
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Friday, July 20, 2007

Melody Maxim ought to explore the possibilty of an Alcor substation in Florida apart from KFC

Kentucy Fried Chicken is mmm-mmm good. Colonol Sanders and the boys make it finger lickin good. The deplorable conditions at Kent-Faloon-Cryonics however is anything but finger licking good-- The KFC of the cryonics world is more like cooked goose right now.

Maxim's latest post to CF indicates keep her options open.[+] I would suggest Alcor open a substation in Florida NOT connected in ANY way to KFC in Florida. In fact, I'd be sure to have security order any visits by KFI (Kent-Faloon Incorporated) off the premises. I no longer trust the agenda of KFC despite the rest of their activites. The SA travesty is enough to bring the entire situation into question. Kent's original tour in 1966 was motivated by consolodating cryonics-- sounds to me like he wants a monopoly on cryonics. The crash of SA marks the end of the KFC monopoly effort. The attempted grab of Alcor members turned down by SVS should be a memorable milestone in this long crazy history.

Alcor's position should be that Maxim is a potentially valuable asset and I would steer toward making her happy. A cryonics lab that made Maxim happy would be quite a lab. The lab should locate near her current location. A cryonics residence for retiring and invalid cryonics people should be located there. Somone like Maxim deserves full support by Alcor membership and wealthy "heavyweights" like Laughlin, Miller, Pizer and the money-boys whoever they are-- anyone OTHER than KFC. Kent's attempt to monopolize everything in cryonics-- to OWN cryonics-- needs to be stopped.

Maxim is making a mistake by trying to make further suggestions for reform at SA. You can't fix it. You can replace it. My suggestion to Maxim-- is to quit SA 100%-- walk away-- and work with Alcor's lab... as a consultant in some capacity. Let SA go. The amount of crap we've seen exposed at SA should warn all cryonicists to dump that whole concept-- to be wary of KFC (kent faloon cryonics) and to reorient toward Alcor. A PERFECT opp is coming up for that with Alcor's next conference.

The absense of blogs by big wheels in cryonics is an indication that everyone is trying to "go along to get along with kent". I don't like that. Cryonics is bigger than KFC. It's time we started behaving as if that's true.

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