
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, September 14, 2007

SA-- Maxim-- Harris-- Harris's attempted overview-- 01

We started with an ex-employee besmirching in public the reputation, capability, and policies of the organization she worked for, and just about everybody in it.

My observation: We did? I think not. I think I have tracked Maxim's line of thought in this blog and that's not where we started. Here's where it started. [+]

Maxim: "These people have been so successful in building strong ties to those who hold the purse strings in cryonics that they have been able to drive away most medical professionals sincerely interested in perfecting cryonics procedures. Instead of using existing equipment and procedures that are easily adaptable to cryonics purposes, these people insist on building haphazard homemade equipment, and establishing protocols for medical procedures they do not understand. "

Me: That's where she started-- and that's a reference to CPlatt. So Maxim's central argument is that CPlatt is the wrong guy to have at SA essentially. that's where it started. In attempting to quell the "flame war", Hinek shows his fear of debate-- and obviously to me, Harris has to correct him-- correctly saying that there are loose ends....and here's where it gets surprising-- with new news---

Harris claims that maybe there was no spurt of blood and the report was not accurate--

The funeral director got a squirt of blood from a vessel. Why, and what vessel? In going back over the voice record it's not so clear as it appears in the report. Nobody is going to turn the ATP on with bypass looped clamped before the venous side is open, and in talking to people, nobody believes that happened. A better exmplanation is that CPS (chest compressions) were going on when the femoral artery was opened. Another possiblity is that the artery was cannulated, the vein was open, but the arterial snare was loose. Cryonics patients are much more like surgical patients than they are like standard mortuary "dear departed." They have blood pressures. It's not pathological. But to morticians, it can be very surprising.
See SA-- C81--

Now this is clearly presenting a very different angle-- and maxim is away for the weekend.

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