
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Attacked again-- start over. 09-01-07

I've been recieving veiled threats from cryonicists again-- suggestions for example that my real name would be slandered all over the place-- for trying to write about Larouche AND cryonics in the same blog. This doesn't surprise me anymore. Cryonicists are mostly anti-Classical Humanist secular atheists and Liberterians. Cryonics and Classical Humanism are almost like oil and water-- they simply don't mix. However, I've come up with a way to fuse the two mega-philosophies that sits well with me. In the meantime, my readers should know that I've effectively been attacked, so I've shut down my forum again. (surprise, surprise). I'm also cutting out all links on this forum to other cryonics discussion areas-- and will reconsider what to do from this point. Exploring my alphabetical index is the best way to explore my mind-- some posts have outlinks to forum areas that work, and others do not-- it doesn't really matter. The important thought is usually expressed in the blog post. I'll also have to watch my back in coming months-- due to this latest attack and veiled set of threats. Cryonicists really really don't like me talking about Larouche. Just so the search engines pick that up-- I'll repeat it... Cryonicists really don't like me talking about Larouche! Larouche Larouche Larouche!!!! BOOO!!

[+] Here's the latest webcast from the larouche people that refers to the current largest financial blowout in history and statement by the Idiot-in-Chief. Cryonics (for the search engines) won't survive the crash that LR has been talking about for decades-- which is a long term planned destruction of the USA and all sovereign nation states. Listen carefully-- Now I'm a cryonics member and my concern is the future of the country and civilizaiton. I think cryonicsts for the most part are idiots for ignoring LArouches' angle.

To the guy who posted in my forum-- just because MOST people think LR is a nut (which he isn't)-- cannot possibly be a reaons for me to NOT talk about the relationship between the future of cryonics and the country and the world-- AS a cryonicist ON my cryonics blog. The people who are misguided who believe LR is a nut-- why am I supposed to appeal to THEM-- as a cryonicist? I'm appealing to all people of reason-- it just so happens that BOTH Larouche AND cryonics make sense-- and are compatible.


Anonymous said...

This is your answer? To take down the forum, which gets very little google response, and to leave up this blog, which does? And in which your current post impudently shouts "Larouche" in the same paragraph with cryonics?

Apparently you just don't get it. I'll be relaying my findings here to the people who are even more concerned than I am about this activity. You may be seeing shortly what you are creating for yourself.

Anonymous said...

So FD roughed you up in your own forum. right? You aint getting no veiled threats, I would wager.

He sure knows how to push your buttons.

I told you before how to make him behave.

How is your forearm strengthening exercise program coming along? Are you "working with" any particular person on that?


Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index