
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

There are 2 worldviews-- higher order principles exist -- and don't exist.

Either you choose to see the universe as having higher order principles-- universal principles-- or not. I think it's truly a matter of choice.

Someone posted a note to one of my blog entries the other day indicated that if someone at Alcor didn't like me, they could preserve half my brain, and splice in the brain of a dog on the other side. That was presumably funny. I guess that got me thinking about HGWells and Island of Dr. Moreau. Wells was, according to Larouche, the most evil man of the 20th C. It was actually Wells who came up with the idea of scaring the entire world into submission with nuclear bombs. In his day, there were no nuclear bombs-- of course-- 1919-- when he wrote this stuff-- but the theory of energy and matter had been derived and Wells knew the implications. On the biology side of things, Wells likely imagined himself as Moreau. The dog/human brain preservation trick would, of course, be "evil". Why? Higher order principles of human dignity.

It all comes down to non-religious view of good and evil. There is an inherent ability to detect evil-- it doesnt' take much to realize that making me half-dog isn't nice. WOOF! But how do we KNOW it isn't nice? Or even evil? There ARE standard ways to develop a world view that says that scaring the world with nuclear bombs and making people into half-animal is bad. Two historical trains of thought on this are fairly easy to follow these days-- the activities and people involve with the City of London and the acitivites and people involves withe Lyndon Larouche. Cryonicists are ignorant of the idea that it comes doesn to London vs. Lyndon. But it does. I've tracked both trains of thought out-- and it's reliable. There ARE other angles to view the situation from-- but his is a good one.

The City of London operations deny that higher order universal principles exist and need to be accomodated. Lyndon Larouche people like me do NOT deny that. The physics and the science of higher order principles however are undeniable. London says that THEY will dicate reality. That's why thug Cheney is being hired to set up the Iran attack and kill millions iwth nukes-- messing up SW Asia pretty good-- kind of following Wells' original conception which is still alive actually. Lyndon says GOD or Ultimate Reality or TRUTH dictates reality.... and the Higher Truth-- which could very well be imbued with personal consciousness as in GOD-- but in any case-- the Higher Truth would entail adherence to principles-- detailed most recently in human history by the de Cusa and the sovereignty of nation-states-- based on the higer cognition of man over animal-- a cognition that sets man apart from animals in the universe.

Back to the dog. I would say making me half dog would violate the principle that I'm NOT an animal. No human is. To make a human into an animal or half animal-- is not only repubnant on some instinctual level-- but simply denies the existence of humanity as inviolable like that-- reocgnition of that in the USA constitution-- the longest lasting constition in history now... which should eventually accomodate cryonics-- and so cryonics HAS to fall on Lyndon's side. I think the constitution should also prevent me from being half dog.

I've emailed Lyndon and he is NOT opposed to cryonics-- per se. He has other priorities, but he is not IN PRINCIPLE opposed to cryonics or radically increased healthy lifespan. In fact, he made positive mention of the latter in a recent 2007 article. So-- it comes to the idea that cryonicsits are on London's side. Libertarianism and Globalism are tools of London and opposed by Lyndon. So Cryos have chosen-- and I've been left out in the cold before I'm even cryopreserved-- on that point. WOOF!

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