
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Maxim's latest blog post-- SA big picture.

Is the situation at SA simply a symptom of a much larger disease?

Quotes-- from Maxim's post...

Why does LEF, a non-profit organization, continue to fund these “for-profit” organizations that lose a tremendous amount of money, year-after-year? Why do Faloon and Kent, apparently successful businessmen, not see the problems with nepotism and grossly exaggerated salaries at these organizations? Who is Charles Platt that he is so indispensable to Kent?

If you examine Platt’s past, you’ll find he has a history of alienating most people he works with. Why Kent had Platt negotiating the Alcor contract when there is no respect between those two parties is beyond me. Would anyone reading this pay a man who calls Alcor “Jonesickle” to negotiate a contract with that company? It just doesn't make sense.

I’m beginning to think there is a bigger picture of corruption here. I just can’t figure out the purpose. Do Kent and Faloon really think their money pit at SA, supported by the research at CCR, is going to provide them, personally, with good cryopreservations? I have an extremely hard time believing this. It’s not making money, it’s not making progress, so what is it all for?

More from Maxim-- [+]

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