
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Monday, August 13, 2007

Why are Alcor conference speakers not blogging?

Alcor conference speakers are the very people who ought to be blogging. Blogs are a powerful new way to communicate and the conference speakers are presumably communicators. Let's take Steve Bridge as an example. Steve wrote a series of posts awhile ago entitled Wrong Path. Some of those were posted in Cold Filter, some in CryoNet-- he developed the theme quite nicely and then disappeared. Now we see he's back with likely the same idea embedded in a 30 year perspective retroactive view of cryonics-- Well, if it's that important, then he ought to be blogging. It may very well be that he's a member of a generation of cryonicists who just can't get there-- to the notion of a blog-- and it's critical imporatance.

The entire value of a physical conference comes into question when you compare what's going on in terms of internet communications-- even with the basic tools that kids use these days-- like the Google video for instance. Steve could potential film himself doing his talk and upload it to that-- and connect a disucssion forum as well as a blog. The possibilities are endless... yet we see no move being made in this direction. What's going on?

This morning in my alpha brain wave state just before waking, it occurred to me that Alcor must prove that they're involved in the "educational function" that supports their 501c3 status. That, I think, must be the answer. A variety of internet based papers and videos, discussions and blogs on a topic are not recognizied as "educational" if they're informal and on the net. They need to be precisely understood in terms of tax code. A conference is understandable by tax code agents who look for 501c3 evidence. I believe that this is the explanation for the varience we see in my expectation vs. what is actually going on.

So the speakers at the conference are called in to "support Alcor's 501c3 status".... rather than what the ostensible reason is-- which could more effectively and interestingly be carried out using various net tools but which would be hard to define for tax purposes that support that tax status of Alcor. Certainly blogs by cryonicists who should be blogging are not going to support the definition of educational functions by the tax code-- since "blogs" are notoriously useless as well as useful-- and this explains why someone like Steve does NOT make an attempt to blog-- neither do any of the other speakers. If it's not finaniciallly or legally neccessary and futhermore if it's potentially legally problematic, then why do it?

Alcor billing screw-up-- continues. (1)
Alcor blog-- Chapman points to Newsweek article (1)
Alcor conference-- Harris's topic not tight enough (1)
Alcor Conference-- Oct. conf. features Bridge-- (1)
Alcor conference-- speakers vs. blogging (1)
Alcor- homepage (1)
Alcor- Why have a conference Nov 2007? (1)
Alcor-- billing bungling (1)
Alcor-- board meeting June 30 (1)
Alcor-- end of life optin-- not life extension (1)
Alcor-- last online case report 2004 (1)
Alcor-- Paid speaker program mistake. (1)
Alcor-- Pancake disappears into black box (1)
Alcor-- prepare for conference in Oct. (1)
Alcor-- readiness personnel in question (1)
Alcor-- rescue team personnel (1)
Alcor-- threat of cancelled membership or non-rescue (1)

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