
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Finance-- World situation is OMINOUS-- THE END IS NEAR

Because all of us, including me, have been MISunderEdUCATed-- none of us understands that the world FINANCIAL SYSTEM is IMPLODING. Lyndon Larouche has been tracking this problem since 1958-- and if you think that Larouche has nothing to do with cryonics-- think again. Cryonics companies are invested in financial positions that are as vulnerable as the subprime mortgage industry-- those positions are often "derivatives"-- the entire derivative scheme having been kicked off by Greenspan in 1987-- after that mini crash--

I have ZERO regard for cryonics millionnaires who have NEVER PUBLISHED ANYTHING about the dangers of the entire world financial scheme since the rug was pulled out from under the USA in 1971 by Nixon and Schultz-- the destruction of the Breeton Woods accord was the direct precursor to the speculation that led to the current danger.

if you think I'm full of shit-- we'll see. I think cryonics millionnaires are full of shit. And I think Lyndon larouche is right. [+] If you're an itinteant reader of this blog who just happened to find me here-- and if you think that Larouche is a nut-- you're wrong. He's the shell-- the bombshell that EXPOSES the nuts at the Fed Reserve and City of London who are literally DESTROYING the USA-- like termites eat at a house-- at some point-- collapse will ensue.

As the robot on Lost in Space used to say to Will-- DANGER WILL DANGER--- that's what larouche is saying. The robot was always right. So is Larouche.

[+] Lost in Space intro-- including George W. Bush and the robot.

[+] Homer Simpson says Lyndon Larouche was right.

[+] Larouche talks about how Democrats know he's right. I've written to Larouche and he is not opposed to cryonics as a concept-- he left the door open. He single handedly redefined Classical Immortality in modern times-- from about the time that Ettinger and Cooper opened the concept of Physical Immortality through cryonics. Classical Immortality PRECEDES physical immortality, both historically and now, practically. Classical SuperHumanism combines larouche's analysis with the ideas we've normally associated with the now defuct so-called "trans humanism"-- which is really just warmed over "secular superhumanism". Larouche points out that the Wall St. Oligarchy were backers of Hitler. I would urge all cryonicists to start watching Larouche videos on Google video-- to SAVE cryonics. If you're NEW to cryonics, study Larouche to understand CLASSCIAL IMMORTALITY-- as a BASIS for PHYSICAL immortality. Larouche is NOT a nut. The ANTI-Larouchers are closer to be being nuts than any Larouche-reader will ever be. At the end of the 9 min talk, Larouche talks about "a sense of immortality"-- this is what Classical Immortality is.

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