
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, August 10, 2007

And CI is credible, FD?

[+] Here's FD's latest Cold Filter post. Several points come to my mind.

1. FD uses a "new thread" and explains to users to how create a new thread given Hinek locked the previous. The model upon which CF was based, Cryonics Cafe, had to frequently lock threads and the creator of that forum was constantly berated for it-- even though it was for the same reason. FD joined in that attack and continues to support the blocking of the IP of the Cryonics Cafe "creator" of this mode of cryonics dicussion.

2. FD points to SA and Alcor as not having credibility-- and ignores CI-- yet CI is the org on the hotseat in my view over the latest preservation-- for TURNING THE CASE OVER TO SA. He ALSO controls the spin on the SA attack-- proving that he's a GATEKEEPER for CF and SA-- He points to 4 vs. 5 people on the case at SA, pretending to be a critic-- but this is not the central problem with SA-- the problems are far more fundamental--

3. FD points to Alcor's funding of TW-- but NOT the fact that SA itself accidently peformed a neuro on TW-- a significant historical reference point that has to be included in all references to this case. Basically, CF has become a psyop within cryonics-- and cryonics is NOT united-- as AlcorUnited suggests. FD has hijacked CF and pretends it's open but the only open area for cryonics discussion is now Google blogsearch under keyword cryonics.... and there are not critics of cryonics other than me appearing there.


Tiffany said...

1. FD uses a "new thread" and explains to users to how create a new thread given Hinek locked the previous. The model upon which CF was based, Cryonics Cafe, had to frequently lock threads and the creator of that forum was constantly berated for it-- even though it was for the same reason. FD joined in that attack and continues to support the blocking of the IP of the Cryonics Cafe "creator" of this mode of cryonics dicussion.

That is SO wrong.

THey will pay, some day. Oh, some day...they will pay.

Say, I really like the movie Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. What do YOU think of it?

Rick Potvin said...

[+] Precursor to Deer Hunter apparently. I don't recall it-- but I'll watch anything with Clint in it. Trouble is I don't watch movies anymore. I'm unlikely to go rent it. I might though.

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