
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Steering your attention is probably the most significant feature of thinking.

I'm generating some ideas on this as my next major theme for Summer 2007. More here soon. The reticulum is involved I believe. Reticular formation-- it's called. It appears to me that fouridated water destroys the reticulum formation in the brain. You can see witness the effects of this by watching a big screen TV and any popular TV channel. The attention shifting is bizarres and signals a breakdown in the cognitive capabilities of entire population-- planet-wide too-- not just the USA. I've seen Chinese popular tV-- and a similar thing is occurring. I recommend turning off all TV's-- including cable and everything. There are a few good programs but in this case we have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Too bad. TV is a failure in history. The internet may still fail but it should be looked at as the next best hope for communications and education. Blogs like this are the initializers of an entire new civilization that will emerge-- HAS to -- BETTER-- emerge over the next 50 years. Fifty years is an optimal outlook time period for reasons I'll get into later.

Why I'll read Cold Filter far fewer times than in the past

Cold Filter readers' attention is directed randomly by whoever chooses to post. Sometimes it's valuable, other times it's not. In any case, the reader's attention is steered by whim. I don't look forward to having my attention steered in this manner. Therefore, I'll be looking at CF much less frequently in the future. As well, FD has basically taken over as the "moderator" of thought there. Sometimes, his/her arguments and insights are interesting and persuasive, other times not so much. In any case, when you read CF, your mind is sure to be steered by FD. I'm not so interested in having that happen, so I'll read CF less. In fact, I've started avoiding checking it today. I'll likely resist for several days until the urge disappears. Then I'll frame my own picture of what's going on in cryonics and proceed from there.

Internet isolation chamber is useful

There is too much information to deal with on the net. There is more to life and any situation, however, than information. The blog-- such as this one-- a true blog-- is written with the conciousness of the writer as foremost. The questions one asks oneself can be explored one at a time and judgements can be made about certain situations with very little "information"-- much less than people think.

Case in point. Harris vs. Maxim over lung lavage last week. It turned out that Harris deluged readers with a lot of detailed technical information-- which was very likley mostly valid-- except where Maxim didn't think so. The problem in that exchange was that there was no once-- certianly not Hinek or FD-- who could interpret and round off the ideas expressed so that the average reader could see it all in a context that took the bigger picture into account. The situation at SA involved use of a lung lavage system that CCR and Harris laid the ground work for. The essential feature of the situation-- was SA applying CCR's invention well?-- and what about oxygen?-- those essential features got lost.

The only way I can "recall" the important features of what I thought was the debate is to shut the information flow off-- to allow my subconcious mind to process and "throw up" the remainders of the memory of that battle-- to see what I have. I'm not even sure what I have. But that's what I mean when I say that this blog-- an isolation chamber-- is useful. I can write through things as I think them through-- and then ask the salient questions on my mind. Other cryonics bloggers should do the same thing. Experts would visit each blog and answer the questions. This is distinctly different from the cacaphony of a forum. Forums should be avoided sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope these stalkers don't have bad intentions!

Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index