
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Harris hints that son was "medical surrogate"

[+] Podcast of this post.

I've been wondering how a will would have affected C81's contract with CI. It just occurred to me that Harris hinted that the son was C81's legal "medical surrogate". He wrote

"Did not want *at the price they had previously been offered for*-- that is all we can say. Simply saying "Did not want," has connotations which go far beyond what we know. Whether or not he would have wanted them at the discount price, and given the particular circumstances which obtained at his clinical death (where he was going to need a fairly high-tech perfusion to get vitrification solution into the damaged half of his brain), is another matter. This, we do not know. Such decisions are what medical surrogates are for. Even the SA team did not know whether or not this was going to be possible, but could only operate on probabilities. As it turned out, such parameters as could be measured came out very well (we can thank CI for doing the measurements and confirming the results-- you don't have to take the word of only one organization for this) (see Harris-- C81 in index)

I'm not familiar with "law", and certainly not the laws surrounding the death-care industry. Did C81 place his son as his medical surrogate? It's quite believable since the son accompanied the father on the trip to see SA. Why would C81 trust his son, however, who is not signed up? Is this where C81 blundered? It's possible. The family were the decision makers on WHEN the ventilator should be stopped and SA had to scramble on the double to cover the situation-- since everything revolved around the ventilator cut off for the convenience of the family-- not SA-- and not CI in this case. This is clearly WRONG-- in terms of how an ideal case should go. We have plenty of apologists for "less than ideal" situations in cryonics-- but when we SEE a less than idea circumstnace we should all BEAR DOWN on it-- and solve it for next time. One day, WE ourselves are going to be subjected to circumstances and don't we all want ideal circumstances? We can't get there from here if we don't BEAR DOWN on this element here and now.

If I surmise correctly from harris, why would C81 have made his SON-- a non-cryo-- his surrogate? Why would he have placed his "living will"-- if it exists-- in the hands of non-cryo family members? Why are the cryonics firms NOT contantly prodding their members to make THEM your medical surrogate? IS the cryonics 'industry' such as it is, REALLY about cryonics?? Because if it IS about cryonics-- they we should be seeing what I'm saying. Or has cryonics become something OTHER than cryonics per se-- with cryonics a cover for something else? It occurs to me that the latter is VERY DFEINITELY a POSSIBILITY-- and that the REAL cryonicists are being bamboozled. We may be part of a cult and not know it-- but it's not a cryonics cult-- it's a money cult--- that has HIJACKED cryonics and is using cryonics as a cover.

Maxim's analysis of SA is a perfect example of how things "don't make sense" from the point of view of cryonics... and now we have this case-- ON TOP of Maxim's analysis in the summer of 2007-- putting SA even more into the spotlight. And by the way-- how nice that SA's conference JUST occurred-- and that this case occurred shortly after-- a case in which we see that the customer had to be transferred at the last minute. I'd like to know how many CI people or others actually SIGNED UP for cryonics through SA-- as result of the sales pitch conference in May....

Maybe nobody.

And did the SA 'guided tour" include the second floor with all the broken equipment that Maxim refers to? Was THAT part of the general introduction of SA to the cryonics community? Maxim asks if there isn't a bigger picture here-- something a bit deeper and darker-- and I think that that's a valid question... but nobody is asking it because Kent/Falloon money is so overwhelmingly apparnetly influencing people that there is relative silence. Even the ostensibly "open:" CF forum, modelled on my original Cryonics Cafe-- is "steered" by the ever present FD-- who I believe is a a pro-SA agent-- spin control artist--

The point here is-- Medical Surrogacy-- this is an important element of REAL CRYONICS. Here's the alpha listing for this quarter of The Frozen Files--

SA Inc-- C81 case-- handover not right (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- ATP used or not? (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- CI's report on handover (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- FD asks did C81 want local (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- handover of C81-- board approval? (1)
SA inc-- C81-- Handover-- CI bylaws thin (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- handover-- no objection by members (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- Handover-- Would a will have stopped it? (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- Harris defends CI handover to SA. (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- Harris's overview summary (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- How would CI have handled it? (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- illegit (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- medical surrogate-- was the son a... (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- pull the plug decision may be wrong (1)
SA Inc-- C81-- takin care of business (1)

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Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index