
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Harris explains how CI would have done C81.

10 hours of ice conduction cooling with no premeds. [+]

He also says "The truth is this guy got a hell of a bargain, cryonics-wise, due to his good luck in having his stroke at a time when SA was willing to run a case with CI, at a discount, in order to prove something."

I'll look into CI's protocol. Harris might be onto something there-- but I didn't realize CI's protocol and actual capability was THAT poor. Maybe CI is still using rosewater-- the debate over rosewater took place just before 9/11.

I've been wondering why CI handed C81 over to SA-- maybe it's because CI really doesn't have any ability to get the job done all-- and is in far worse shape than I surmised. I mean-- 10 hours of conduction cooling? No premeds? Mabye CI isn't even a cryonics firm. Anyone can do conduction cooling with no premeds. I kind of suspected CI was a fake cryonics company a long time ago-- that Ettinger didn't have what it took-- and now-- the FIRST real viable cryonics case for CI comes along in a LONG TIME-- and Ben cries for help.

Ettinger himself inflated the apparent membership number of CI for years until Numberman pointed to the problem-- and Ben straightened it all out somewhat. Now we know there are about 200 real members-- not 700 or thereabouts. I still don't understand how the extra 500 can pull money together at the last minute-- as is claimed by CI.

[+] Here's a post on cooling a body with liquid helium by SBHarris

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