
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Blog mechanics-- returning visitors-- hostile-- no truth

Instead of engaging in the search for truth, one of my regular visitors would bash me for proposing that I had a handle on truth. This person seems to think that NOBODY can know the truth-- and bashes me for thinking that I have a handle on it... or that Larouche does.

This type of bashing is typical of the state of mind of the brainwashed masses who fall for the ugly anti-civilization thinking typical of the 20th century. It's so ugly that I just cannot stomach it. These attacks NEVER deal with the ISSUE that I raised-- NEVER-- they ALWAYS attack ME-- for even TRYING to get a handle on what might be true.

The Luciferian doctrine-- which they live by-- I'm quite certain of it now-- is that ANYTHING that resembles a search for truth must be bashed in by bashing in the person who proposes anything truthful. So ALL blogs as well as forums are thereby USELESS-- all conversation is useless. The centuries long search for truth has been mostly abandonned by humanity-- and the dupes that comprise humanity MOSTLY have fallen for the Luciferian doctrine that there IS no truth.

Cryonicists are ALL Luciferian-- that's my conclusion. Not a single cryonicist-- and they all have had time to read my material-- over several years-- probably since about 1996 to 2007-- 10 years-- has come to my aid in support of my way of thinking about the problem of death-- cryonics and the future of civilization. They mostly are full of paranoid hatred and do not explore ideas freely. Basically cryonics has been taken over by a cult of cryonicists.

If cryonics succeeds, it is my contention that it will not be due to the work of cryonicists. Cryonicists are enemies of civilization-- and of cryonics-- paradoxically. I now believe that cryonicists are into cryonics for reasons OTHER than cryonics. The starting point for cryonics AND life extension MUST be Classical Humanism.

I maintain my Alcor membership-- but I will not associate, talk to, or email cryonicists anymore. They're simply too far gone. What I WILL do is engage the Classical Humanists-- and THEN-- come at cryonics from that angle-- which will likely marginalize cryonicists-- and their entire approach. A new cryonics movement will occur as a result of that-- that will be completely and totally independent of the current cryonics scene-- and at some point, my own cryonics arrangements will take that into account.

This sickens me. But I have to follow what appears to be true.

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