
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

harris-- 01-- C81 revelationst to come

I do know, and how and what I know will be revealed. [+]

What does he mean by that?

HE uses the word whilst.

He's blaming Maxim for not preparing the cannulae, despite Maxim having been gone 6 months.

He's trying to pretend that maxim is superior in knowledge-- but admits corrections being made--

I've given away at least one secret, above, which should clue you that I've helped to assess and changed the kit contents now, and talked to many people. But feel free to showcase your own expertise in this matter, since you believe I'm the ignorant one. IOW, it's your serve now, then it will be mine.

Harris's attitude-- amazing-- here he refers to the "resources avail to cryonics" to find a perfusionist

>>You're saying I, (a person who knows dozens of heart surgeons, dozens of physician assistants with cannulation skills, and a few research scientists with animal experience), can't find someone to do a good cannulation, but you think Platt/SA can??? <<

Nope. You're still missing the idea. With the resources available to cryonics, nobody can

The problem here is that obviously Kent/Faloon have "resources" (money) and they had Maxim. So-- Harris's earlier reference to redundency should have let them to use Maxim to find another perfusionist who could join here. It appears to me that CPlatt was given too much authority for his background-- or that CPlatt refused to use his authority to delegate and assign and direct-- because he's not at heart a director!-- So Kent hired the wrong person for SA-- why? What happened to the two davids? How did CPlatt end up at SA anyway? Platt's history goes back to CryoCare-- where Kent trusted him there too-- this relationship between Kent and CPlatt is beginning to look very very suspicious indeed.... and Harris is trying to cover.

GEORGE points out the twist that Harris put into Maxim's comment (which shows the beauty of the threaded forum)

MELODY: “You're saying I, (a person who knows dozens of heart surgeons, dozens of physician assistants with cannulation skills, and a few research scientists with animal experience), can't find someone to do a good cannulation, but you think Platt/SA can???”

HARRIS: “You're still missing the idea. With the resources available to cryonics, nobody can. Not somebody who will be there anytime, anywhere. Or even close to it (if you don't think your thoracic surgeons weren't making $50,000 a case in the 90's, you really are a naif).”

COMMENT: You are being dishonest (but you already knew that). She wrote about finding/retaining someone who can “do a good cannulation”. She did not advocate retaining a thoracic surgeon, making $50,000 a case. You either do not read to what you respond, or cannot remain intellectually honest, or both.

FD continues to pretend that SA even is a valid sitaution [+. My position is that SA hasn't been valid from the beginning... that it goes back to South Florida Cryonics Society which is attempting to do what Alcor already does-- and that CPlat and Kent/Faloon are signed up with Alcor-- and are thereferoe renegade "members' who are serious problems-- not assets anymore... with future plans to steal Alcor's members.

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