
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

harris-- 03-- thought SA had a perfusionist-- but after Maxim left??

As for their perfusion capabilities, I figured since they had a perfusionist, that was the LAST thing I had to worry about. Nor did they really ask me much about the problem.[+]

He writes this as if he was not disturbed about Maxim leaving. At THAT point, he would HAVE to worry. Further why is he worred about SA anyway? It's only recently that I understood the tight connection between him, CCR and SA... as if-- KFC is building an entirely separate cryonics network to trump Alcor and compete with it... that's my overall theory here... it's a continuation of the the crash that KFC put Alcor in in 1994 based on Mark Voelker's idea of unbundling-- VOleker having disappeared into BioTime-- which stock crashed terribly-- and which was started by Segall whose preservation was underreported-- the most public ACS/tt info coming out from wacko sex nympho maniac Kelly Moy-- who began as ACS student coordinator.

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