
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mark's Atheism religion needs to be explained again-- and again.

[+] Atheism is a form of religion itself but Mark Plus doesn't appear to think so. Theism-- a theology-- is essentially a philosophical effort to integrate what we know and what we don't know about the ultimate reality of the universe. A lot of bad theologies are not credible-- it's very difficult to suspend disbelief in them. For example the RC theology that deals with transubstantiation is very hard to swallow-- bread and water changing to body and blood would make the Apostles cannibals of course. So that theology is a bad one.

The absence of good theology however isn't the end of theology as anti-theologists (a-theists) like Mark push. In fact, to propose that there IS no theology that approximates reality is, in and of itself, a theology. Anti-theology IS a theology-- but that anti-theologists won't admit it.

IF what Mark means to convey with the word "atheist" is "no God"-- then we have to use the word "anti-deist".... and that could mean simply that you're the devil-- opposed to God. But joking aside-- an Adeist would be one who believes that there is no super-congnitive entity in the universe-- with whatever defnition of power you want to assign to "it"-- But can we assert that? I don't think we can? There's always at least a possibility that a super-entity exists-- if not an ultimate super entity-- THE God-- at least higher entities-- like an Alien God-- and there could actually be a super entity that is a Good Alien God.

The philosophical logic pertaining to this requires that we prove the existence of such a God-- and that in the absence of such proof, that the Adeist, properly called- position is therefore valid. However Adeism asserts that there can be no such super alient God or Ultimate God-- period. This isn't reasonable-- despite that Adeists claim to be fully reasonable. The universe is imbued with Universal Principles that exist and are invisible-- and at the VERY LEAST-- it is vERY possible that some entity preceeded us UP the scale of evolution and has ascended to master the innate processing powers and data storage-- and power projection principles such that it is a God relative to us-- and that that power hides itself from us- at least in obvious ways. God won't knock on the door like a Fuller Brush salesman or George Burns. I alwyas wonders "why not?" about that-- as a kid.

Anyway, mark points to the new Atheist logo-- a red A-- perfectly remenisicent, to me, of Satan-- the Red Devil. [+] Mark points out that the previous logo had an element of the Star of David in it and asks the pertinant question.. "WTF?". Well-- I suppose since HE is the atheist, he ought try to answer that. I have my suspiciouns but I'd only be acccused of "conspiracy theory". Before Mark gets too excited about the scarlet letter, he should point us to his introductory article on atheism and how it differs from adeism-- and list it alphabetically in his blog-- with the alphabet that God gave us. [+]

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