
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Harris-- truth

Harris--- what a guy. Amazing-- here he comments on truth---

Joe, since all that's "come to light" is the recent case report, warts and all, which was done by SA itself, I'm afraid you're not going to make much headway in claiming that anybody has been trying to "play down the truth." [+]

He says that all that's come to light is-- the case report-- and nobody has been playing DOWN the truth-- which is a statement that is very tricky indeed because we're working very hard to look at that case report from the point of view truth-- and what the significant features of this are. To emphasize and not emphasize certain features of something is beng more or less truthful. Explosive and sensational headlines about the pressurization mistake on the perfusion using the ATP (air transportable perfusion kit) based on Harris's design-- would actually be MORE truthful-- than no such headline. Truth doesn't reside in a long detailed account of all the mundane facts-- and this is Harris's weakness-- it's actually a weakness of all cryos-- who think in strict empirical terms. The higher hypothesis that accomodates the facts and the paradoxes is actually where truth lies... and Harris may or may not know that-- but if he's going to talk about what's true or not, then the truly truthful person will discuss the nature of truth, as well. Harris is peddling very very hard to protect his situation here. This could easily come apart on him. It's very tense in 2007-- starting with SA's bravado in announcing that open house-- and the bravado of taking on C81-- This could all unravel....

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