
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Friends don't let friends deanimate without COPP

COPP- cool organ preservation perfusion-- immiately after death and blood washout
CPP-- CryoProtectant perfusion-- at the lab

Notice how Andy Zawacki does NOT indicate that he argued with his "friend" C81-- about signing up for SA's ATP (air transportable perfusion) which would have allowed COPP. He writes

CI's 81st patient and I were freinds and we had many converstaions where we discussed cryonics, the people involved in cryonics and even what he thought of the SA conference. It has been implied or suggested that he could not aford the high cost of SA's services and that is why he did not sign up. I know for a fact that if he wanted to sign up for SA's services that he could have easily afforded it. Two weeks before he suffered his stroke, he told me, among other things, that he would not sign up with SA because he did not think it was worth it. [+]

What kind of friend is that? Doesn't Zawacki consider the SA ATP COPP "neccessary" as an add on service to CI's out-dated protocol? Isn't Zawakic himself sigend up or want to be signed up with SA? C81's son obvioustly thought it was "worth it", so did Ben Best and Saul and possiby Andy. But C81 himself didn't think it was worth it-- yet COULD EASILY HAVE AFFORDED IT? So-- if he could afford it, then why did the price have to be negotiated down? If C81's net worth was above average then who was left in the will-- the son? And if so, the son might have been able to pay for things afterwards-- Since no standby was really needed, that's moot-- but the son must have been bothered by his father's decision-- otherwise he wouldn't have over-ridden it at Ben Best's suggestion.

The precise sequence of action here should be reviewed with the end in mind of zeroing in on the value of SA to CI-- not just in this case-- but all CI members-- since ATP-COPP is central to current cryonics standard protocol. Without it, cryonics is substandard. It's curious to me that Andy doesn't tell us the story of how he tried to talk C81 INTO it.

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