
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ultra low frequency weapon used to collapse bridge.

[+] I'll be checking this story out. Someone asked me what the motive would be. I'm not sure, but it DOES look like that the ULF intentional collapse theory BEST EXPLAINS the 4 second no-resistance drop-- at the speed of gravity-- which should not occur in a "normal" collapse function. Just like 9/11 where you saw the WTC buildings collapse-- at the speed of freefall-- this is INCONSISTENT with physics. Cryonics advocates should have been all over this case-- esp. since a cryonicist died in that collapse. Cryonicists are USELESS in terms of contextual development of worldviews that are consistent with the very future of cryonics itself. Boneheads-- like FD-- thought I was going to confine myself to "cryonics" in The Frozen Files-- and give up on context. Jokers like him/her-- who usurp attentional direction of ostensibly free-direction forums like Cold Filter-- are agents of a particular type... We can probably psycho analyze everyone in cryonics and place them on a chart-- Enlightenment supporters vs. Renaissance supporters. So far there are 999 Enlightenmentists and one Renaissancist (me). Gotta start somewhere. If there are any physicists in the cryonics community-- or the classical humanist community-- look at ULF EM weapons.

Lightning is the most dramatic form of energy to be found in nature. Scientists have succeeded in creating limited types of artificial lightning. And some think that these could be the forerunners of a new type of directed-energy weapon, part of a family of weapons that operate within the radio frequency segment of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are thus referred to as radio frequency weapons."

To the dangers of ULF weapons being used against civilians we can read the warnings of Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, the former Chief Medical Officer for Lapland (northern Finland), who warned in 1999:

"When the use of electromagnetic fields, extra-low (ELF) and ultra-low (ULF) frequencies and microwaves aimed deliberately at certain individuals, groups, and even the general population to cause diseases, disorientation, chaos and physical and emotional pain breaks into the awareness of the general population, a public outcry is inevitable."

To the exact reason of why the United States would be targeting Minneapolis with such a massive ULF ‘blast’ we can find in the exact neighborhoods that surround the Interstate 35W Bridge, and which are home to one of the largest Muslim populations in the United States, including over 30,000 Somalis who are outraged by the US sponsored invasion of their home Nation by Ethiopian forces.

Larouche goes into some depth on particle beams-- in recent issues of EIR.


Worldview-- bridge collapse in minn-- infrastructure (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse inside job 8/1 (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse-- ULF EM weapon (1)
Worldview-- bridge collapse-- update 08-04-07 (1)

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