
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alcor conference-- blogs-- speakers should have blogs

My feeling is that anyone who has the type of profile that allows them to stand in front of the cryonics community and the world at large as a speaker at the Alcor conference would certainly benefit-- and in my opinion it would be incumbent upon them-- to have a blog these days. If that's not happening, then I'm not sure what the actual underlying reasons for the conference are.

I'm thinking that this is not an "academic" conference as we think of "conferring"-- but rather more of a sales conference-- as if the national sales team for Fuller Brush salesmen were getting together. We should all try to characterize what a "conference" "is"-- in a wider sense-- because I don't trust the motives behind the current Alcor "conference".

The internet has changed the purpose of conferences-- or at least it should have by now-- and blogs have changed-- or should have changed-- the situation in some fundamental way. The website-- Meetups-- has set an example for this. The Alcor conference can be viewed as a giant meetup in a sense... and meetups can be regarded as mini-conferences-- and ought to have agendas and papers delivered. In any case, the blog is the fundamental unit of interaction around which any physical meetup should now revolve. This holds true in politics too I think. Or anything.

Alcor blog-- Chapman points to Newsweek article (1)
Alcor conference-- blogs-- speakers should have blogs (1)
Alcor conference-- Harris's topic not tight enough (1)
Alcor Conference-- Oct. conf. features Bridge-- (1)
Alcor conference-- promo not academic (1)
Alcor conference-- speakers vs. blogging (1)

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