
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

IRAN ATTACK-- Cryonics will be affected too if it happens.

Previously, NewGuy and FD wanted me to commit to WHEN Iran would be attacked by Cheney and his faction on the world stage. This is a false request since the INTENTION is there-- and Congress is out for the summer-- Cheney is "home alone" with his cell phone and nuclear button. He's an underling of his wife who is connected with the City of London financial oligarchs-- who want to suppress Iran's nuclear power industry.

Nuclear power is neccessary for any sovereign nation state's progress. The issue of nuclear weapons can be dealt with in ways other than bombing countries unilaterally. THAT policy stems from Bertrand Russel-- the most evil man of the 20th C. Mark Plus, a cryonicists who believes in the hoax of Peak Oil keeps pointing out the limited energy of the future and says that the EROEI (net energy, energy returned on energy invested) is negative for nuclear but this is not true-- what IS true is that nuclear FISSION-- and NEW nuclear fission plants-- are the "foot in the door" to the human future we want-- which involves FUSION and plasma and eventually anti-matter power.

Cryonics advocates are ostensibly future-nauts-- meaning they want to physically be IN the future and not die so soon, if at all. The concept of "classical immortality" (live on through good works) is of no interest to them-- but it SHOULD be-- because it PAVES the way for "physical immortality". In light of that, Cheney must be stopped from usurping more power as the most powerful vp in history-- and cryonicists should support moves to have him fired or impeached. It's in the interests of cryonics as an industyr to NOT have SW Asia nuclear bombed-- like Cheney plans. There is NO clear and present danger involving "islamo-fascists"-- none at all. 9/11 itself was an inside job-- ask yourself how building 7 fell. It was a controlled demollitions!!! Cryonicists are mostly narrow minded idiots who don't connect to the larger world-- and if cryonics fails, THAT will be the reason why.

Threaded discussion here-->[+]

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