
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Attacked again--08-- No joke

Here's an email I just got--

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Attacked again-- 07-- Practicality vs. Principle":

You didn't listen.

I'm sure you subscribe to "Google Blog Alerts" for "cryonics", right? Your "Frozen Files" posts show up there regularly.

Look for the new [my real name] blog soon. The public deserves to know who "Phil" really is.

Looks like my cryoincs enemies are about to smear me bigtime. This is not a joke. They've done it before and I don't doubt for a second they'll do it again. It sounds like its going to be worse this time.

Another guy emailed me saying that I ought not talk about Larouche in the same blog as cryonics-- but neither he nor this guy who's threatening me-- understands that Larouche is just ONE GUY within an entire WORLD VIEW called Classical Humanism. To attack me for this association is a direct attack on my religious belief in Classical Humanism, a philosophical view represented by Solon of Athens, Plato, Socrates, Jesus Christ, The Renaissance, The Founding Fathers of the USA, Ben Franklin, Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan's SDI program, The Bering Straight Tunnel, the Bretton Woods Agreement as well as Lyndon Larouche. My claim is that cryonics falls well within the parameters of the Classical Humanist interpretation of history-- and I'm being attacked on that account.

If the attacks on me are carried out, I want the cryonics world and the rest of the world to understand that-- that Classical Humanism is under direct attack here and that cryonics has within it, a cadre of people who are willing to smear other cryonicists who choose that belief system. This makes THEM the cult crazies-- quite the opposite of what they're making me out to be. I'll try to report everything that happens here. I'm looking over my shoulder. I've started looking up lawyers on the net and in the yellow pages.

My attackers indicated that my blog posts show up in their email Google blog alerts for cryonics. That didn't occur to me-- but the fact is that so do hundreds of OTHER variously related posts... so mine is one of many. It's a free publishing system-- and I've been shut out of all existing cryonics publication systems-- now they're trying to shut me out of this last one.

Email me at with advice on how to deal with this-- if you have any empathy for free speech and freedom of religious and philosophical belief. These attackers think they OWN the concept of cryonics and ar attempting to frighten me into silence on the matter of creating a new synthesis designer religion/philosophy that combines Classical Humanism with cryonics and other traditionally transhumanist topics-- I call it Classical SuperHumanism. An important leg of that philosophy involves cryonics.

The word on the street is that FD of Cold filter might know something about these attacks. Visit Cold Filter and question him-- see if his answers are consistent with actually being the attacker. [+] He was instrumental in having me banned from Cold Filter along with Hinek and CPlatt. I'm an Alcor member and I was banned from Alcor United too-- go figure. These people DO NOT LIKE Classical Humanism....

I consider this campaign against me as part of a larger campaign of silencing dissenters in the entire scheme being set up in the coming attack on Iran. 9/11 was an inside job. The Larouche analysis saw through it on day one. If there's a seconnd major attack-- this coming 9/11-- it will lead to a fascist lockdown and a nuclear full scale air attack on Iran-- leading to the decimation of Central Asia-- and then eventual destruction of the nation states of China and Russia-- leading to true Globalization-- or Imperial World Dictatorship. All I'm doing is notifying people interestd in cryonics-- that this is going on. These attacks on Classcial Humanist thought and my blog should NOT be occurring!!! Something is seriously wrong with the mindsets of presumably educated people in this country.

Do not allow them to silence me-- what I'm saying is valuable-- and in my view-- will lead to civilization being saved and therefore cryonics and cryonauts being saved. Right now, larouche is pointing out that the financial system of the world is crashing-- that the level of debt is not repayable-- and that real peoples' lives and bank accounts have to be firewalled. The financial monetary system that was spun out of the speculation started by destroying Bretton Woods in 71 is coming to an end-- and the threat of war-- is how the oligarchs think they're going to deal with it-- privatized armies-- privatized prisons-- privatized roads-- etc.-- this is now a non-partisan issue-- this is an issue of the original republic of the USA vs. the Empire-- the British Empire still exists in effect-- and it's occuping controlling positions in Washington--

Cryonicists are mostly dupes-- and can't understand how why I'm saying this is related to the future survival of cryonics. Cryonics was born in an age when the USA was still okay-- for the most part-- although Truman began to destroy it after FDR died.... I could go on-- but Cryonics is ABOUT surviving into the far future-- and we won't have far future if we're not open to considering Classical Humanism all over-- most articulately expressed through LLR... My attackers are in my view anti-intellectual-- they refuse to discuss the merits of my points-- and want to simply shut me up.

No cryonicist has ever come to my defense and I don't expect any will. It's sad. Cryonics doesn't BELONG to the secular humanists, Luciferians and dupes of the Globalists. Cryonics is a grand over arching concept as well as a practical hopeful way to deal with death-- My overview is Classical Humanism-- and I see a future for cryonics and vastly extended lifespans within that philosophical frame of reference.

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