
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Suspended animation-- "real" sa going on involves organ preservation solution

Here's an article on another kind of organ preservation solution. [+. ( Googled [perfusion + "organ preservation solution" [+])

A couple of thoughts on this...

You'll notice that they define "suspended animation". This is not of minor significance in cryonics. Anyone who tells you that-- or dismisses you for making a big deal out of it is either nieve or being evasive. It means, basically, that SAI will almost have to change its name. It cannot continue to exist as SAI. The broader medical community will be more incensed than ever-- and cryonicists will marginalize themselves with respect to the medical science community even more than it already it is-- if this continues. I'll suggest that Saul change the name of whatever he things he's doing there-- which is really definied better by Maxim-- as "Cryonics Inc.". That's the central point of the operation-- ostensibly anyway.

Next point. Notice how important organ preservation solutions have become in the organ transplant business. This has not been written about in cryonics as it should have been. It means a couple of things. It means that the people who are considered to be leading voices in cryonics are not doing their jobs... one of which is informing the cryonics community at large about what the essense of the situation is in cryonics right now. It also means that the whole point of portable perfusion gets drawn to the front line-- the leading edge of cryonics-- thus the overt unprofessional desperate use of the ATP by SA on C81 despite untrained personnel. The attempt to perfuse C81 at the mortuarary had to involve an organ preservation solution... and as FD pointed out in CF earlier, Saul and Bill might be regardeing such cases as "practise runs" for themselves. Maxim doesn't thing that that's true but I think FD's point should be studied.

The central importance of learning how to do a washout and perfusion with an up to date organ preservation solution with a portable perfusion kit-- might actually be the single most important feature of cryonics right now-- at this very second. So all the goobledygock on CF and CryoNet-- by regular cyronics posters is of secondary or evern lesser importance compared to that. The misuse of the CCR-Harris-devised (as-I-understand-it) ATP (which Alcor has already mastered)-- by SAI which is funded astonishingly hugely by Kent, an Alcor board member, still remains in my mind-- a central reference point for August 2007-- with further declensions on that initial idea that take us further and deeper into understanding that FIRST perfusion.

The pressures and the alarms-- the college degree needed-- all these things become much more important than the really what-I-consider-to-be-idiotic topcis by a lot of cryos who must not really be able to mentally grasp "signitifant" features of reality too well. I would recommend the reader of this post to consider the critical nature of organ preservation solutions in critical care medicine in the world at large right now-- and as Maxim has pushed us to work toward-- to see what we can do about doing a faster organ preservation perfusion after death is pronounced.

If and when I see signs of intelligent life in the cryonics community, I'll post that here. Until then, I can only think of us as a ship of fools steered by fools in CF, Alcor blog, cryonics mag, AU and other places. The big shots in cryonics who SHOULD be blogging about our prioirites do NOT-- and that's going to have to change. The first place that they can blog on timely topics in CryoNet-- my recommendation despite Brown-- becuase there is a history there and there is an author cross-index that I now see has highly useful-- that makes that effectively that person's blog.

That's just the way I see it. You can comment here without logging in. There is no Pop-to-the-top feature so you can't steal attention the way you can in CF-- which is good thing. I control the TV set here and the channel changer. Blogging is about directing attention. I'm still analyzing how I do that-- but every time I post-- I'm always thinking about the reader-- and either letting them know where I'm steering my attention or directing them to something that requires attention in my opinion-- either in a macroscopic sense or in some detail on a particular issue.


Index placement

Steve Harris-- Implies I'm mentally ill. (1)
stocks-- xerox set to double over next 3 years (1)
Suspended animation-- "real" sa going on involves organ preservation solution (1)
suspension of disbelief (1)

[+] Suspended animation in a medical context

[+] BioTime Inc-- Cryonaut Paul Segall's company-- still going I think--that invented an organ preservation solution years ago called Hextend. Do Alcor, CI or even ACS use Hextend in cryonics? HAs CCR or 21 CM?

[+] Organ preservation solution-- google results

[+] Google organ preservation solution on Google picture search, and you find that Alcor and suspendedinc come up first!

[+] Gratuitous nonsense for lateral thinking.

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Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index