
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Alcor's readiness personnel questioned by FD in CF.


Entire thread [+]

"Finance Dept" or FD is not signed up with Alcor-- but is an insightful Alcor critic-- mostly attacking the lack of viable financial information coming out of Alcor-- and latetly Alcor's response capability in light of the SA fiasco. FD is the most frequent Cold Filter poster and is the de facto Cold Filter reference person. He/she is prone to erroneous contextualization, however, and has numerous other flaws that a reader must be aware of. FD does not run a blog nor does FD run his/her own discussion board preferring to have hijacked CF-- having participated in my ban from that forum.

Forums are neccessarily "ghettos" in the sense that there are particular people who participate in them-- and particular people who dominate them. The fight for dominance in terms of where attention will be directed and what the topics are that are going to be dealt with involves collusion between the moderator and particular guests. In this case, the collusion involves Hinek and FD-- neither of whom are signed up cryonicists.

There's a lot of psychology involved-- for example, FD recnently made a big fucking deal out of my having called him/her a bastard over a certain incident-- then he/she drew attention to THAT-- rather than the point at hand-- so you see-- here we have an example of how FD basically hijacks the attention of the reader-- steering it-- and then-- DENYING that the attention is being steered.

FD participates in almost every thread in CF-- more than anyone else. And FD has pretty good working knowledge of all the parties in cryonics. I don't mind that CF is being used in the way it is-- it was an experiment to begin with-- and this is how it has turned out. What bothers me is that CF is being presented as a general free form conference-- and mechanically it is (except for me since I'm banned because I was successfully redirecting attention to things other than what FD wanted to direct attention to)-- and it's not, by virtue of the psychological manipulation of attention steering going on.

The original idea was to get away from CryoNet-- a limited mechanical system that doesn't lend itself well to lines of thought. To some extent, threaded n54 forums have allowed us to do that but the problem is now in the dominance of particular posters in forums. Alcor magazine recently featured an ad for AlcorUnited forum run by Conaway who has also banned me-- an Alcor member-- so it's not united at all. And THAT forum, is a de facto attention direction control forum run by wowk and sjv-- but without that acknowledgement, officially.

The blog is the most honest way to present ideas these days-- and the best place to check for blogs about cryonics is Google blogserach under keyword cryonics.

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