
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, September 9, 2007

World--01-- News briefs-- including Larouche

We live in a universe... UNI-- verse-- UNI meaning one-- and verse for diversity-- it's one UNIT of thing-- with a diversity of stuff in it. So -- Maxim wrote in CF that she can't handle integrating the diversities of the UNIverse-- that she prefers compartmentalization. Fine-- but what about reality? Reality is NOT compartmentalized-- and the inability or unwillingness to pull it all together doesn't mean that it is NOT all pulled together. So-- I reserve the right as a human being to express my views on the UNIverse-- which in MY mind involves cryonicsx-- as well as the mortgage failures and larouche's protection plan bill-- in the same breath. My attackers are disintegrators or human thought-- they're virus-humans who break minds up-- by force-- to prevent truth from coalescing. If Jesus DID walk on water he was not a superSTAR-- he was a superMAN. If Zeus DID prevent Prometheus from giving fire to man-- and if Prometheus WAS immortal-- then Promethius must have been a super-alien. I maintain all these ideas in my ONE sovereign mind-- and it's fun. And it gets me through my day. For my attackers to threaten me with who-knows-what-- is a sort of crime-- in my view-- as well as a failure to even try to integrate cryonicsx with the world.... in a macro sense.... With that said, here are my fave news items from this mornings perusal of Rense and Larouche---

9/11-- Alex Jones-- arrested in NYC

TRICKERY-- digital voice
Can’t trust media-- new frontier is epistemology-- and reason.

9/11-- Bin LADEN tape-- fake bin laden

PROLONGEVITY-- rich poor diff 30yr

MISSING PILOT-- Steve Fosset has a nuke

MISSING PILOT-- nuclear bombs and postiions

LAROUCHE-- nobody qualified

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