suspended Animation rock band (1)
- music-- takin care of business (1)
- music-- that's that way I like it. (1)
- Nanotech reality-- 001. Drexler vs. Smalley (1)
- Nanotechnology-- current role in cryonics (1)
- Newseek article 07-16-07-- no follow up on UC oxygen study yet (1)
- Newsweek article-- Chapman points to it in Alcor blog (1)
- Newsweek articles-- June 07 now this. (1)
- Newsweek-- Merkle listed both articles here (1)
- Nextropy (1)
- Nuclear war threats-- Not survivable. (1)
- nursing homes-- no lifesign monitors (1)
- Online communications-- CryoNet author archive + blog (1)
- oxygen-- Newsweek article (1)
- People-- (1)
- Perception-- Phillip K Dick (1)
- perfusion video-- Bowman monitor (1)
- perfusion-- CF ads-- perfusion services (1)
- perfusion-- first hour (1)
- perfusion-- live operating room video (1)
- perfusion-- organ preservation solution (1)
- Personal perfusion station. (1)
- Pizer-- marketing (1)
- Pizer-- priorities (1)
- point of order-- subject line length and archive list (1)
- Political philosphical context for cryonics (1)
- Population-- 6.7 billion toward 10 billion by 2050 (1)
- Posthumanism-- Larouche (1)
- Prioriites-- what are they in cryonics at this time? (1)
- Priority 1-- UC study Newsweek citation on oxygen introduction (1)
- protest-cryonics-- saying no to murder (1)
- proximity (1)
- pruning my hedge (1)
- Pscyocybernetics-- attention control (1)
- psychology-- American temperament (1)
- Psychology-- gut feelings (1)
- Quitting time-- Aug 26-- at least end of Sept. (1)
- Quitting time-- changed my mind again. (1)
- Readership-- counter (1)
- Regina Pancake-- disappears into Alcor information blackhole (1)
- religion-- agnositics discuss cryonics. (1)
- SA 09-22-07-- Baldwin (1)
- SA 09-22-07-- Fahy grant + facility reminder from May conf. (1)
- SA 9-22-07-- Catherine Baldwin-- impressive background (1)
- SA Badwin 01-- background (1)
- SA conference 2007-- new facility + multimillion dollar Fahy grant (1)
- SA Inc-- C81 case-- handover not right (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- $8k price makes no sense. (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-16-07-- Andy didn't talk C81 into it. (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-16-07-- CI needs SA (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-17-07-- Did Zawacki tell C81 it would be worth it? (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-17-07-- Maxim points to SA abuse of ATP on C81 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-18-07-- Best fails to answer Maxim on brain blowout (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-21-07-- critical mistake vs. mistakes were made (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-23-07 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- 08-23-07-- Son couldn't wait 15 min. (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Andy didn't talk him into SA (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- ATP used or not? (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Ben Best responds to critiques 8-13-07 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Ben Best-- CI cooling capability (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Best on brain blowout (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Burrhole size (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- case report review by Maxim (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- CI needs SA (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- CI's report on handover (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- comparing what CI would have done (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- CPlatt's report-- Maxim road to hell (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- critical error (1)
- SA iNc-- C81-- critical error-- 01-- venous system blow up like a baloon (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- FD asks did C81 want local (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- handover of C81-- board approval? (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- handover-- 08-25-07-- retraction-- tentative (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- handover-- Ben's decision or consult? (1)
- SA inc-- C81-- Handover-- CI bylaws thin (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- handover-- no objection by members (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- handover-- retraction-- tentative (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Handover-- Would a will have stopped it? (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Harris defends CI handover to SA. (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Harris's overview summary (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- How would CI have handled it-- 05-- Maxim (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- How would CI have handled it-- Maxim vs. normanfell 05-31-07 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- How would CI have handled it? (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- How would CI have handled it?-- Ben Best answer (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- How would CI have handled it?-- Harris (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- illegit (1)
- SA Inc-- c81-- liquid ventilation or hypothermic lung lavage (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Maxim calls on Bull to comment (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Maxim on perfusion mistake 08-20-07 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Maxim's analysis (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- medical surrogate-- was the son a... (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Perfusion mess (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- perfusion-- ATP vs. low temp CPS (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- pull the plug decision may be wrong (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Son uncoop w. Team Leader 15 min-- 08-23-07 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Son was NOT faithful to fathers wishes (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- takin care of business (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Visualization of the brain-- 01 (1)
- SA Inc-- C81-- Zawacki knew C81 (1)
- SA Inc-- Maxim-- Bad advice from SA consulting MD (1)
- SA Inc-- Maxim-- Money waste-- irrational (1)
- SA Inc-- Maxim-- Truth in Advertising (re CI) (1)
- SA Inc. 07-10-07-- FPatrol blows Maxim off. (1)
- SA Inc. 07-12-07-- Last quarter's commentary on SA. (1)
- SA Inc. 07-12-07-- Saul Kent's Failure (1)
- SA Inc. 07-14-07-- Cryonics world waits for SA Inc case report. (1)
- SA Inc. 07-16-07-- Guilty false advertising? (1)
- SA Inc. 07-17-07-- Best's conf. report (1)
- SA Inc. 07-18-07-- Maxim's SA/CPlatt attack raised to new level on her blog (1)
- SA Inc. 07-19-07-- Maxim's choice of media will determine truth-outing of SA (1)
- SA Inc. 07-20-07-- Alcor ought to retain Maxim to run new lab in FL (1)
- SA Inc. 07-20-07-- FD sharpens attack on SA (1)
- SA Inc. 07-21-07-- Maxim minimizes full attack with absence of alpha tags (1)
- SA Inc. 07-21-07-- Maxim vs. SA alpha attack blog (1)
- SA Inc. 07-21-07-- Maximm a victim of FD/CF mind control (1)
- SA Inc. 07-22-07-- SA alpha-blog attack link post on CryoNet (1)
- SA Inc. 07-24-07-- Outstanding debt of SA-- Kent agreed with maxim on HLR (1)
- SA Inc. 07-26-07-- No newspage update for over 3 months. (1)
- SA Inc. 07-28-07-- Maxim posts link to her SA critical review to Cryonet (1)
- SA Inc. 07-28-07-- Speculations on SA case report in CF (1)
- SA Inc. 07-29-07-- Maxim's SA/CPlatt blog linked from CryoNet author page (1)
- SA Inc. 07-31-07-- Maxim looks at bigger picture (1)
- SA Inc. 08-02-07-- Continued silence over problem-- no case report. (1)
- SA Inc. 08-03-07 Case report posted. (1)
- SA Inc. 08-04-07-- SA case report C-81 WTF? (1)
- SA Inc. 08-16-07-- Money spent on SA is money not spent on Alcor (1)
- SA Inc. 08-20-07-- Maxim expands on perfusion mistake (1)
- SA Inc.-- 09-05-07-- Outstanding issues not resolved (1)
- SA Inc.-- 09-13-07-- CF fight between Maxim and Harris is intense. (1)
- SA Inc.-- ATP is central (1)
- SA Inc.-- Conflict of interest-- Kent vs. Alcor (1)
- SA Inc.-- CPlatt refuses to consder heart lung machine. (1)
- SA Inc.-- CPlatt-- Invention (1)
- SA Inc.-- CPlatt-- inventions-- jet-powered ambulance (1)
- SA Inc.-- Google map review (1)
- SA Inc.-- heart lung machine (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim vs. Harris-- a review (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Alcor (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Alphbetical Maxim-tracking blog (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Blog (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Bull situation-- request for comment on C81 (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Chronology of CF posts (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- CI site has outdated info (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Computerized perfusion (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Conflicts in Cryonics (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Connections in cryonics more than generally known. (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Containers (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Empty promises (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- FAILURE to deliver promised services (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Harris not aware of what goes on and what results (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- How it went wrong (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Malpractise (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Money Matters (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Question of the day (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Ramp problem (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Road to hell (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- SA Case Report Review-- 8-13-07 (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- Upstairs (1)
- SA Inc.-- Maxim-- What's needed-- Less toxic solutions (1)
- SA Inc.-- Priority concerns I see-- 7-12-07) (1)
- SA Inc.-- ramps-- custom built-- photos. (1)
- SA Inc.-- Saul Kent appearance not younger. (1)
- SA Inc.--Maxim-- Suspended disbelief (1)
- SA- Harris-- Where the buck stops-- FD (1)
- SA-- 6 month period with no Maxim-- George-- hits the nail on the head (1)
- SA-- Alcor Takeover-- 01-- Give up Saul and Bill. (1)
- SA-- Balwin-- FD points to SA pages being updated (1)
- SA-- BIZARRE open email address list from Baldwin (1)
- SA-- C81-- 50-- Matt cSullivan abstains from comment on Maxim's perfusion error thread. (1)
- SA-- C81-- 51-- Maxim away-- Harris bamboozles crowd (1)
- SA-- C81-- cannulae-- lots there-- disappeared. (1)
- SA-- C81-- Cold Filter-- George's overview (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- 01 (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- 02 (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- 04-- Zewacki (2)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- cannulae-- 01-- Maxim responds to Harris. (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- cannulae-- 02-- Harris insists on pointing to Maxim (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- cannulae-- 03-- checkmate by Maxim (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- cannulae-- 04-- Is Harris an idiot? (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- Harris questions it-- 01 (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- Harris questions it-- 02-- wants to change the report (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error-- Harris questions it-- 03-- FD asks about visual-- 01 (1)
- SA-- C81-- critical error--- 05-- Zewacki-- absence of edema-- burrhole (1)
- SA-- C81-- disount (1)
- SA-- C81-- KEY POINTS [Maxim] (1)
- SA-- cannulae update-- no update post-Maxim-- 01 (1)
- SA-- cannulae update-- no update post-maxim-- 02-- Harris points to time Maxim there (1)
- SA-- cannulae-- 1-- George sees Harris's point as indictment of entire SA history. (1)
- SA-- cannulae-- Harris vs. Maxim-- Harris no response. (1)
- SA-- Catherine Baldwin-- [George] (1)
- SA-- Catherine Baldwin-- background check-- Ischemia company (1)
- SA-- CPlatt lied about CV Maxim (1)
- SA-- CPlatt-- buying off Maxim (1)
- SA-- CPlatt-- NDA-- Maxim-- Johnson-- (1)
- SA-- CPlatt-- trying to fire Matt Sullivan (1)
- SA-- critical error-- cannulae ARE relevent as moniters (1)
- SA-- critical error-- cannulae not relevent (1)
- SA-- critical error-- cannulae-- pressure moniter (1)
- SA-- disappearing things-- {Maxim} (1)
- SA-- expiry dates on drugs [George] (1)
- SA-- fraud-- job titles (1)
- SA-- George-- Harris-- 01-- C81 rich man discount (1)
- SA-- Harris out of the loop (1)
- SA-- Harris vs. Maxim-- 1500 cases-- DISTRACTION (1)
- SA-- Harris-- APOLOGIST FOR SA-- small cryonics organization (1)
- SA-- Harris-- Maxim's cv-- Maxim's response (1)
- SA-- management [Maxim] (1)
- SA-- management-- ultimate vs. day to day-- CPlatt-- (FD) (1)
- SA-- Matt Sullivan-- 02-- rediculous posts on CF in mid debate on C81 (1)
- SA-- Matt Sullivan-- 03-- space cadet ignores issues at hand. (1)
- SA-- Matt Sullivan-- 04-- Vacuuous comments miss the mark (1)
- SA-- Matt Sullivan-- 05-- warnings (1)
- SA-- Matt sullivan-- 1-- significance (1)
- SA-- Maxim Blog-- 01-- Important questions about SA (1)
- SA-- Maxim on CF-- 01-- Technical Issues (1)
- SA-- Maxim on CF-- 02-- Kelly (1)
- SA-- Maxim on CF-- 03-- Important questions about SA (1)
- SA-- Maxim on CF-- 04-- Calibre of personnel (1)
- SA-- Maxim on CF-- 05-- Harris's mistaken assumption. (1)
- SA-- Maxim on CF-- 07-- Maxim waiting for Harris (1)
- SA-- Maxim on Cryonet-- 06-- Cross posted to Cryonet-- Problems with SA (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- blog-- Google search (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- cannulae-- 01 (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- cannulae-- 02 (1)
- SA-- maxim-- harris-- cannulae-- 03-- george (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- flamewar dousers-- Matt Sullivan (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- flamewar dousers-- Unperson (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Harris's overview-- 02 (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Harris's overview-- 01 (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Harris's overview-- 03-- prisons-- narcissists (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Hinek-- attempted moderation-- 01 (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- missing NDA (1)
- SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- VanSickle-- dismisses debate as flamewars-- 01 (1)
- SA-- NDA-- missing or stolen-- [desertrat] (1)
- SA-- new manager-- CAtherine Baldwin-- no listing (1)
- SA-- standby for CI members (1)
- SA--CPlatt-- unique equipment in cryonics beneficial (1)
- SA--Maxim-- Harris-- Maxim's motives-- 01 (1)
- SAI-- big picture (1)
- SAI-- CI case report disc'n with Zewecki (1)
- Saul Kent-- 5-12-07 (1)
- Saul Kent-- consolidation wish (1)
- Shutdown-- considering again (1)
- Space-- Shuttle launch (1)
- Space-- the final hoax (1)
- Stem cells-- cryonicists support embryo slaughter (1)
- Steve Harris-- Implies I'm mentally ill. (1)
- stocks-- publix (1)
- stocks-- xerox set to double over next 3 years (1)
- Stump-- Arizona regulations-- Reason artic (1)
- Sunday Cryonics-- People (1)
- Super Aliens-- Jesus was a super alien and more (1)
- Suspended animation-- "real" sa going on involves organ preservation solution (1)
- Suspension limit-- Cryonet-- Manning-- interesting topic (1)
- suspension of disbelief (1)
- Ted Williams-- White Birch Lodge-- New Brunswick Canada? (1)
- Tranhumanist Conference-- George Dvorsky blog (1)
- transhuman-- superhuman-- vs.-- 01 (1)
- Transhumanist conference-- Chicago-- Kurzweil-- Considering Kurzweil (1)
- Transhumanist conference-- Chicago. (1)
- Transhumanist conference-- Tanya Jones interviewed by Dvorsky on blog (1)
- Transhumanists-- Are TH'ers nothing more than neotanists? (1)
- ttacked again-- 18-- Accidently posted with cryonicsx-- shut down again (1)
- UAGA-- AZ update-- first since 1968-- review (1)
- Unbelievable idiocy-- relative matters. (1)
- Unfinished Business-- Ben Best's SA Inc conference report. (1)
- Unfinished Business1-- Looking at loose ends. (1)
- Unperson-- American anti-constitutionalist (1)
- Unperson-- attacked FD for burrhole size discussion (1)
- Unperson-- cryonics psyops guy mischaracterizes CF debate (1)
- Ventureville 07-16-07-- When is it proper to declare it dead in the water? (1)
- Venturists-- Marce Johnson no autosy (1)
- Venturists-- NO AUTOPSY card (1)
- Venurists-- No autopsy discussion for Frozen File readers (1)
- viscosity and misinfo (1)
- Vitrification-- Hypothermic vitrification is used in cryobiology and cryonics (1)
- Weekly Cryonics Summary 7-14-07 (1)
- Women-- feminism is a NWO strategy (1)
- World Situation-- Cheney VP of War Against the World of a Billion Muslims must be stopped. (1)
- World--01-- News briefs-- including Larouche (1)
- Worldview 07-14-07-- Irresponsible to fail to offer context. (1)
- Worldview-- 9/11 was a war game (1)
- Worldview-- 9/11-- Cryonicists on the record re: who did it (1)
- Worldview-- aerogel (1)
- Worldview-- bridge collapse in minn-- infrastructure (1)
- Worldview-- bridge collapse inside job 8/1 (1)
- Worldview-- bridge collapse-- new blog (1)
- Worldview-- bridge collapse-- ULF EM weapon (1)
- Worldview-- bridge collapse-- update 08-04-07 (1)
- Worldview-- Cheney-- impeachment is on. 08-02-07 (1)
- Worldview-- ELECTION 2008-- Kucinich (1)
- worldview-- fascism finishes america (1)
- Worldview-- Financial crash coming--08-10-07 (1)
- Worldview-- Iran attack-- Azerbajad dismisses possibility (1)
- Worldview-- Iran Attack-- Could be anytime now (1)
- worldview-- kucinich for pres (1)
- Worldview-- Larouche-- Posthumanism (1)
- Worldview-- Manned moon landing a hoax-- look at the lander. (1)
- Worldview-- money from Fed money trees (1)
- worldview-- moon hoax anniversary (1)
- Worldview-- moonhoax-- NASA Illuminist Luciferians not truthful (1)
- Worldview-- moonwalks faked-- Harris (1)
- Worldview-- Nuclear warfare (1)
- Worldview-- privatization of military-- Blackwater (1)
- Worldview-- Rense. (2)
- Worldview-- requiem (1)
- Worldview-- Various aspects 8-26-07 (1)
- Worldview-- Zionism. (1)
- worldview--chemtrails-- phx (1)
- Wrong-- how things go (1)
Don't tell me what to do.
"Discuss that at Cold Filter" BS! Have you not noticed that posters on Cold Filter discuss whatever they want to? Unless they go entirely off the deep end and get banned like you, of course.
So how about you mind your own business.
To Cold Filter fan--
I'm not "telling" you what to do-- your retort is childlike. I'm saying that CF is an area that is useful for the discussion I suggested. To other readers-- not cffan-- please repost the following to CF-- thanks....
Dave pizer wrote
A way to send a donation without your spouse knowing about it would be to stop
in at a bank or convenience store and use cash to buy a money order or cashier's
check. Make it out to the Venturists and mail it in.
David Pizer
My comment-- it would be better to "negotiate" a contrbution that your wife finds acceptable under certain conditions, although the entire situation here is fraught with potential damage to cryonics a whole-- Bill ORights is a pseudonymn and Pizer is attempting to encourage donations to his 501c3 based on an anonymous person. The ethics of all of this is a question mark in my mind. Yesterday, Dave was encouraging people to make long term IOU agreeements. I would say that this "donate behind your wife's back" advice is a tripwire where I now recommend that someone look into this whole thing. Mark Voelker has a reputation that he'd like to maintain in the science community, and is associated with Venturists. I would urge someone to inform him of the potentail problems here.
This entire event is alarming to me. I don't like it.
[+] Christian transhumanism-- I'll look into this further-- seems like an oxymoron but I'm willing to drop my preconceptions and test drive it so far as it seems to go.
Sounds similaar to my Classical FutureHumanism... which invovles Larouche oriented views...
If you had been paying attention, you would have learned that William O'Rights is not a pseudonym. It is his real, legal name, which he went to court to get his birth name changed to. This is just one small example of the pervasive inaccuracies you post in your blogs and forums. Not to mention the inconsistencies - you think Pizer is wrong to support what you think is an "anonymous" person - what about you? Is "Philossifur" your real name? How about you tell us your real name so we can take your writings more seriously? I've heard it is something with the initials "RBP" is that so?
Fine-- but Bill O'Rights is NOT the guys' original name. It's a made up name. So my point is STILL valid.
Who is this guy? I've NEVER seen him publish anyting in cryonics going back to the 1970s-- and he has never published online until very recently.
There's no end to the deceptions in cryonics going on and I would want to know the guy's ORIGINAL name-- becuase he LIKELY changed it to cover his i.d. SPECIFICALLY for this fundraising thing.
Alexander Hamilton said we didn't need the Bill of Righs anyway-- given the Constitution-- and that a bill of rights is when you have a king and subjects. So the joke name is "on him".
My online pseudonymn has nothign to do with this-- and I'm not fundraising. So it's irrelevent.
The situation is that-- since his LEGAL name is indeed what you say-- that that makes Pizer's fundraising legal-- so that's interesting.
That clears Pizer.
Obviously people are not discussing the fact that this guy changed his hame to what they're now calling "William O'Rights"... another clever deception when in fact they should.
What you call my "pervasive inaccuaricies" is not valid in the face of "pervasive deception" in cryonics. Where there's intention to decieve, and where we try to decode the deceptions, it's going to be tough.
Bill O'Right.... yeah-- right. ok.
So if this guy has been a fan of cryonics and NEVER got signed up.. what's with that?
Here we see a blog where william o'rights is Billie Bonsall. [+]
Here we see a cryonics uk article by Willliam o'rights [+]
Here we see O'rights is indeed Bonsall [+]
So-- he seems to know quite a bit about cryonics-- yet never signed up. I haven't read his posts on CF-- and I never herrd the name bosnall before in cryonics-- not that I would know everyone but-- there's where we're at.
Cryonics should watch this Russian situation too
Here's Larouche's analysis. [+]
The British Foreign Office coordinated the unprovoked attack using US backing on S. Ossetia Russian citizens using inaccurate WWII era rocket batteries firing 6 rockets at a time-- at midnight.
It's a provocation to start WWIII by the Birtish-- and cryonics has an interst in stopping it-- therefore cryonics has a vested interest in reading Larouche.
As far as Pizer's fundraising for that guy Bill Orights aka Billie Bonsall, what I'd like to see is Pizer publish a complete background on Bonsall including the arrest, the nature of the actual Bill of Rights, the whole picture. For that, Pizer will need a blog. and an alphabetical index.
The point here is FULL DISCLOSURE... The Venturist website [+] news section hasn't had an update for 7 years... and the Marcie Johnson fundraiser hasn't been updated.
The point is-- if Dave is going to raise moeny for anything, a better job on disclosure is going to have to be done... there's all sorts of failings here...
...not to mention the funds for Marcie were being raised in a panic mode because they said she was dying-- well is she deanimated yet? No update on that-- yet they collected money just before tax time... Dave is panic pushing again on the demise of ORights... aka Bonsall-- so how does anyone verify that? What hospital is he in? etc....
Well I could go on, but you get my point hopefully. Full disclosure where money moves. Ok? And read the Laoruche post.
And post a link to this blog entry to cf and cn for me please.
ROTFL! You're as funny as ever, R1ck. Keep up the good work. Keep throwing Lar0uch a rope - pull him from the "deep" in which he is mired, so we can watch him try to shake off all the sh1t. But the w0rld of cry0nics still keeps marching 0n.
Au contraire mon ami.
It is the world that is mired. Cryonics and the world has to shake off the shit.
As always, as a dupe or agent of the British positiviests and reductionists, your tactic of reversing things 180 degrees is obvious.
Hey, why don't you commit yourself to a position regarding who attacked whom first-- Russia Georgia or Georgia Russia.
Oh wait, that's right, your tactics don't allow for content. Nevermind.
Could it be that you are the one that is 180 degrees off from most of the rest of the world? From your relative viewpoint, everyone else would look 180 degrees off, to you.
I didn't know I was british, but I do like Monty Python, which is why I find most of your stuff hilarious. Reads a lot like Monty Python episodes. You should join up with the Brits, R1ck. They're funny funny people.
Georgia? Russia? Who cares? Not an issue. What true cry0s such as yourself the one and only true cry0 should understand is that Canada and Denmark will go to war soon over Labrador and that it will mean the end of the world as we know it. The Z10nt1stas, the Illumintati, the Scionilogists, the Rosycrucians - all are conspiring together to make this the best urban legend ever. Where are Rinse and Ladouche when we need them? They should be scaring us about this and getting our hysteria level up. Cancel your subscription to E1R and shut down your browser until these guys stop distracting us with non-issues and get us the right stuff.
Sleep well and dream about all la r0aches crawling under your bed.
Being off 180 degrees isn't a subjective, which is where you're making your mistake. There is truth to be had. And you're on the wrong side of it-- demonstrably and provably.
The British empire isn't british. You're making a mistake about that too. I like Monty Python but that's not the Birtish Empire.
Georgia and Russia have vast implications and you can see that right now. You're pretending it doesn't matter.
The Zionists-- or British Isrealists-- are part of the the operation. Sci'ists are not. Zionists are very real-- but the real focus of the situation is the money system-- You're not serious about decoding the background of the world political scene-- and you actually lose out as a result-- on the joy of comprehending at least the dangers to civiliziation. I, on the other hand, have a pretty good history and economics background so I understand what's happening. You're missing out on that understanding.
Your dismissiveness indicates either a lack of humanity, or worse. Maybe immaturity or sociopahty of some sort. You're not alone on that trait in cryonics.
Mostly though, you just miss out on the depth and richness of situations with your attitude. I highly recommend you read EIR as a starting point to repair your mind. [+]
Being off 180 degrees isn't a subjective, which is where you're making your mistake. There is truth to be had. And you're on the wrong side of it-- demonstrably and provably.
The British empire isn't british. You're making a mistake about that too. I like Monty Python but that's not the Birtish Empire.
Georgia and Russia have vast implications and you can see that right now. You're pretending it doesn't matter.
The Zionists-- or British Isrealists-- are part of the the operation. Sci'ists are not. Zionists are very real-- but the real focus of the situation is the money system-- You're not serious about decoding the background of the world political scene-- and you actually lose out as a result-- on the joy of comprehending at least the dangers to civiliziation. I, on the other hand, have a pretty good history and economics background so I understand what's happening. You're missing out on that understanding.
Your dismissiveness indicates either a lack of humanity, or worse. Maybe immaturity or sociopahty of some sort. You're not alone on that trait in cryonics.
Mostly though, you just miss out on the depth and richness of situations with your attitude. I highly recommend you read EIR as a starting point to repair your mind. [+]
I think you've hit on something important in your understanding of yourself there, R1ck. Most people "miss out on the depth and richness of situations" by not digging into and worrying about problems we ourselves cannot solve. You, instead, wallow in them, and try to pull happy and productive people into your slime pit with you. Those outside looking into your world see something so bad that thus far no one has joined up with you, not even a wife. Enjoy your life; I'm outta here.
I think you've hit on something important in your understanding of yourself there, R1ck. Most people "miss out on the depth and richness of situations" by not digging into and worrying about problems we ourselves cannot solve. You, instead, wallow in them, and try to pull happy and productive people into your slime pit with you. Those outside looking into your world see something so bad that thus far no one has joined up with you, not even a wife. Enjoy your life; I'm outta here.
Please don't patronize me by using a real world name. It's both too revealing to strangers and outsiders in this public blog AND it serves to demonstrate your sense of superiority over me--- a false sense of superiority.
Just because we can't immediately DO anything ABOUT a situation does not mean we don't attempt to understand it. ASIDE from whether we can do anything or not-- which is debatable-- there is the pure element of understanding. To measure your desire to understand against the ability to DO something about it is indicative of a particular and peculiar mindset that is consistent with being a subject under an oligarch. Your mindset is showing through on that.
It's quite common.
Wallow-- slime pit-- no wife-- outta here-- WOW... you're actually pretty colourful in your writing....
No wife. That's funny. I've had plenty of wives. What are you talking about?
The measure of truth is not in now many join up with me. Is that what truth is for you? If it is, you must be a girl. You're a girl aren't you? I knew it.
I'm more like the Daniel Boone of cryonics.... the guy who scouts ahead... by himself... to see what's out there.. reporting back to the rest of us. [+]
Daniel Boone was a man.... a biiiiig man. [+] A little backgroun on the show. Boone was a frontiersman. I'm a cryonics frontiersman.
I was going to quit, but you didn't. But you reveal more of your mental deficiencies. You just don't get it. If the sources you worship had true and correct information, verifiable, you might have a case for being concerned about their pronouncements of upcoming doom. The simple fact is that they do not. They have no proof to back up the vast majority of their claims, and history has proven them wrong before, and will again.
As an example, I have copied and saved the article Larouch recently did "We Are Closer to World War III than to November Elections". If we do not have a world war before the November elections, he will be shown to be a false prophet, and unreliable for anything else he might have to say. I am now definitely outta here and will return after election day to hit you over the head with the virtual 2 x 4, unless you have stopped touting Larouch in the interim.
PS what is this crap about sex? You think if I might be female therefore I am wrong? Wrong again, R1ck. Oh and I did not use your realworld name. R1ck is not your realworld name, unless you spell it with a number? You don't do that do you, R1ck? Besides you misspell all kinds of stuff and think therefore they are right, don't you R1ck? Not to mention other things you think are right but are not, like your being a "cry0n1cs fr0nt1ersman" or anything else of any importance in cry0n1cs. All that proves is that you have a highly over-inflated opinion of yourself.
My sources are fine.
I think that certain types of women don't evaluate information very well-- they based it on what others believe rather than the process of reasoning.
I didn't mention sex-- you did. I merely refereed to gender. Must have been a freudian slip on your part.
Using the "1" and claiming that that's absolves you of using name is obviously inane but there is further cognitive malady I can identify in your method-- sophistry. Sophistry is the art of argument. It destroyed Athens. And it's destroying America and civilization.
As far as Daniel Boone, that's just some humor, metaphor stuff... and your attempt to associate it with inflated ego is silly. Lots of guys watched Daniel Boone and identified with him. Look at what they give kids today on TV-- the muppets Or spongebob. Actually spongebob is pretty funny.
So you're convinced that my sources on Georgia and Russia aren't very good. Hmmm... Take a look at my logbook on the situation here [+]
The real threat to cryonics is as it is for everyone-- a nuclear war-- and the systemic collpase of the money system-- with trillions in unpayable debts. Cryonics is about travel to the future as much as preservatives and protocol-- and we need to be talking about how to create a viable future as much as any other "micro cryonics" topic.
I'm already "leaving cryonics behind" in a sense, looking at the wider situation. No cryonicist has come forward-- and the transhumanists are all pretty derailed from realpolitik. It's truly AS IF cryonics became a cult after all.. although the idea is still valid-- the way it's being conducted is out to lunch. And there ARE cryonics goons out there... and a lot of the cryonicists WANT to see Isreal strike Iran-- because they themselves are Zionists. I think that might be a deeper darker secret in cryonics than anyone wants to talk about.
Anyway, if you ever want to join me in the mission to uplift humanity, let me know. By the way-- science fiction as a genre was all been oriented to the radical positivist view-- and it might explain what happened to you. But I can tell you're still starving for a more truthful reality. Maybe someday we can get together.
I'd like you to write a blog. Will you.
And watch this video on 9/11 [+]
i want you. now.
Let's talk about food. Mustard is good for you, have you heard that? I used mustard on my fried egg sandwich for breakfast this morning. What did you eat for breakbreat?
Unp... what did you eat for breakfast. Have you heard about mustard?
Pat Buchanan points to Schumann as a dual loyalist-- Isreal again? [+] (Watch the video above to see how this fits it.
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